Angelic Quote
In The Face Of Fear, What Is Made Most Clear
Is I Make The Choice To Hear Spirit’s Voice.
In hockey, there is a method used to begin and restart play after a goal has been scored and this is called a face-off, where each center of the opposing teams stand around a circle on the ice, aiming to hit the puck first as it is dropped by the referee, so their team has the potential advantage to set up for a winning goal.
I was given this analogy by the Angels so I could center my thoughts and understand the importance of setting them up in a potentially organized manner in order to have my own face-off with fear. I could envision myself standing across from myself around a circle, making the choice - was it going to be an offensive (meeting it head on) or a defensive (taking a longer time) action I was going to take to reach my ultimate goal of facing my fear?
I have had many, many fearful thoughts in my life which range anywhere from a mild 1 or 2 out of 10 to an unknown number, leaving me in a complete state of immobility and anxiety. This incident just happened yesterday May 28, 2020 so is fresh in my mind and really gives me an opportunity to choose which play I am going to make to have my own face-off with fear. The prelude to this was when I moved 5.5 months ago I knew there was the possibility/probability of seeing bear and cougar here, and said then to my family who viewed the place with me initially, that I hoped I had never chosen to have this experience, as I did not know what I would do, especially if I was alone on the property. I live in a very rural, peaceful, wild and natural setting on 8 acres in the country and my new living environment meets every single need my soul requires in the realm of natural beauty, peace and serenity.
At 9:50 a.m., I was looking out my living room window and saw a black image sauntering down our driveway which is a long steep hill, and immediately knew I was having an encounter with a black bear. My heart started pounding and I ran to my phone to call my landlady in a full blown panic letting her know a bear was in our yard, saying I didn’t know what to do and asked her to please call me back. She lives in a separate house from me and I am in an apartment over her garage and office space. There is only the front door to come in and out of, so no back door to exit from, leaving me with no escape plan. As a person who lives with anxiety, I always need to have a contingency plan in place for when things might change without warning and my heightened fear was that the bear was going to break my door down and come inside and injure or kill me.
I kept looking at the bear, as initially it was about 30 yards away from me, but now it was about 20 yards away, getting closer and closer. I knew there was a mother black bear and cubs in the area from my community group on Facebook and also a very large male black bear in our area, but felt this was the mother bear. I looked for her cubs but didn’t see them anywhere. I then texted my landlady as my second way to reach her and she phoned me back right away. She calmly walked me through what was happening and asked me where the bear was now. My landlady was outside by her house and could just see the back end of the bear as it had turned around and sauntered back up to our bear-proof garbage bin. She answered my panicked questions, as I truly had never encountered a bear this close before. She assured me the bear was not going to break down my front door and she had not heard of this happening in our area before. Another person who lives on our property came over to speak to me about an hour later and reassured me about the bear and suggested I get an air horn, which I have ordered. The thing is, through this whole bear encounter, I kept thinking of how beautiful this bear was and I just wanted to keep looking at it and I truly didn’t care that it was on the property. I kept thinking I could never harm this beautiful bear, so have to figure out a way to live harmoniously with it here in this environment. It was absolutely magnificent when it stood on its hind legs to pull some branches down to check for blackberries on them.
I had had wild animal encounters when I had been on a 12-day white water rafting trip in Alaska and the Yukon in 1992, but then we had guides who had bear spray and rifles they could use to shoot warning shots, which they never needed to do. I saw 3 black bear, 2 grizzly , moose and elk on that trip, but felt protected being in a group of 24 with qualified outdoors guides and the bears were never closer than 500 to 1,000 yards, even though we saw signs on the trails and tree trunks and bark that they were closer than that. I definitely was in fear sleeping alone in my tent at night, but my fear then was nothing like this experience now.
What I have learned about fear that can help me in future fearful situations of any magnitude, which this one I would say was a 9 out of 10 is:
F – Feel the fear and let every emotion and physical symptom that I experience come and go, during and after the fearful situation, whether it is an hour, a day or longer. This is a process and will take as long as I choose for it to take, for me to move through it.
A – Acknowledge that this situation is really happening now and I may not be responding in a manner I know I should be, instead I am in total reactionary mode, so do not make myself wrong for however it unfolds.
C – Clarity - I will have more of this as I accept what is truth for me in the situation. After the fearful situation occurs, allow the story I tell myself to be that story and the more I replay the tapes over and over in my head about the situation, more than likely the memory of the heightened reaction of fear I had will change over time.
E – Explanations are not necessary for me to make to myself or anyone else about how I reacted to or responded in the situation unless I choose to express them. It is not for another person to decide for me if my reactions or responses were correct or not. We experience our own journey, no one else’s.
O – Owning the fact that I created this situation as part of my reality on this planet, at this time, leaves no room for error in the accountability column. I have no one or thing to blame for my fearful situation other than myself, no matter how the outer picture may look. I believe that everything that happens in my life from birth to death is my creation and no other person, place or thing is responsible for the creation of my reality, past or present. This is my truth and no one else’s. I, alone walk in my shoes!
F – Freedom – There is nothing like the feeling of my spirit soaring in a light, balanced, harmonious and free manner when I innately know that I have evolved through an experience where I have really learned what the lesson was that became apparent to me either during or after the experience. When I know I have transcended beyond a level of fear I was not aware was achievable, then truly there are no words to express the freedom my soul experiences. In this moment, I know I am very blessed.
F – Faith is the seed that all my thoughts stem from. I know intrinsically that everything is in Divine Order in my life and I believe completely that I am being guided every step of my way by Spirit and the Angels. The quote above was given to me by the Angels when I asked them to give me their message I was to hear from my fearful bear encounter experience and made a choice in that moment to have my face-off with fear.
With Love From The Light, From My Heart To Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Angelic Quote
In The Face Of Fear, What Is Made Most Clear
Is I Make The Choice To Hear Spirit’s Voice.
In hockey, there is a method used to begin and restart play after a goal has been scored and this is called a face-off, where each center of the opposing teams stand around a circle on the ice, aiming to hit the puck first as it is dropped by the referee, so their team has the potential advantage to set up for a winning goal.
I was given this analogy by the Angels so I could center my thoughts and understand the importance of setting them up in a potentially organized manner in order to have my own face-off with fear. I could envision myself standing across from myself around a circle, making the choice - was it going to be an offensive (meeting it head on) or a defensive (taking a longer time) action I was going to take to reach my ultimate goal of facing my fear?
I have had many, many fearful thoughts in my life which range anywhere from a mild 1 or 2 out of 10 to an unknown number, leaving me in a complete state of immobility and anxiety. This incident just happened yesterday May 28, 2020 so is fresh in my mind and really gives me an opportunity to choose which play I am going to make to have my own face-off with fear. The prelude to this was when I moved 5.5 months ago I knew there was the possibility/probability of seeing bear and cougar here, and said then to my family who viewed the place with me initially, that I hoped I had never chosen to have this experience, as I did not know what I would do, especially if I was alone on the property. I live in a very rural, peaceful, wild and natural setting on 8 acres in the country and my new living environment meets every single need my soul requires in the realm of natural beauty, peace and serenity.
At 9:50 a.m., I was looking out my living room window and saw a black image sauntering down our driveway which is a long steep hill, and immediately knew I was having an encounter with a black bear. My heart started pounding and I ran to my phone to call my landlady in a full blown panic letting her know a bear was in our yard, saying I didn’t know what to do and asked her to please call me back. She lives in a separate house from me and I am in an apartment over her garage and office space. There is only the front door to come in and out of, so no back door to exit from, leaving me with no escape plan. As a person who lives with anxiety, I always need to have a contingency plan in place for when things might change without warning and my heightened fear was that the bear was going to break my door down and come inside and injure or kill me.
I kept looking at the bear, as initially it was about 30 yards away from me, but now it was about 20 yards away, getting closer and closer. I knew there was a mother black bear and cubs in the area from my community group on Facebook and also a very large male black bear in our area, but felt this was the mother bear. I looked for her cubs but didn’t see them anywhere. I then texted my landlady as my second way to reach her and she phoned me back right away. She calmly walked me through what was happening and asked me where the bear was now. My landlady was outside by her house and could just see the back end of the bear as it had turned around and sauntered back up to our bear-proof garbage bin. She answered my panicked questions, as I truly had never encountered a bear this close before. She assured me the bear was not going to break down my front door and she had not heard of this happening in our area before. Another person who lives on our property came over to speak to me about an hour later and reassured me about the bear and suggested I get an air horn, which I have ordered. The thing is, through this whole bear encounter, I kept thinking of how beautiful this bear was and I just wanted to keep looking at it and I truly didn’t care that it was on the property. I kept thinking I could never harm this beautiful bear, so have to figure out a way to live harmoniously with it here in this environment. It was absolutely magnificent when it stood on its hind legs to pull some branches down to check for blackberries on them.
I had had wild animal encounters when I had been on a 12-day white water rafting trip in Alaska and the Yukon in 1992, but then we had guides who had bear spray and rifles they could use to shoot warning shots, which they never needed to do. I saw 3 black bear, 2 grizzly , moose and elk on that trip, but felt protected being in a group of 24 with qualified outdoors guides and the bears were never closer than 500 to 1,000 yards, even though we saw signs on the trails and tree trunks and bark that they were closer than that. I definitely was in fear sleeping alone in my tent at night, but my fear then was nothing like this experience now.
What I have learned about fear that can help me in future fearful situations of any magnitude, which this one I would say was a 9 out of 10 is:
F – Feel the fear and let every emotion and physical symptom that I experience come and go, during and after the fearful situation, whether it is an hour, a day or longer. This is a process and will take as long as I choose for it to take, for me to move through it.
A – Acknowledge that this situation is really happening now and I may not be responding in a manner I know I should be, instead I am in total reactionary mode, so do not make myself wrong for however it unfolds.
C – Clarity - I will have more of this as I accept what is truth for me in the situation. After the fearful situation occurs, allow the story I tell myself to be that story and the more I replay the tapes over and over in my head about the situation, more than likely the memory of the heightened reaction of fear I had will change over time.
E – Explanations are not necessary for me to make to myself or anyone else about how I reacted to or responded in the situation unless I choose to express them. It is not for another person to decide for me if my reactions or responses were correct or not. We experience our own journey, no one else’s.
O – Owning the fact that I created this situation as part of my reality on this planet, at this time, leaves no room for error in the accountability column. I have no one or thing to blame for my fearful situation other than myself, no matter how the outer picture may look. I believe that everything that happens in my life from birth to death is my creation and no other person, place or thing is responsible for the creation of my reality, past or present. This is my truth and no one else’s. I, alone walk in my shoes!
F – Freedom – There is nothing like the feeling of my spirit soaring in a light, balanced, harmonious and free manner when I innately know that I have evolved through an experience where I have really learned what the lesson was that became apparent to me either during or after the experience. When I know I have transcended beyond a level of fear I was not aware was achievable, then truly there are no words to express the freedom my soul experiences. In this moment, I know I am very blessed.
F – Faith is the seed that all my thoughts stem from. I know intrinsically that everything is in Divine Order in my life and I believe completely that I am being guided every step of my way by Spirit and the Angels. The quote above was given to me by the Angels when I asked them to give me their message I was to hear from my fearful bear encounter experience and made a choice in that moment to have my face-off with fear.
With Love From The Light, From My Heart To Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
I Am A Lighthouse Keeper. I Am Here, But Not Alone.
Follow Spirit’s Light That Shines. It’s Guiding You Safely Home.
I have been asking the Angels daily, “How can I hold my spiritual light steady and shine this light on others through this COVID-19 storm that we, as a human race, are experiencing together?” The Angels channeled the above quote to me some time ago and it is a reminder for me today that it is my spiritual responsibility as an Angel Healing Practitioner to be a Lighthouse Keeper for anyone who I am called to help, at any time, in any way, to shine the Angels’ Gift of Spiritual Light on them so they are able to find their way to safe shelter through their storm. This is also true for me, as I traverse through my own storm, feeling lost, afraid and alone. I am reminded to remember how I have always been guided safely by the Angels, as my Lighthouse Keeper, back to my spiritual foundation upon which Spirit’s Light shines brightly.
I have one particular incident that I still give thanks to the Angels for, to this day, for being my Lighthouse Keeper, by me being able to bring their message to a total stranger, who I only saw one day, at that time and never saw again. This was during one of my rehab sessions for my excruciating back pain I had been experiencing since September 2014, initially attending spinal decompression sessions for 3 months, then transferring into a rehab clinic program for an additional 4 months in early 2015. I was lying on my table, doing my exercises and immediately felt someone’s energy come in through the main door. I didn’t think too much about it right in that moment so continued with my rehab. Then a lady approached one of the therapists and I looked up at her and met her eyes and knew intuitively she was in some kind of emotional pain. I could feel it penetrate right through her body. I calmed my mind and suddenly felt the Angels nudging me, through conscious thoughts, that they really wanted me to give this lady a message from them. I had never done this before, walked up to a total stranger and said “Hi, I believe in Angels and they have a message for me to give you, is this okay?” She looked at me and said “Oh yes, Please!” I gave her the message, which I don’t remember, as once delivered, it is out of my realm of consciousness and into the other person’s consciousness. I saw tears in her eyes once she had received the message and understood exactly what the Angels were relaying to her and then we hugged each other and wished each other a good day. I remember going back to my exercises and my heart was exploding with love for the Angels, as my soul had fulfilled its purpose in that moment. Their way of showing me that even though this was one of my most painful, challenging and difficult storms I was navigating through, I was still able to be a Lighthouse Keeper and keep my spiritual light burning brightly, guiding another person safely through their storm.
One thing I do believe is that we all have the ability to be a Lighthouse Keeper, should we choose to do this, by shining our Spiritual Lights of Love, Kindness, Compassion, Caring, Consideration and Respect on each other during these current times of riding the waves of turbulence, uncertainty, upheaval, economic personal and business hardship, unprecedented restrictions and solitary confinement for those who have no one else in their lives. It is during this period of changing tides that we, as a human species can be a Lighthouse Keeper collectively from all corners of the world. United together, we can hold our own spiritual light steady and shine it on anyone who may need safe shelter from their storm, on any particular day. Even the strongest person, sometimes riding through an unexpected current, needs to be guided safely to their shelter from another person’s spiritual light. Imagine our world alight from all who choose to become a Lighthouse Keeper and continue to shine their spiritual light in spite of their own storm. We would be riding the waves of Peace, Love, Grace and Ease together!
With Love From The Light, From My Heart To Yours,
Angel Blessings, Brenda Rachel
I Am A Lighthouse Keeper. I Am Here, But Not Alone.
Follow Spirit’s Light That Shines. It’s Guiding You Safely Home.
I have been asking the Angels daily, “How can I hold my spiritual light steady and shine this light on others through this COVID-19 storm that we, as a human race, are experiencing together?” The Angels channeled the above quote to me some time ago and it is a reminder for me today that it is my spiritual responsibility as an Angel Healing Practitioner to be a Lighthouse Keeper for anyone who I am called to help, at any time, in any way, to shine the Angels’ Gift of Spiritual Light on them so they are able to find their way to safe shelter through their storm. This is also true for me, as I traverse through my own storm, feeling lost, afraid and alone. I am reminded to remember how I have always been guided safely by the Angels, as my Lighthouse Keeper, back to my spiritual foundation upon which Spirit’s Light shines brightly.
I have one particular incident that I still give thanks to the Angels for, to this day, for being my Lighthouse Keeper, by me being able to bring their message to a total stranger, who I only saw one day, at that time and never saw again. This was during one of my rehab sessions for my excruciating back pain I had been experiencing since September 2014, initially attending spinal decompression sessions for 3 months, then transferring into a rehab clinic program for an additional 4 months in early 2015. I was lying on my table, doing my exercises and immediately felt someone’s energy come in through the main door. I didn’t think too much about it right in that moment so continued with my rehab. Then a lady approached one of the therapists and I looked up at her and met her eyes and knew intuitively she was in some kind of emotional pain. I could feel it penetrate right through her body. I calmed my mind and suddenly felt the Angels nudging me, through conscious thoughts, that they really wanted me to give this lady a message from them. I had never done this before, walked up to a total stranger and said “Hi, I believe in Angels and they have a message for me to give you, is this okay?” She looked at me and said “Oh yes, Please!” I gave her the message, which I don’t remember, as once delivered, it is out of my realm of consciousness and into the other person’s consciousness. I saw tears in her eyes once she had received the message and understood exactly what the Angels were relaying to her and then we hugged each other and wished each other a good day. I remember going back to my exercises and my heart was exploding with love for the Angels, as my soul had fulfilled its purpose in that moment. Their way of showing me that even though this was one of my most painful, challenging and difficult storms I was navigating through, I was still able to be a Lighthouse Keeper and keep my spiritual light burning brightly, guiding another person safely through their storm.
One thing I do believe is that we all have the ability to be a Lighthouse Keeper, should we choose to do this, by shining our Spiritual Lights of Love, Kindness, Compassion, Caring, Consideration and Respect on each other during these current times of riding the waves of turbulence, uncertainty, upheaval, economic personal and business hardship, unprecedented restrictions and solitary confinement for those who have no one else in their lives. It is during this period of changing tides that we, as a human species can be a Lighthouse Keeper collectively from all corners of the world. United together, we can hold our own spiritual light steady and shine it on anyone who may need safe shelter from their storm, on any particular day. Even the strongest person, sometimes riding through an unexpected current, needs to be guided safely to their shelter from another person’s spiritual light. Imagine our world alight from all who choose to become a Lighthouse Keeper and continue to shine their spiritual light in spite of their own storm. We would be riding the waves of Peace, Love, Grace and Ease together!
With Love From The Light, From My Heart To Yours,
Angel Blessings, Brenda Rachel
Definition of Pandemic found in the Miriam-Webster Dictionary
(?) occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population
Communicating with the Angels, I was guided to share this inspirational message of how our world could become centered in calm and how fear would dissipate if each of us inhabiting this planet was able to turn our thoughts inwardly toward the center of our core being, breathing quietly for a moment and becoming so focused on every breath that we would be able to feel peace in this moment. Knowing it is only this moment that exists at this time for us, called Now, and each moment thereafter and thereafter is an opportunity for us to consciously make a choice to connect with this state of peace, and while experiencing this spiritual connection, (as being at peace is very connected to having a spiritual experience), we ask our Great Creator of this Universe, or whomever we choose to turn to for our spiritual guidance, for global harmony to prevail, so a united earth will be created where all persons can live together peacefully. This is what is referred to as a (H)armoniously (U)nited Humandemic, occurring globally and affecting everyone, having no discrimination of any kind; it is inclusive of all religions, all colour, all nationalities and all sexual identification, it is not dependent on any financial or educational status, and has no exemption whether a leader or a follower, nor does it matter in which hemisphere one resides.
It is possible, by each of us, in our own corner of the world, becoming aware of the things we need for survival, to live in a place of safety and maintain harmony in our respective environments. These basic needs are water, shelter, food, (in the Western World it is becoming more apparent that it is toilet paper, which is creating chaos in stores, hoarding and reselling for a surplus profit), and clothing (in most civilizations).
During our current COVID19 Virus pandemic, in the face of great global upheaval, leading to insurmountable fear, causing mass hysteria, creating drastic restrictions being implemented on almost every business sector and industry in many countries, culminating in incredible financial losses in both personal and business sectors, accelerating hoarding behaviour, and depriving much of the global population from living a normal daily routine, as known to them, I would like to suggest that perhaps it is time for us all to get back to the basics of our spiritual core values. These are love, kindness, compassion, caring, consideration, respect, tolerance and understanding.
As we come to understand one another better in the face of adversity or from unprecedented challenges, our tolerance becomes more generous with whom we bestow it upon, knowing that we are all in a similar situation, just living in different environments. Global calm and peace can prevail if we extend our hand in kindness, creating compassion in each other’s hearts, generating a new-found respect from which we can be more caring and considerate of each other. Most of us reside on this planet within some proximity to another human being, which gives each and every one of us the opportunity to be more loving and kind. If we were able to open our hearts to be more accepting of the differences between us, then just imagine how our bond would flourish if we embraced the similarities amongst ourselves. We truly would be experiencing a (H)armoniously (U)nited Humandemic on Our Planet Earth! Oh, What a Wonderful World This Would Be!
With Love From The Light,
From My Heart To Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Definition of Pandemic found in the Miriam-Webster Dictionary
(?) occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population
Communicating with the Angels, I was guided to share this inspirational message of how our world could become centered in calm and how fear would dissipate if each of us inhabiting this planet was able to turn our thoughts inwardly toward the center of our core being, breathing quietly for a moment and becoming so focused on every breath that we would be able to feel peace in this moment. Knowing it is only this moment that exists at this time for us, called Now, and each moment thereafter and thereafter is an opportunity for us to consciously make a choice to connect with this state of peace, and while experiencing this spiritual connection, (as being at peace is very connected to having a spiritual experience), we ask our Great Creator of this Universe, or whomever we choose to turn to for our spiritual guidance, for global harmony to prevail, so a united earth will be created where all persons can live together peacefully. This is what is referred to as a (H)armoniously (U)nited Humandemic, occurring globally and affecting everyone, having no discrimination of any kind; it is inclusive of all religions, all colour, all nationalities and all sexual identification, it is not dependent on any financial or educational status, and has no exemption whether a leader or a follower, nor does it matter in which hemisphere one resides.
It is possible, by each of us, in our own corner of the world, becoming aware of the things we need for survival, to live in a place of safety and maintain harmony in our respective environments. These basic needs are water, shelter, food, (in the Western World it is becoming more apparent that it is toilet paper, which is creating chaos in stores, hoarding and reselling for a surplus profit), and clothing (in most civilizations).
During our current COVID19 Virus pandemic, in the face of great global upheaval, leading to insurmountable fear, causing mass hysteria, creating drastic restrictions being implemented on almost every business sector and industry in many countries, culminating in incredible financial losses in both personal and business sectors, accelerating hoarding behaviour, and depriving much of the global population from living a normal daily routine, as known to them, I would like to suggest that perhaps it is time for us all to get back to the basics of our spiritual core values. These are love, kindness, compassion, caring, consideration, respect, tolerance and understanding.
As we come to understand one another better in the face of adversity or from unprecedented challenges, our tolerance becomes more generous with whom we bestow it upon, knowing that we are all in a similar situation, just living in different environments. Global calm and peace can prevail if we extend our hand in kindness, creating compassion in each other’s hearts, generating a new-found respect from which we can be more caring and considerate of each other. Most of us reside on this planet within some proximity to another human being, which gives each and every one of us the opportunity to be more loving and kind. If we were able to open our hearts to be more accepting of the differences between us, then just imagine how our bond would flourish if we embraced the similarities amongst ourselves. We truly would be experiencing a (H)armoniously (U)nited Humandemic on Our Planet Earth! Oh, What a Wonderful World This Would Be!
With Love From The Light,
From My Heart To Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Driving through a tunnel can be fun! I know as a child, I always looked forward to our family summer holiday as we would go camping and I loved camping! Our road trip always took us through numerous tunnels to get to our favorite campsite. My siblings and I would be yelling in the back seat of the car, with the windows rolled down, to see if our voices would echo within the tunnel walls. Some tunnels were long, short, curved with no light, straight and well lit, some with no end in sight and some, once entered, were through it immediately. The one thing I knew for sure was that I was always happy to be out of any tunnel, as I felt very claustrophobic, cut off from everything I could see and I disliked being in the darkness intently. I knew, intuitively, I never wanted to get stuck in a tunnel!
Drawing insight from my childhood tunnel experiences, I quickly realized how much of my adult life has been spent living in “tunnel vision” which, for me, has been caused by confining myself to limiting thoughts, producing limited results, due to my inner voice echoing that there was only one way to move forward through my journey on my road of life and it was the one I was currently on. I was not able to expand my field of outer vision because my spiritual light had been dimmed or become inaccessible without guidance and direction from Spirit.
Through my many disabilities, both physically and emotionally, and numerous near-death situations, the first one at age 4, and a conscious suicide attempt in May, 1996 where, through Divine Angelic Intervention I didn’t die, I have been through numerous tunnels of darkness and experienced many moments of fear. I have always had a deep spiritual connection, so inwardly knew that Spirit was guiding me but, at times, the earthly challenges had become too much for me and my body became broken and my exterior light extinguished.
Now, in my dark times, when I become claustrophobic through my anxiety paralyzing me with fear and I am not able to see anything clearly nor able to put one logical thought in front of the other, I immediately ask Spirit to show me the way. I know, at this moment, my tunnel vision is impairing me from proceeding with the Light, that my inner vision needs correction and Spirit will guide me through this process.
What I have gleaned from being blessed with being guided by Spirit’s Light and given sight to have found a way out of my tunnel vision, is that I am eternally grateful to Spirit every day knowing that I am given the insight necessary for me to proceed on my journey, so that no matter what road of life I am travelling on, however long or short it is, whether it is a continuous straight line or has some increasingly difficult curves to maneuver, all I have to do is connect with the Light that Spirit is shining for me, guiding me safely to my destination. I now trust that my tunnel vision is no longer an impediment and that my inner vision has complete clarity. I am, at this moment in time, able to enjoy a peaceful journey as I travel on my road of life.
With Love From The Light,
From My Heart To Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Driving through a tunnel can be fun! I know as a child, I always looked forward to our family summer holiday as we would go camping and I loved camping! Our road trip always took us through numerous tunnels to get to our favorite campsite. My siblings and I would be yelling in the back seat of the car, with the windows rolled down, to see if our voices would echo within the tunnel walls. Some tunnels were long, short, curved with no light, straight and well lit, some with no end in sight and some, once entered, were through it immediately. The one thing I knew for sure was that I was always happy to be out of any tunnel, as I felt very claustrophobic, cut off from everything I could see and I disliked being in the darkness intently. I knew, intuitively, I never wanted to get stuck in a tunnel!
Drawing insight from my childhood tunnel experiences, I quickly realized how much of my adult life has been spent living in “tunnel vision” which, for me, has been caused by confining myself to limiting thoughts, producing limited results, due to my inner voice echoing that there was only one way to move forward through my journey on my road of life and it was the one I was currently on. I was not able to expand my field of outer vision because my spiritual light had been dimmed or become inaccessible without guidance and direction from Spirit.
Through my many disabilities, both physically and emotionally, and numerous near-death situations, the first one at age 4, and a conscious suicide attempt in May, 1996 where, through Divine Angelic Intervention I didn’t die, I have been through numerous tunnels of darkness and experienced many moments of fear. I have always had a deep spiritual connection, so inwardly knew that Spirit was guiding me but, at times, the earthly challenges had become too much for me and my body became broken and my exterior light extinguished.
Now, in my dark times, when I become claustrophobic through my anxiety paralyzing me with fear and I am not able to see anything clearly nor able to put one logical thought in front of the other, I immediately ask Spirit to show me the way. I know, at this moment, my tunnel vision is impairing me from proceeding with the Light, that my inner vision needs correction and Spirit will guide me through this process.
What I have gleaned from being blessed with being guided by Spirit’s Light and given sight to have found a way out of my tunnel vision, is that I am eternally grateful to Spirit every day knowing that I am given the insight necessary for me to proceed on my journey, so that no matter what road of life I am travelling on, however long or short it is, whether it is a continuous straight line or has some increasingly difficult curves to maneuver, all I have to do is connect with the Light that Spirit is shining for me, guiding me safely to my destination. I now trust that my tunnel vision is no longer an impediment and that my inner vision has complete clarity. I am, at this moment in time, able to enjoy a peaceful journey as I travel on my road of life.
With Love From The Light,
From My Heart To Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
How much fun, or maybe more fear than fun, or a combination of both, have you had when riding on a Ferris Wheel? I was talking with my Angels today and asked them to give me an analogy as a starting point to begin writing about self-forgiveness and they showed me a picture of a Ferris Wheel in my mind. As an Angel Healing Practitioner, having experienced 4 disabilities and 6 near-death situations, most between 1994 and 2010, one of them being a conscious suicide attempt in 1996, But through Divine Angelic Intervention, I didn’t die. I am blessed to continually be given insight from the Angels as I chose to become a “Messenger of Hope” for them in 2004 when I was suffering from bi-lateral plantar fasciitis and couldn’t walk for 5 months. The Angels began gifting me with their words and melodies, which turned into 6 songs. I arranged these songs with a professional singer and co-produced an EP “In This Moment”, which is free on my website As I progress in my spiritual evolvement, I understand more and more that life is a progression of positive and negative experiences and everything that happens to me is for the sole purpose of bringing me closer to the Divine Expression of Spirit that I came here to be.
Forgiveness of self, for me, is akin to consciously making a decision to get on the Ferris Wheel, knowing that I am fearful to begin this journey, but not knowing if I will be able to complete the ride or enjoy the journey while on it, that I may become incapacitated while on it, the Ferris Wheel may have a malfunction or setback that temporarily stops the process or have a complete shutdown that leaves me stranded at the top of the Ferris Wheel with nowhere to go.
With Love from the Light,
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
How much fun, or maybe more fear than fun, or a combination of both, have you had when riding on a Ferris Wheel? I was talking with my Angels today and asked them to give me an analogy as a starting point to begin writing about self-forgiveness and they showed me a picture of a Ferris Wheel in my mind. As an Angel Healing Practitioner, having experienced 4 disabilities and 6 near-death situations, most between 1994 and 2010, one of them being a conscious suicide attempt in 1996, But through Divine Angelic Intervention, I didn’t die. I am blessed to continually be given insight from the Angels as I chose to become a “Messenger of Hope” for them in 2004 when I was suffering from bi-lateral plantar fasciitis and couldn’t walk for 5 months. The Angels began gifting me with their words and melodies, which turned into 6 songs. I arranged these songs with a professional singer and co-produced an EP “In This Moment”, which is free on my website As I progress in my spiritual evolvement, I understand more and more that life is a progression of positive and negative experiences and everything that happens to me is for the sole purpose of bringing me closer to the Divine Expression of Spirit that I came here to be.
Forgiveness of self, for me, is akin to consciously making a decision to get on the Ferris Wheel, knowing that I am fearful to begin this journey, but not knowing if I will be able to complete the ride or enjoy the journey while on it, that I may become incapacitated while on it, the Ferris Wheel may have a malfunction or setback that temporarily stops the process or have a complete shutdown that leaves me stranded at the top of the Ferris Wheel with nowhere to go.
- Consciously Making the Decision to Forgive Myself – I believe that in order for the process of self-forgiveness to begin, I must make a conscious decision to start the journey. For me, it usually starts with a negative experience that lingers in my mind. My negative thoughts are a continuous circle going round and round, much like the Ferris Wheel. My energy becomes depleted and I become physically ill, drained and tired with limited focus capacity. I can feel dizzy and off-balanced in my emotional state, and require many hours of rest. I know, from previous experience, the feeling of elation once I have mastered Riding the Ferris Wheel of Self-Forgiveness and know this can be accomplished with grace and ease, when I turn everything over to Spirit.
- Fearful to Begin this Journey – Most of my life I have had a very negative self-image of myself. A lot of my childhood and teen years I was ridiculed by those close to me about my weight and called names. This stuck with me for many years. Today, I’m able to love me for the way I look physically and accept my body shape. However, the areas of self-forgiveness that I want to heal completely are to do with lack of self-worth and deservedness and self-acceptance of who I am today, instead of getting caught up in yesterday. I want to let go of all fear that incapacitates me in believing that this self-forgiveness process will never be healed completely and that these negative thoughts will continuously rotate through my mind. I want to feel the joy in my soul as this process comes to its final healing destination.
- What Happens if an Emotional Malfunction or Temporary Setback Happens? – Just like anything in my life that has happened to date, I believe that everything is in Divine Order and that if my self-forgiveness process has a temporary setback and I have not achieved my desired result, or an emotional malfunction occurs, where I am shown through my reactions to my environment that I have more work to do on my self-forgiveness, I choose to trust the process that Spirit is guiding me at all times, at the control panel and as He is all-seeing and all-knowing, can change any outcome, at any time. When I embark upon the journey to Ride the Ferris Wheel of Self-Forgiveness, I trust that Spirit is guiding me through this healing journey, where my eyes will be opened and I will be able to see all the beauty that resides in and around me. One thing I know for certain, is that if I do not purchase my ticket for Riding the Ferris Wheel of Self-Forgiveness, I will remain right where I am and not give myself the opportunity to open myself up to a new way of perceiving my world.
With Love from the Light,
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
As an Angel Healing Practitioner, and as part of my own healing journey from anxiety, chronic fatigue and depression, I asked the Angels to guide me through the process of writing an inspirational message regarding inner peace to share with you. The Angels gave me the analogy of designing my own website for inner peace and I was impressed with this correlation, as they took me back to memories I have of when I began the creation of my own inspirational and spiritual website in 2015, Humanity With Heart at, of which I had no experience at all. I was a novice at computer technology and didn’t even really understand the implications of what a website was or what capacity was available within that website to reach people. Here are some inspirational creativity tips I use, which you may find useful in designing your own website for inner peace, should you choose to do so.
Now that my Inner Peace website,, is hosted by, I feel content knowing I always have a safe place to go to find my own inner peace. Have fun designing your own Inner Peace website!
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
As an Angel Healing Practitioner, and as part of my own healing journey from anxiety, chronic fatigue and depression, I asked the Angels to guide me through the process of writing an inspirational message regarding inner peace to share with you. The Angels gave me the analogy of designing my own website for inner peace and I was impressed with this correlation, as they took me back to memories I have of when I began the creation of my own inspirational and spiritual website in 2015, Humanity With Heart at, of which I had no experience at all. I was a novice at computer technology and didn’t even really understand the implications of what a website was or what capacity was available within that website to reach people. Here are some inspirational creativity tips I use, which you may find useful in designing your own website for inner peace, should you choose to do so.
- As with creating any website, a web host must be chosen. This is where our website will be hosted, designed and accessible to us at any time. For my Inner Peace website, I use the web host, This is where I initiate daily, (sometimes by the minute or hourly), communications with Spirit to receive inspiration for ways in which I can create inner peace throughout my day and/or night. My anxiety is triggered and I become very disconnected from my own inner peace when my safety feels threatened. This can be initiated from any emotional, physical, mental or spiritual imbalance. I am blessed to know when I am in need of help and support to rebalance my inner peace, I now have my Inner Peace website to immediately go to.
- I have chosen as my website domain name for inner peace, Every time I visit my Inner Peace website, I am reminded this is an inspirationally creative space designed by me, for me, through me and is all around me in every moment. I have full accessibility, 24/7, to inner peace and the line to Spirit is always open and ready to receive my call, whether it be to help fix a current issue or to support and guide me through a particular situation that is uncomfortable or unfamiliar to me.
- As I open the main page of my website,, I see it is blank and I realize I am able to design whatever I want on it. It is a clean slate and anything can be added or deleted at any time. I can use graphic images, text boxes, highlighted messages and/or videos of photos and quotes the Angels channel to me constantly for my own inspirational and spiritual work I do for them as their “Messenger of Hope”.
- I select certain SEO’s, Spiritually Enlightening Options, which are words or phrases I choose to use as my key to transport me from a place of negative thinking into a positive place of inner peace, where my world can instantly be brought into enlightened transformation. Some of the phrases I use are I Am Safe in this Moment, I Am Held in the Angels’ Arms, God is My Source, Divine Intervention is Here Now, I Am Present, I Am Loved by Spirit, Only Good Prevails in this Matter, Everything is for My Highest and Best, I Am Protected at All Times and Thank You, God!
Now that my Inner Peace website,, is hosted by, I feel content knowing I always have a safe place to go to find my own inner peace. Have fun designing your own Inner Peace website!
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
It was March of 2016 and I had just had my performance review with the Director of Human Resources at my law firm where I had been employed for the last 15 years. I was stumbling down the hall in shock, as this was the second time in 3 years I had been given an annual performance review with no raise to accompany it. Raises to me were never about the money, as they were usually very small increments, but it was the appreciation I was looking for – it made me feel respected and validated for doing a good job which, from my perspective, I was doing. To not get a raise was pretty much unheard of in our office, as it was known to be a very good firm to be employed with and the employees were always treated very well. This had been true for me until I had a new HR Manager join the firm about 6 years into my tenure there, who later became the Director of HR. She became my direct supervisor and things changed rapidly for me when this occurred. Our personalities clashed from purely an energy level and we had a contentious relationship, civil outwardly but at cross purposes inwardly, and for the last 9 years of my working career with the firm I had many power struggles with her to deal with.
In my 2016 performance review, she had four major points of criticism for me and they were (a) I asked too many questions, (b) I wasn’t requested enough by the other girls to cover their desks, (c) she couldn’t put me at every girl’s desk due to my lack of knowledge in their field, and (d) I wasn’t resourceful enough. Now, bear in mind, I had been doing this same position as a resource team member since 2007 under her rule and this was now 2016, so to have these criticisms arise and still be under her command on her team 9 years later, seemed ludicrous to me. I kept going over and over in my mind our discussion and how she told me I was someone she could always count on to do anything that she asked of me, that my work was accurate and she could not fault it, that I was always punctual, a team player and got along with everyone, that I was well-liked by my colleagues and that she could ask me to change gears if I needed to, at any time during my day, and was adept at adapting. During my review, before the shock set in, I remember thanking her for being the messenger of this information. I knew intrinsically it was for me to hear at this time, that the writing really was on the wall and it was time for me to leave my job, but I had no idea how I was going to do this, how I would manage financially, as I owned my own home and was a sole provider, where would I live and what would I do for a job. This was a very scary proposition for me to entertain as I had been at this firm for 15 years. I also knew intuitively that this was not where I should be for my career and I said that I had always wanted to help people – that really was my mission in life and I knew working in a law office did not really meet those needs. Today, I thank this lady for being the conduit for me to say “Enough is Enough.” I was definitely at a crossroad in my life. I absolutely needed to make changes to start living a life that felt right for me and was in spiritual alignment with who I came here to be!
On a Friday late in July, 2016, after mowing my lawn and having a beautiful dinner in my home with my girlfriend, who was also my dog walker, I started to get very ill, right after she had left to go home. I was having heart palpitations, my heart was pounding out of my chest, I was sweating profusely, felt very dizzy, like I was going to fall over and I had to go lie down immediately. I thought I had sunstroke and got overheated, as it had been very, very hot while I had been mowing the lawn and I had had sunstroke when I was much younger, so I recognized the signs. These symptoms went on for many weeks and I ended up leaving work on disability on July 26, 2016. After many doctor’s appointments, blood tests, ultrasounds, ECG, x-rays, and numerous other doctor’s appointments, it was determined I was experiencing severe anxiety due to stress, I also had chronic fatigue and depression, and my house of cards came crashing down. My fall off the wall had started and I was not prepared for another disability to happen to me again. I had begun to reconstruct my life by putting myself back together, brick by brick since 2014 and now I was dealing with an emotional disability. My 4 previous disabilities had primarily been physical, 3 of them while working at my current law firm which began in 2004, (the first disability was at another law firm in 1996-1997), and they had taken their physical and emotional toll on me. I had been working very diligently since my 2014-2015 back disability to rebuild myself by centering myself completely in my inspirational and spiritual angelic work, working on my angelic material during my off hours away from the office.
The angels had saved me from my fall off the wall by bringing me to my divine passion by becoming a Messenger of Hope for them, delivering their messages of love, hope, peace, joy, kindness, compassion and encouragement, which I share through their words compiled in my published book “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections” on Amazon - and their songs on my inspirational and spiritual website Humanity With Heart at My book, interviews, music, photo/quotes and articles are all free on my website. I also started a YouTube Music Channel “Humanity With Heart” in 2018 which hosts inspirational and spiritual photos/quotes with music at
By surrendering and releasing everything to the angels in the summer of 2016, I sold my place myself, without a realtor, got the sale price I wanted and had the most wonderful people as purchasers. We saw each other many times during the purchase/sale process and I left many things for them as gifts, including my lawn mower and outdoor patio furniture, etc. on my departure. My mobile sold after only being on the market for 3 months, when real estate was not moving very quickly in our mobile home park at that time. I knew this was divine, angelic intervention. I moved to Vancouver Island and live a very peaceful life now. I am able to see the mountains, beautiful trees and a slip of the ocean from my small apartment and am thrilled to be so blessed. I downsized from a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom mobile home to a 600 square foot 1 bedroom apartment with no laundry in my apartment, which I didn’t ever want to experience again in my life, but I am now used to doing laundry in a communal laundry room again. It’s all a matter of positive attitude and I have some of my greatest chats in there!
Although my stamina is not anything like it used to be, going 16 hours a day pretty much non-stop, I now have to pace myself with doing what I can, when I can, and what I want to do, when I want to do it. Life has taught me that when a “fall off the wall” occurs, it is for a reason. It is a good thing to “enjoy the journey” instead of always anticipating or preparing for the next step, hours or sometimes days before it happens, or, in some cases, never happens at all! I have learned to relax into the moment of “just being” and it’s okay to not know what’s supposed to happen, because whatever is happening is exactly what is supposed to be happening in that moment and that everything is being orchestrated in divine order. I surrender and release my anxieties and frustrations much quicker now, because I know that for me to expend my energy in a negative form will only impede whatever needs to be dealt with in an efficient manner by taking more time, than if I had just stayed relaxed about it in the first place. I am a person who likes order in my home and in my personal life and when something breaks, or I misplace or lose something, or I don’t know how to deal with something, I can be sent into a tailspin very easily. This causes my emotional energy to become depleted and my physical energy follows suit immediately. The two energies, for me, are absolutely correlated. I call these my “crashes” where I become almost immobilized until I regroup and rebalance my thinking by knowing that as soon as I ask the angels for help, they will direct me. This usually happens within a very short period of time and I am back in the saddle again! I have recently been made aware of how my divine purpose has a much more global intention and that I am here to share my light with others to bring peace, love and joy to this whole planet. Though my fall off the wall was unexpected and unsettling at the time, there has been a spiritual light shone on me so that I may be the one to continue to spread it wherever I go and with whomever I am connected with. This is my divine purpose and mission and I am blessed to have been chosen by the angels to be their Messenger of Hope.
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
It was March of 2016 and I had just had my performance review with the Director of Human Resources at my law firm where I had been employed for the last 15 years. I was stumbling down the hall in shock, as this was the second time in 3 years I had been given an annual performance review with no raise to accompany it. Raises to me were never about the money, as they were usually very small increments, but it was the appreciation I was looking for – it made me feel respected and validated for doing a good job which, from my perspective, I was doing. To not get a raise was pretty much unheard of in our office, as it was known to be a very good firm to be employed with and the employees were always treated very well. This had been true for me until I had a new HR Manager join the firm about 6 years into my tenure there, who later became the Director of HR. She became my direct supervisor and things changed rapidly for me when this occurred. Our personalities clashed from purely an energy level and we had a contentious relationship, civil outwardly but at cross purposes inwardly, and for the last 9 years of my working career with the firm I had many power struggles with her to deal with.
In my 2016 performance review, she had four major points of criticism for me and they were (a) I asked too many questions, (b) I wasn’t requested enough by the other girls to cover their desks, (c) she couldn’t put me at every girl’s desk due to my lack of knowledge in their field, and (d) I wasn’t resourceful enough. Now, bear in mind, I had been doing this same position as a resource team member since 2007 under her rule and this was now 2016, so to have these criticisms arise and still be under her command on her team 9 years later, seemed ludicrous to me. I kept going over and over in my mind our discussion and how she told me I was someone she could always count on to do anything that she asked of me, that my work was accurate and she could not fault it, that I was always punctual, a team player and got along with everyone, that I was well-liked by my colleagues and that she could ask me to change gears if I needed to, at any time during my day, and was adept at adapting. During my review, before the shock set in, I remember thanking her for being the messenger of this information. I knew intrinsically it was for me to hear at this time, that the writing really was on the wall and it was time for me to leave my job, but I had no idea how I was going to do this, how I would manage financially, as I owned my own home and was a sole provider, where would I live and what would I do for a job. This was a very scary proposition for me to entertain as I had been at this firm for 15 years. I also knew intuitively that this was not where I should be for my career and I said that I had always wanted to help people – that really was my mission in life and I knew working in a law office did not really meet those needs. Today, I thank this lady for being the conduit for me to say “Enough is Enough.” I was definitely at a crossroad in my life. I absolutely needed to make changes to start living a life that felt right for me and was in spiritual alignment with who I came here to be!
On a Friday late in July, 2016, after mowing my lawn and having a beautiful dinner in my home with my girlfriend, who was also my dog walker, I started to get very ill, right after she had left to go home. I was having heart palpitations, my heart was pounding out of my chest, I was sweating profusely, felt very dizzy, like I was going to fall over and I had to go lie down immediately. I thought I had sunstroke and got overheated, as it had been very, very hot while I had been mowing the lawn and I had had sunstroke when I was much younger, so I recognized the signs. These symptoms went on for many weeks and I ended up leaving work on disability on July 26, 2016. After many doctor’s appointments, blood tests, ultrasounds, ECG, x-rays, and numerous other doctor’s appointments, it was determined I was experiencing severe anxiety due to stress, I also had chronic fatigue and depression, and my house of cards came crashing down. My fall off the wall had started and I was not prepared for another disability to happen to me again. I had begun to reconstruct my life by putting myself back together, brick by brick since 2014 and now I was dealing with an emotional disability. My 4 previous disabilities had primarily been physical, 3 of them while working at my current law firm which began in 2004, (the first disability was at another law firm in 1996-1997), and they had taken their physical and emotional toll on me. I had been working very diligently since my 2014-2015 back disability to rebuild myself by centering myself completely in my inspirational and spiritual angelic work, working on my angelic material during my off hours away from the office.
The angels had saved me from my fall off the wall by bringing me to my divine passion by becoming a Messenger of Hope for them, delivering their messages of love, hope, peace, joy, kindness, compassion and encouragement, which I share through their words compiled in my published book “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections” on Amazon - and their songs on my inspirational and spiritual website Humanity With Heart at My book, interviews, music, photo/quotes and articles are all free on my website. I also started a YouTube Music Channel “Humanity With Heart” in 2018 which hosts inspirational and spiritual photos/quotes with music at
By surrendering and releasing everything to the angels in the summer of 2016, I sold my place myself, without a realtor, got the sale price I wanted and had the most wonderful people as purchasers. We saw each other many times during the purchase/sale process and I left many things for them as gifts, including my lawn mower and outdoor patio furniture, etc. on my departure. My mobile sold after only being on the market for 3 months, when real estate was not moving very quickly in our mobile home park at that time. I knew this was divine, angelic intervention. I moved to Vancouver Island and live a very peaceful life now. I am able to see the mountains, beautiful trees and a slip of the ocean from my small apartment and am thrilled to be so blessed. I downsized from a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom mobile home to a 600 square foot 1 bedroom apartment with no laundry in my apartment, which I didn’t ever want to experience again in my life, but I am now used to doing laundry in a communal laundry room again. It’s all a matter of positive attitude and I have some of my greatest chats in there!
Although my stamina is not anything like it used to be, going 16 hours a day pretty much non-stop, I now have to pace myself with doing what I can, when I can, and what I want to do, when I want to do it. Life has taught me that when a “fall off the wall” occurs, it is for a reason. It is a good thing to “enjoy the journey” instead of always anticipating or preparing for the next step, hours or sometimes days before it happens, or, in some cases, never happens at all! I have learned to relax into the moment of “just being” and it’s okay to not know what’s supposed to happen, because whatever is happening is exactly what is supposed to be happening in that moment and that everything is being orchestrated in divine order. I surrender and release my anxieties and frustrations much quicker now, because I know that for me to expend my energy in a negative form will only impede whatever needs to be dealt with in an efficient manner by taking more time, than if I had just stayed relaxed about it in the first place. I am a person who likes order in my home and in my personal life and when something breaks, or I misplace or lose something, or I don’t know how to deal with something, I can be sent into a tailspin very easily. This causes my emotional energy to become depleted and my physical energy follows suit immediately. The two energies, for me, are absolutely correlated. I call these my “crashes” where I become almost immobilized until I regroup and rebalance my thinking by knowing that as soon as I ask the angels for help, they will direct me. This usually happens within a very short period of time and I am back in the saddle again! I have recently been made aware of how my divine purpose has a much more global intention and that I am here to share my light with others to bring peace, love and joy to this whole planet. Though my fall off the wall was unexpected and unsettling at the time, there has been a spiritual light shone on me so that I may be the one to continue to spread it wherever I go and with whomever I am connected with. This is my divine purpose and mission and I am blessed to have been chosen by the angels to be their Messenger of Hope.
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
(We Are All Spiritual Beings, Living a Human Existence, Learning to Be Spiritual)
I came to Earth as a Peacemaker, bringing Joy and Happiness to my human family and other people I met along the way. I also came here for the Contrast of Life, to experience the duality of the emotional and physical components that make up life (i.e. love/fear, peace/conflict, faith/doubt, happiness/sadness, togetherness/separateness, health/sickness, abundance/lack, etc.). I have had an unwavering spiritual philosophy from early childhood which provided me with a deep faith-based foundation upon which all my values have been formed. Throughout my life, I have had many “spiritual testing” situations (my mother tried to commit suicide 5 times when I was a child, so I took on the responsibilities from age 10-15 of caring for my 3 younger siblings, 4 disabilities, 5 near death situations, a 12-year alcoholic, abusive relationship, including 4 years of marriage, divorce, bankruptcy, and my 22 year old niece committing suicide in 2005), all of which have caused me to deviate from a joyous and peaceful existence. The only things that got me through these very difficult times were my Faith and my love for my animals, who have all since passed on.
I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia in the fall of 1994, at the age of 41 (Pain Resource Article, October 16, 2012 - Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes widespread muscle and joint pain and can be categorized as either a musculoskeletal disease or psychological disorder. The cause of the disease is still unknown, and many researchers have postulated many causes, ranging from genetics to environmental factors. Stunning new evidence suggests that fibromyalgia may be associated with central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction.) I remember reading the specialist’s report that said I would probably end up in a wheelchair and my world collapsed. There was no cure at that time for Fibromyalgia and there still isn’t one today, as far as I know. In the spring of 1994, I bought my first mobile home near a lake, in the mountains, which was a beautiful natural setting for me to live in. I had been an avid white water rafter and hiker since 1987. I loved the outdoors and would rather have been outside than inside anytime.
When I became severely disabled in the fall of 1995, (I worked full-time until the spring of 1996 when I ended up going on disability from my workplace), I would come home each night and just writhe on the floor in excruciating pain, as no position for my body would be comfortable. The cycle of no sleep and intense body pain was too much to bear and taking its toll on me. I would tell people when they asked me what I was going through to imagine their very worst “flu day”, magnify it by 1,000 times and that would be a good “Fibro day” for me. My salvation was that thankfully, through this 2 year period I was involved with a very spiritual group and we would get together weekly for inspirational meetings, sometimes at my place, which would help get me through to the next week. However, I was about to have my most intense “spiritual test” very soon.
On May 17, 1996, I called a Crisis Centre and talked to them about my suicidal feelings and on their suggestion the next morning I drove to a friend’s place. She took me to her hospital where I told them I was planning to commit suicide, but they did not admit me as I was not a resident of their area. I drove back home the next day. In my heart, I knew I was not going to choose to live out my life lying on the floor every night, writhing in pain, crying my eyes out, believing there was no positive outcome other than likely living out the rest of my life in a wheelchair.
May 20, 1996 was a very important life-changing day for me. This was the day I chose to exit the planet through a suicide attempt. After many weeks of consciously telling myself that as I no longer had any quality of life, and it was my complete belief that I would go “home” to a free, peaceful, happy and whole place, I made plans to end my human life. I dictated my farewell tape to my family, told them that I loved them all very much, that none of them had anything to do with my leaving, that I was consciously making this decision and I was not insane, but knew what I was doing. I had made the decision to go “home” to a better place. I knew that earth was a temporary residence for me, just a stepping stone on my spiritual journey and not the final destination for my soul.
What happened next was totally unexpected and unplanned. I only know these details from what my “rescuers” told me later. I was semi-conscious when I phoned two friends from my spiritual group who lived in the same mobile home park as me and told them what I had done – taken many anti-depressants and drank some red wine. They came over immediately and drove me to the hospital, where my stomach was pumped and I was kept overnight. I was released the next day and one of my “rescuers” drove me home. Later, when we were talking I found out that neither of them were supposed to have been home that night, but their meeting for 8:00 p.m. had been cancelled right before this time. Their being home, I knew, was without a doubt Divine Intervention, and I believe this to be true to this day.
However, I was not elated to be alive nor ready for the next step in my earthly life. I had many, many hours of questioning God why had he kept me alive. The answer one of my “rescuers” told me was because “God had a plan for me”. I didn’t need to know today what the plan was, but there was a plan and it would unfold as and when it was meant to. I had many discussions with God about why I was left in this state of unhealthiness when I couldn’t do much for myself, let alone anyone else. I had the complete support of my spiritual group and never once felt judged by them, but I certainly judged myself for being a complete failure at committing suicide. It took me a very long time to understand and accept the perplexing question I would have about if I was truly a spiritual person, which I always believed myself to be, then why was there so much personal suffering and illness, financial struggle and emotional pain happening in my life? Why was I not an abundantly wealthy, totally unconditionally loved by another human being, completely healthy, happy and joyful person and what on earth was I here for? It seemed to be a complete contrast in belief systems – knowing I came here perfect, complete and whole as a spiritual being, but outwardly showing the world that I was anything but this. The answer my friend, is knowing in the end, that I am a perfect, whole and complete spiritual being who came here to have a human existence, while learning to be spiritual. I am a divine being who is unconditionally loved by The Divine. The more peaceful and accepting I am during these “spiritual tests” where my faith is tested to its unlimited belief, the closer my soul comes to aligning with its spiritual purpose on this earth.
I have had three more disabilities and one more near death situation since 1996, but the difference now is I am aware of the angels’ presence in my life on a daily basis. They have always been with me, but I made their earthly acquaintance in 2004 when I couldn’t walk for several months. I have been guided by the Angels to my Life’s Purpose Work which is being a Messenger of Peace, Love, Joy and Hope through Divine Inspiration to everyone I come into contact with, virtually or personally. I choose now to be a part of a collective consciousness movement I call Humanity With Heart, to bring Unconditional Love and Global Peace to Our World through Caring, Compassion, Consideration, Kindness and Respect and invite each and every one of you to participate on this journey with me, in your own way and in your own time. I now know why I didn’t die!
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel, Humanity With Heart
Lately, I have been taking a personal inventory of events in my life where I have been “Fearless” – this is where I have had, without any doubt, a “No Fear” experience, been able to take a risk and received a reward for doing so. I have also been reviewing past situations where I was paralyzed by Fear and received no reward. I am not yet a completely “Fearless” person, but this is one of my greatest goals I want to achieve – to be “Fearless” and “Just Go For It!”
One of the best opportunities I had for me to be Fearless was a cooking competition I entered. A radio station was putting on a cooking competition and asking listeners to submit their favorite “Winter Vegetable Recipe” to them. A renowned hotel chef would pick the three best recipes for a cook-off at a huge indoor/outdoor market.
I kept feeling a nudge to enter the competition, and told myself “I can do this! I can win the competition!” I began to create a dish in my head that I had never cooked before. I typed out the ingredients on my computer, thinking of which winter vegetables I could use that I liked, would taste good and work well together. I had been cooking for my family of 6, since the age of 10, so I was very good at making “something out of nothing” tasty. I mailed off my recipe to the radio station and never gave it another thought. A couple of weeks later, I received a telephone call from the radio station and they told me I was one of the three successful contestants – my recipe had been chosen. I was told that the top three recipes would be cooked by the successful contestants in front of a live audience at the market and we would be accompanied by a radio personality to pick out our vegetables in the market and cook the dish together. I was elated when I hung up. However, that elation soon turned to incredible distress and anxiety from Fear, as I looked everywhere on my computer for my recipe and could not find it. Somehow it had been deleted and it was the only one I had! My heart started to pound and I lost my ability to comprehend what I was going to do at the competition as I only had a vague idea of what was in my recipe! I was going to withdraw from the competition but then decided to phone the radio station and ask if they would have a copy of my recipe at the cook-off, in case I got nervous and needed to refer to it. They assured me they would have one there! I had no preparation time as I had no recipe to review before the competition!
On the day of the competition, I was told the radio station would be broadcasting in real time throughout the competition and the contestants would be asked about their dishes. I was assigned my radio personality and he was awesome to work with – we clicked right away. The three contestants each had their own cooking stations and he and I both kept laughing throughout the event at how the other two had terribly messy stations and he and I were busy cleaning and doing dishes as we went along, so our area was very clean, which we both liked! We kept saying how we had been teamed with the right person!
During the competition, my cooking partner told me he was going to interview me in a few minutes about my dish – now bear in mind that to this point NO ONE KNEW I HAD NOT MADE THIS DISH BEFORE – NOT EVEN HIM! I felt sick inside and was trying to figure out what I would say if he asked me about my dish! Well he did – one of the questions he asked me was how many times I had made it and if it was liked. I turned to him on the floor, holding the mike, with my voice trembling and my body shaking, as I told him I had never made it before, so could not actually say what it tasted like! I think he was shocked but handled his response very well, saying something like “Well we’ll find out soon enough”. The judging of the competition took place and my heart was in my throat. I felt I should win it based on what I saw from the other dishes, as the presentation for my dish was the best, with other people in the audience giving me this same feedback, but I had no idea how it tasted. The same renowned hotel chef who had chosen the three winning recipes was the main judge, so I was standing on the spot with Fear coursing through my veins, as he obviously knew his food extremely well! As the announcements were made for the placements from third to first, I was trembling so badly! When I was not third and the announcement for second was made and it wasn’t me, I became conscious that I HAD WON THE COOKING COMPETITION with a dish I had never even made or tasted! I won a Cuisinart and a couple of cases of juice and was on Cloud 9!
I am sharing this experience with you because I was Fearless from start to finish with this process. I knew instinctively and intuitively that I was an excellent cook and knew I had the ability to win the competition, based on my knowledge, experience and intuition. I stayed totally focused with my vision once I knew I had been chosen as a contestant and relied on my inner knowing that I Was Able To Do This and that I Would Do This! I stayed in a place of empowerment and not in Fear when I lost my recipe and decided to phone the radio station. I knew as soon as I met my cooking partner I would work with throughout the competition and how cohesive we were as a team that everything was going to be okay. I was able to turn my Fear into Fearlessness during my radio interview when I was honest and told everyone listening I had not cooked the recipe before and just allowed myself to let things evolve the way they needed to. What I learned from this cooking competition experience is that when I Believe in Me, Trust My Intuition and Allow the Process to Unfold, in taking a risk by letting go of Fear, I am Rewarded with Fearlessness.
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel, Humanity With Heart
Lately, I have been taking a personal inventory of events in my life where I have been “Fearless” – this is where I have had, without any doubt, a “No Fear” experience, been able to take a risk and received a reward for doing so. I have also been reviewing past situations where I was paralyzed by Fear and received no reward. I am not yet a completely “Fearless” person, but this is one of my greatest goals I want to achieve – to be “Fearless” and “Just Go For It!”
One of the best opportunities I had for me to be Fearless was a cooking competition I entered. A radio station was putting on a cooking competition and asking listeners to submit their favorite “Winter Vegetable Recipe” to them. A renowned hotel chef would pick the three best recipes for a cook-off at a huge indoor/outdoor market.
I kept feeling a nudge to enter the competition, and told myself “I can do this! I can win the competition!” I began to create a dish in my head that I had never cooked before. I typed out the ingredients on my computer, thinking of which winter vegetables I could use that I liked, would taste good and work well together. I had been cooking for my family of 6, since the age of 10, so I was very good at making “something out of nothing” tasty. I mailed off my recipe to the radio station and never gave it another thought. A couple of weeks later, I received a telephone call from the radio station and they told me I was one of the three successful contestants – my recipe had been chosen. I was told that the top three recipes would be cooked by the successful contestants in front of a live audience at the market and we would be accompanied by a radio personality to pick out our vegetables in the market and cook the dish together. I was elated when I hung up. However, that elation soon turned to incredible distress and anxiety from Fear, as I looked everywhere on my computer for my recipe and could not find it. Somehow it had been deleted and it was the only one I had! My heart started to pound and I lost my ability to comprehend what I was going to do at the competition as I only had a vague idea of what was in my recipe! I was going to withdraw from the competition but then decided to phone the radio station and ask if they would have a copy of my recipe at the cook-off, in case I got nervous and needed to refer to it. They assured me they would have one there! I had no preparation time as I had no recipe to review before the competition!
On the day of the competition, I was told the radio station would be broadcasting in real time throughout the competition and the contestants would be asked about their dishes. I was assigned my radio personality and he was awesome to work with – we clicked right away. The three contestants each had their own cooking stations and he and I both kept laughing throughout the event at how the other two had terribly messy stations and he and I were busy cleaning and doing dishes as we went along, so our area was very clean, which we both liked! We kept saying how we had been teamed with the right person!
During the competition, my cooking partner told me he was going to interview me in a few minutes about my dish – now bear in mind that to this point NO ONE KNEW I HAD NOT MADE THIS DISH BEFORE – NOT EVEN HIM! I felt sick inside and was trying to figure out what I would say if he asked me about my dish! Well he did – one of the questions he asked me was how many times I had made it and if it was liked. I turned to him on the floor, holding the mike, with my voice trembling and my body shaking, as I told him I had never made it before, so could not actually say what it tasted like! I think he was shocked but handled his response very well, saying something like “Well we’ll find out soon enough”. The judging of the competition took place and my heart was in my throat. I felt I should win it based on what I saw from the other dishes, as the presentation for my dish was the best, with other people in the audience giving me this same feedback, but I had no idea how it tasted. The same renowned hotel chef who had chosen the three winning recipes was the main judge, so I was standing on the spot with Fear coursing through my veins, as he obviously knew his food extremely well! As the announcements were made for the placements from third to first, I was trembling so badly! When I was not third and the announcement for second was made and it wasn’t me, I became conscious that I HAD WON THE COOKING COMPETITION with a dish I had never even made or tasted! I won a Cuisinart and a couple of cases of juice and was on Cloud 9!
I am sharing this experience with you because I was Fearless from start to finish with this process. I knew instinctively and intuitively that I was an excellent cook and knew I had the ability to win the competition, based on my knowledge, experience and intuition. I stayed totally focused with my vision once I knew I had been chosen as a contestant and relied on my inner knowing that I Was Able To Do This and that I Would Do This! I stayed in a place of empowerment and not in Fear when I lost my recipe and decided to phone the radio station. I knew as soon as I met my cooking partner I would work with throughout the competition and how cohesive we were as a team that everything was going to be okay. I was able to turn my Fear into Fearlessness during my radio interview when I was honest and told everyone listening I had not cooked the recipe before and just allowed myself to let things evolve the way they needed to. What I learned from this cooking competition experience is that when I Believe in Me, Trust My Intuition and Allow the Process to Unfold, in taking a risk by letting go of Fear, I am Rewarded with Fearlessness.
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel, Humanity With Heart
Standing by the river’s edge, excitement mounting, wearing my wet suit and life jacket, holding my paddle tightly, I waited anxiously and enthusiastically to embark on my rafting trip down the river. The other paddlers and I stood in a circle where we were prepped with a “safety talk” by the lead guide before we were permitted to get into the raft. I sat in the front row, my favorite place to sit, as the exhilaration while experiencing the initial impact of having the voluminous water foam totally drench me as the raft got completely covered, gave me the greatest feeling in the world! The run on the river was 3.5 hours with about 20 minutes to rest at the half-way point. We started our rafting trip by having a “flip drill” in the calmer Class 2 water where each raft was flipped by its guide, who was the steersperson, and all the paddlers were thrown or jumped out of the raft as it was being flipped. We would then swim in the current back to the raft and re-board, which was not an easy feat swimming against a current tow, wearing a soaked wet suit and life jacket, holding a paddle, trying to get up onto the edge of the raft using the guide rope and then getting into it safely. This had to be done very quickly as the raft did not remain still, but continued to float down the river in the slower current. The flip drill was done so we all had the experience of what it would be like, and what we should know to do, if our raft flipped on the Class 3 or 4 rapids, (Class 6 being unrunable). During the run on the river we would encounter all sizes of rocks, log jams and various types of debris including tree trunks and branches. Sometimes the current was so torrential that we would have to disembark at the side of the river and portage the raft around the portion of the river we were not able to run, finding a safer spot to re-launch. We stopped on the river at a calm eddy and waited for the rest of the rafts coming down river behind us to catch up, making sure we all got to this point safely. Once we had our rest break and everyone regrouped after recounting their journey thus far down the river, we got back in the raft and started paddling again. At the end of our run, tired but elated with having completed a successful trip with many exhilarating and sometimes really frightening and challenging moments, we came to our final destination at the river’s edge and disembarked. The paddlers and guides all pitched in together as a team to carry the rafts, one by one, up huge boulders to return them to the site where they would remain until their next adventure.
I am using this portion of my life’s journey as an analogy between my rafting the rapids on a river to my “Rafting the Rapids on the River of Life”. How often have I stood at the edge of something: a conversation, an idea, a relationship, a job, a career, a dream, a passion, a change, or an unfinished communication, and been so excited and exhilarated to get in my raft and ride the Rapids on the River of Life to see where it would take me? BUT as it goes on the River of Life, I encountered a “flip drill” and was thrown out of my raft, not able to have enough energy, drive or belief that I could make it back to my raft, to re-try, to see where the journey would take me. I had all the correct equipment (knowledge, time, commitment, resources, energy, passion, excitement, drive, enthusiasm, vision, support, faith, trust) to use to paddle my raft, but chose to let go of the paddle. In rafting we are taught never to let go of, or lose, our paddle! In my life, my paddle is my Faith and Trust in God and when I let go of, or lose this completely, I have no direction or guidance as to where to go. I aimlessly float around and around in circles out in the Rapids on the River of Life. When I do grasp my paddle again and continue on my rafting trip, it is important for me to listen to my Steersperson/Guide, who is God for me, and follow his direction, guidance, and instructions in order for me to paddle in the easiest, safest, most exciting and rewarding manner through the current on the River of Life. My life raft is the Angels, in whose arms I am safely carried, who keep me afloat and balanced. If I choose not to bypass obstacles on the River of Life that detract me from my purpose on my soulful journey, I experience turbulence in the churning current, becoming emotionally unsteady and perhaps even flipping by running into negative debris. When I need to rest, I am reminded by the Angels to stop at the river’s edge and look at the blessings and beauty I have been able to experience to this point on my spiritual journey. As I continue paddling the Rapids on the River of Life to my final destination, I choose to lean comfortably and committedly into my place on the raft, using my Faith and Trust to fully engage in paddling with God, as my Guide, following his every command for my safe passage. I know I am being carried by the Angels with ease and grace through every current, weak or strong, fast or slow, challenging or easy, Rafting the Rapids on the River of Life.
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings
Brenda Rachel
Humanity With Heart
Standing by the river’s edge, excitement mounting, wearing my wet suit and life jacket, holding my paddle tightly, I waited anxiously and enthusiastically to embark on my rafting trip down the river. The other paddlers and I stood in a circle where we were prepped with a “safety talk” by the lead guide before we were permitted to get into the raft. I sat in the front row, my favorite place to sit, as the exhilaration while experiencing the initial impact of having the voluminous water foam totally drench me as the raft got completely covered, gave me the greatest feeling in the world! The run on the river was 3.5 hours with about 20 minutes to rest at the half-way point. We started our rafting trip by having a “flip drill” in the calmer Class 2 water where each raft was flipped by its guide, who was the steersperson, and all the paddlers were thrown or jumped out of the raft as it was being flipped. We would then swim in the current back to the raft and re-board, which was not an easy feat swimming against a current tow, wearing a soaked wet suit and life jacket, holding a paddle, trying to get up onto the edge of the raft using the guide rope and then getting into it safely. This had to be done very quickly as the raft did not remain still, but continued to float down the river in the slower current. The flip drill was done so we all had the experience of what it would be like, and what we should know to do, if our raft flipped on the Class 3 or 4 rapids, (Class 6 being unrunable). During the run on the river we would encounter all sizes of rocks, log jams and various types of debris including tree trunks and branches. Sometimes the current was so torrential that we would have to disembark at the side of the river and portage the raft around the portion of the river we were not able to run, finding a safer spot to re-launch. We stopped on the river at a calm eddy and waited for the rest of the rafts coming down river behind us to catch up, making sure we all got to this point safely. Once we had our rest break and everyone regrouped after recounting their journey thus far down the river, we got back in the raft and started paddling again. At the end of our run, tired but elated with having completed a successful trip with many exhilarating and sometimes really frightening and challenging moments, we came to our final destination at the river’s edge and disembarked. The paddlers and guides all pitched in together as a team to carry the rafts, one by one, up huge boulders to return them to the site where they would remain until their next adventure.
I am using this portion of my life’s journey as an analogy between my rafting the rapids on a river to my “Rafting the Rapids on the River of Life”. How often have I stood at the edge of something: a conversation, an idea, a relationship, a job, a career, a dream, a passion, a change, or an unfinished communication, and been so excited and exhilarated to get in my raft and ride the Rapids on the River of Life to see where it would take me? BUT as it goes on the River of Life, I encountered a “flip drill” and was thrown out of my raft, not able to have enough energy, drive or belief that I could make it back to my raft, to re-try, to see where the journey would take me. I had all the correct equipment (knowledge, time, commitment, resources, energy, passion, excitement, drive, enthusiasm, vision, support, faith, trust) to use to paddle my raft, but chose to let go of the paddle. In rafting we are taught never to let go of, or lose, our paddle! In my life, my paddle is my Faith and Trust in God and when I let go of, or lose this completely, I have no direction or guidance as to where to go. I aimlessly float around and around in circles out in the Rapids on the River of Life. When I do grasp my paddle again and continue on my rafting trip, it is important for me to listen to my Steersperson/Guide, who is God for me, and follow his direction, guidance, and instructions in order for me to paddle in the easiest, safest, most exciting and rewarding manner through the current on the River of Life. My life raft is the Angels, in whose arms I am safely carried, who keep me afloat and balanced. If I choose not to bypass obstacles on the River of Life that detract me from my purpose on my soulful journey, I experience turbulence in the churning current, becoming emotionally unsteady and perhaps even flipping by running into negative debris. When I need to rest, I am reminded by the Angels to stop at the river’s edge and look at the blessings and beauty I have been able to experience to this point on my spiritual journey. As I continue paddling the Rapids on the River of Life to my final destination, I choose to lean comfortably and committedly into my place on the raft, using my Faith and Trust to fully engage in paddling with God, as my Guide, following his every command for my safe passage. I know I am being carried by the Angels with ease and grace through every current, weak or strong, fast or slow, challenging or easy, Rafting the Rapids on the River of Life.
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings
Brenda Rachel
Humanity With Heart

Angelic Quote: “Conversing with One Another, Are We Speaking to be Heard Or, Bringing Value from Our Spoken Word?”
Hostility Breeds Volatility Which Can Manifest Into Disability. This is my story. My first conflict happened at the age of 4, when I was dragged into a house and held at knife-point by a 10-year old boy who asked me a question in a complete rage and, in his opinion, I did not answer it correctly, for fear of being harmed. I screamed at the top of my lungs to my 4-year old girlfriend, who was outside and had seen what happened, to “get my Mom”, who was right next door in our house where we lived, and she came running over and rescued me. Thank You, Mom! From that point forward I made an unconscious decision to be quiet and never engage in conflict.
Many of us have heard the phrases regarding conflict “Take No Prisoners” or “Avoid Conflict At All Cost”. I am definitely in the last category and this has led to many of my disabilities, by not dealing with conflict in a healthy manner. I do believe there is another phrase that could be used about conflict and that is “Conflict – None, Peace – Won”. This does not mean there is no conflict to deal with, but by coming from a spiritual place, using accountable and respectful language, listening attentively, and staying “on track” with the actual subject matter, conflict can be resolved in a peaceful manner. Being a spiritual person, I have always thought I was being the “bigger person” by remaining quiet during an argument, not expressing any of my feelings, but wanting to explode inside. This has not been a positive approach or produced a constructive resolution to conflict for me.
Conflict may not always relate to the actual subject matter being argued over, but an underlying current of something totally unrelated that may have been churning in our mind or heart for some time. Things may be said that can never be taken back. Miscommunication happens very quickly and without warning, which may leave a demoralizing impact on the individuals involved. Misunderstandings can cause emotional impairment which may be “long lasting” and can be very hard to “bounce back” from. “Letting things roll off our back” and “forgiving and forgetting” may or may not be achieved, but I have found that for my spiritual peace of mind and growth, it is beneficial to accomplish this.
During my life, I have had several conversations with people, some close to me, some not, some in person, some not, which have led to miscommunication, creating misunderstandings. As part of my spiritual healing process, I am choosing to use the following “Spiritual Peace Pipe” principles to have peaceful discussions, deterring any potential conflict, which is resulting in a positive outcome for me. When I do this, I feel spiritually alive and empowered.
L. – LISTEN: Listen to what is being said, allow the mind to be quiet, not having its own conversation going on while the other person is speaking. Stay open and receptive to what is being said. It is imperative that each person, while speaking, is not interrupted. Refrain from judgment. By showing disinterest or being occupied with planning an immediate “attack” retort, the focus of the conversation will be lost. Keep focused on the subject at hand.
A – ASSESS: Assess the conversation with the 4 W’s – Who, What, Where and When.
Who is the person delivering the message? The person delivering the message will be coming from their own frame of reference and experience, and their own translation and interpretation will become part of their delivery. At any point, if feeling unsettled, clarify what is being heard so that a potential misunderstanding that could evolve into a huge “volcano” never erupts. Always use the “I” language, starting each sentence with “I”, (I Feel, I Know, I Believe, I Understand, I Disagree, etc.) so you can “own” your experience and not make someone else wrong for your experience. This is very difficult to do when the divisive line has already been “drawn in the sand” and there is ambiguity about where “You” and “I” start and end.
What is being said? I have found through my recent conversations that what was being said and what I heard were not even in the same “ballpark”. I discovered this through reiterating to the other person what I had heard them say and I was told that was not at all what they said. After a very short dialogue we were both able to see how simple words through translation and interpretation became the fuse for conflict and how our own context around the words led to the miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Where is the conversation taking place? Is this communication happening in the appropriate place and if it is already in the “battle zone” agree, if possible, to have the conversation in another location. If it is known that a conversation is going to be contentious from the start, then have it in “neutral” territory. If the conversation starts out amicable but becomes explosive, then it is imperative to lay down your “weapon of words” and let the combustion of the fire die down. Agree to continue the discussion when both parties can be more amicable and receptive, as nothing gets resolved peacefully in the middle of a “Battle of the Wills”.
When is the conversation occurring? Ask the other person if this is a good time to talk? Are the people involved tired, stressed, unhappy, feeling challenged, wanting to blame someone for the situation, or looking for a verbal fight from the outset? Again, a reminder that if the conversation starts out amicable but veers off in a “negative” tangent, be the first to lay down your “weapon of words” and change the subject. If necessary, withdraw physically from the environment.
D –DIFFUSE: As a Spiritual Person, Be the Bigger Person and Diffuse the Conflict as Soon as Possible. As part of the “growing pains” we experience on our Life Path, it is necessary to take ownership of how and what we say. Tone of voice, body language and facial expressions all contribute to a peaceful or combative outcome of any potential conflicting communication. When understanding, compassion and consideration are bestowed on the other person involved in the conversation, the energy shifts, changing the atmosphere, allowing positive transformation to occur within the dialogue.
Y – YOU: You are the constant in all of your communications. No matter who you speak with, or what the subject matter is, you bring you to the conversation. Trust yourself to know that whatever message you are hearing from whomever, at whatever moment, is exactly what you are meant to be hearing. It is up to you to discard anything that is not of value to you. If negative feelings are stirred up, then this is an opportunity to stand in your own power and Know Your Truth. No one else is you, only you. There will never be another you having your experience. The power is within you to claim Your Own Truth. You are here to experience, learn and grow spiritually. Everyone you meet on your Life Path will give you an opportunity to become a bigger and better person, if you so choose.
As Spiritual Beings we can all “Play Fair in the Sandbox”, to achieve the end result of “Conflict – None, Peace – Won!”
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel, Humanity With Heart
Angelic Quote: “Conversing with One Another, Are We Speaking to be Heard Or, Bringing Value from Our Spoken Word?”
Hostility Breeds Volatility Which Can Manifest Into Disability. This is my story. My first conflict happened at the age of 4, when I was dragged into a house and held at knife-point by a 10-year old boy who asked me a question in a complete rage and, in his opinion, I did not answer it correctly, for fear of being harmed. I screamed at the top of my lungs to my 4-year old girlfriend, who was outside and had seen what happened, to “get my Mom”, who was right next door in our house where we lived, and she came running over and rescued me. Thank You, Mom! From that point forward I made an unconscious decision to be quiet and never engage in conflict.
Many of us have heard the phrases regarding conflict “Take No Prisoners” or “Avoid Conflict At All Cost”. I am definitely in the last category and this has led to many of my disabilities, by not dealing with conflict in a healthy manner. I do believe there is another phrase that could be used about conflict and that is “Conflict – None, Peace – Won”. This does not mean there is no conflict to deal with, but by coming from a spiritual place, using accountable and respectful language, listening attentively, and staying “on track” with the actual subject matter, conflict can be resolved in a peaceful manner. Being a spiritual person, I have always thought I was being the “bigger person” by remaining quiet during an argument, not expressing any of my feelings, but wanting to explode inside. This has not been a positive approach or produced a constructive resolution to conflict for me.
Conflict may not always relate to the actual subject matter being argued over, but an underlying current of something totally unrelated that may have been churning in our mind or heart for some time. Things may be said that can never be taken back. Miscommunication happens very quickly and without warning, which may leave a demoralizing impact on the individuals involved. Misunderstandings can cause emotional impairment which may be “long lasting” and can be very hard to “bounce back” from. “Letting things roll off our back” and “forgiving and forgetting” may or may not be achieved, but I have found that for my spiritual peace of mind and growth, it is beneficial to accomplish this.
During my life, I have had several conversations with people, some close to me, some not, some in person, some not, which have led to miscommunication, creating misunderstandings. As part of my spiritual healing process, I am choosing to use the following “Spiritual Peace Pipe” principles to have peaceful discussions, deterring any potential conflict, which is resulting in a positive outcome for me. When I do this, I feel spiritually alive and empowered.
L. – LISTEN: Listen to what is being said, allow the mind to be quiet, not having its own conversation going on while the other person is speaking. Stay open and receptive to what is being said. It is imperative that each person, while speaking, is not interrupted. Refrain from judgment. By showing disinterest or being occupied with planning an immediate “attack” retort, the focus of the conversation will be lost. Keep focused on the subject at hand.
A – ASSESS: Assess the conversation with the 4 W’s – Who, What, Where and When.
Who is the person delivering the message? The person delivering the message will be coming from their own frame of reference and experience, and their own translation and interpretation will become part of their delivery. At any point, if feeling unsettled, clarify what is being heard so that a potential misunderstanding that could evolve into a huge “volcano” never erupts. Always use the “I” language, starting each sentence with “I”, (I Feel, I Know, I Believe, I Understand, I Disagree, etc.) so you can “own” your experience and not make someone else wrong for your experience. This is very difficult to do when the divisive line has already been “drawn in the sand” and there is ambiguity about where “You” and “I” start and end.
What is being said? I have found through my recent conversations that what was being said and what I heard were not even in the same “ballpark”. I discovered this through reiterating to the other person what I had heard them say and I was told that was not at all what they said. After a very short dialogue we were both able to see how simple words through translation and interpretation became the fuse for conflict and how our own context around the words led to the miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Where is the conversation taking place? Is this communication happening in the appropriate place and if it is already in the “battle zone” agree, if possible, to have the conversation in another location. If it is known that a conversation is going to be contentious from the start, then have it in “neutral” territory. If the conversation starts out amicable but becomes explosive, then it is imperative to lay down your “weapon of words” and let the combustion of the fire die down. Agree to continue the discussion when both parties can be more amicable and receptive, as nothing gets resolved peacefully in the middle of a “Battle of the Wills”.
When is the conversation occurring? Ask the other person if this is a good time to talk? Are the people involved tired, stressed, unhappy, feeling challenged, wanting to blame someone for the situation, or looking for a verbal fight from the outset? Again, a reminder that if the conversation starts out amicable but veers off in a “negative” tangent, be the first to lay down your “weapon of words” and change the subject. If necessary, withdraw physically from the environment.
D –DIFFUSE: As a Spiritual Person, Be the Bigger Person and Diffuse the Conflict as Soon as Possible. As part of the “growing pains” we experience on our Life Path, it is necessary to take ownership of how and what we say. Tone of voice, body language and facial expressions all contribute to a peaceful or combative outcome of any potential conflicting communication. When understanding, compassion and consideration are bestowed on the other person involved in the conversation, the energy shifts, changing the atmosphere, allowing positive transformation to occur within the dialogue.
Y – YOU: You are the constant in all of your communications. No matter who you speak with, or what the subject matter is, you bring you to the conversation. Trust yourself to know that whatever message you are hearing from whomever, at whatever moment, is exactly what you are meant to be hearing. It is up to you to discard anything that is not of value to you. If negative feelings are stirred up, then this is an opportunity to stand in your own power and Know Your Truth. No one else is you, only you. There will never be another you having your experience. The power is within you to claim Your Own Truth. You are here to experience, learn and grow spiritually. Everyone you meet on your Life Path will give you an opportunity to become a bigger and better person, if you so choose.
As Spiritual Beings we can all “Play Fair in the Sandbox”, to achieve the end result of “Conflict – None, Peace – Won!”
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel, Humanity With Heart
This is my invitation to you to join me on my Spiritual Expedition to Summit the “Peak of Peace”. I have chosen this as my “Mission Possible” to bring conscious awareness to Global Peace on the Planet through my conscious evolutionary movement called “Humanity With Heart”. My mission statement is:
“It is My Desire to Inspire Everyone Who Comes Across My Path
To Help Change Our World into one of Unconditional Love and Universal Peace
Through Respect, Caring, Compassion, Consideration and Kindness”
Invitation Details:
To: You and Whoever You Wish to Invite
Date: Today
Time: Present Moment
Place: Wherever You Are
Investment: Commitment to Ascending the Summit of the “Peak of Peace”
R.S.V.P. Reaching the Summit Virtually is Possible
The following is a suggested “Spiritual Guide” to assist in the preparation of this spiritual expedition:
“P” – Passion – For the commencement of any spiritual expedition, it is essential that Passion is one of the primary tools used to “Fuel the Desire that Lights the Fire within the Soul”. The vision becomes realized when there is a light that keeps the dream alive.
“E” – Enlightenment – When the knowledge that is housed in the soul is transmitted through conscious thought to the spirit, accepting that all things are Spirit-driven, Enlightenment brings understanding that the journey unfolds in the right time, in exactly the right way.
“A” – Acceptance – Acceptance is the foundation that sets this spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace” in motion by accepting that Peace is necessary for a “Global Warming of the Heart” and a conscious choice has been made to participate in this pursuit.
“K” – Kindred Spirits – Remembering that, as Kindred Spirits, the connection between each soul is a conduit for the benefit of Peace to be borne by everyone from this spiritual expedition.
“O” – Others Conscious – As part of this spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace”, being conscious of others is imperative, as this helps to prioritize where the ropes of encouragement, guidance and support are used to assist with internal and external empowerment and motivation to those not already on this journey.
“F” – Freedom – There is nothing compared to the feeling of Freedom when trail blazing through unchartered territory. Imagine being one of the solo pioneers on the planet discovering a new way of being to live in harmony with another and have Peace as the commodity to use as the “trading” currency. Peace can truly be a “whole”istic way of living in a global community.
“P” – Power – Power can have many connotations. The one that is paramount to unifying the world through summiting the “Peak of Peace” is the power that flows through everyone and everything. This planet exists because of the continuum of the flow of this unlimited power and many names have been given to this power. I choose to call it “spiritual” power coming directly from Spirit, moving in and through each person, who has been given the choice to tap into this power at any moment.
“E” – Equality – Disapproval creates dissention. Approval manifests ascension. As part of Humanity With Heart’s global mission to creating World Peace, the undisputed belief that we are all created equal and come from the same source is at the base of this spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace”. As soon as there is a “separation” consciousness between each other, this magnifies into negative thinking and produces negative behavior. As the belief of Oneness and Peace is channeled throughout the world, universal positive energy will create equality and harmony within diversity.
“A” – Attitude – Attitude is everything or just about everything! When a positive stance is taken and a faith in the “I Am Able. I Will Do It” unshakeable, All Things are Probable! Allowing positive statements to become part of the daily ritual while on the spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace” reinforces the areas of consciousness that become impaired in the “critical zone”. Holding on tightly to the concept that “Nothing or No One Outside of Me Will Stop Me” is empowering and creates momentum for greater progress.
“C” – Clarity of Intention – Clarity of Intention is extremely valuable as it defines the intention being set to achieve this spiritual expedition. In the “peaks and valleys” of this summit to the “Peak of Peace”, Clarity of Intention reinforces the commitment to continue at all cost, allowing for no obstacles to sabotage the objective.
“E” – Encouragement – Arm in arm, as the steps are climbed on this spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace”, words of Encouragement can be heard far and wide in the valleys throughout the globe. The friendship that exists between former enemies is a vision to behold. Walls have been torn down, hearts have opened wide, eyes are bright with compassion, voices are soft and gentle with kindness, offers of help and support are extended to each other and we now all see each other as sister and brother.
If we take a moment to look inside our heart and really feel passionate about truly wanting Peace on the Planet, I request the pleasure of your company at Humanity With Heart to join me on my Spiritual Expedition to Summit the “Peak of Peace”.
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings
Brenda Rachel
Humanity With Heart
This is my invitation to you to join me on my Spiritual Expedition to Summit the “Peak of Peace”. I have chosen this as my “Mission Possible” to bring conscious awareness to Global Peace on the Planet through my conscious evolutionary movement called “Humanity With Heart”. My mission statement is:
“It is My Desire to Inspire Everyone Who Comes Across My Path
To Help Change Our World into one of Unconditional Love and Universal Peace
Through Respect, Caring, Compassion, Consideration and Kindness”
Invitation Details:
To: You and Whoever You Wish to Invite
Date: Today
Time: Present Moment
Place: Wherever You Are
Investment: Commitment to Ascending the Summit of the “Peak of Peace”
R.S.V.P. Reaching the Summit Virtually is Possible
The following is a suggested “Spiritual Guide” to assist in the preparation of this spiritual expedition:
“P” – Passion – For the commencement of any spiritual expedition, it is essential that Passion is one of the primary tools used to “Fuel the Desire that Lights the Fire within the Soul”. The vision becomes realized when there is a light that keeps the dream alive.
“E” – Enlightenment – When the knowledge that is housed in the soul is transmitted through conscious thought to the spirit, accepting that all things are Spirit-driven, Enlightenment brings understanding that the journey unfolds in the right time, in exactly the right way.
“A” – Acceptance – Acceptance is the foundation that sets this spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace” in motion by accepting that Peace is necessary for a “Global Warming of the Heart” and a conscious choice has been made to participate in this pursuit.
“K” – Kindred Spirits – Remembering that, as Kindred Spirits, the connection between each soul is a conduit for the benefit of Peace to be borne by everyone from this spiritual expedition.
“O” – Others Conscious – As part of this spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace”, being conscious of others is imperative, as this helps to prioritize where the ropes of encouragement, guidance and support are used to assist with internal and external empowerment and motivation to those not already on this journey.
“F” – Freedom – There is nothing compared to the feeling of Freedom when trail blazing through unchartered territory. Imagine being one of the solo pioneers on the planet discovering a new way of being to live in harmony with another and have Peace as the commodity to use as the “trading” currency. Peace can truly be a “whole”istic way of living in a global community.
“P” – Power – Power can have many connotations. The one that is paramount to unifying the world through summiting the “Peak of Peace” is the power that flows through everyone and everything. This planet exists because of the continuum of the flow of this unlimited power and many names have been given to this power. I choose to call it “spiritual” power coming directly from Spirit, moving in and through each person, who has been given the choice to tap into this power at any moment.
“E” – Equality – Disapproval creates dissention. Approval manifests ascension. As part of Humanity With Heart’s global mission to creating World Peace, the undisputed belief that we are all created equal and come from the same source is at the base of this spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace”. As soon as there is a “separation” consciousness between each other, this magnifies into negative thinking and produces negative behavior. As the belief of Oneness and Peace is channeled throughout the world, universal positive energy will create equality and harmony within diversity.
“A” – Attitude – Attitude is everything or just about everything! When a positive stance is taken and a faith in the “I Am Able. I Will Do It” unshakeable, All Things are Probable! Allowing positive statements to become part of the daily ritual while on the spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace” reinforces the areas of consciousness that become impaired in the “critical zone”. Holding on tightly to the concept that “Nothing or No One Outside of Me Will Stop Me” is empowering and creates momentum for greater progress.
“C” – Clarity of Intention – Clarity of Intention is extremely valuable as it defines the intention being set to achieve this spiritual expedition. In the “peaks and valleys” of this summit to the “Peak of Peace”, Clarity of Intention reinforces the commitment to continue at all cost, allowing for no obstacles to sabotage the objective.
“E” – Encouragement – Arm in arm, as the steps are climbed on this spiritual expedition to summit the “Peak of Peace”, words of Encouragement can be heard far and wide in the valleys throughout the globe. The friendship that exists between former enemies is a vision to behold. Walls have been torn down, hearts have opened wide, eyes are bright with compassion, voices are soft and gentle with kindness, offers of help and support are extended to each other and we now all see each other as sister and brother.
If we take a moment to look inside our heart and really feel passionate about truly wanting Peace on the Planet, I request the pleasure of your company at Humanity With Heart to join me on my Spiritual Expedition to Summit the “Peak of Peace”.
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings
Brenda Rachel
Humanity With Heart
The subject for my article is “Expressive” and the online dictionary definition found under the website most paralleling my storyline is:
1. Of, relating to, or characterized by expression: a child's expressive ability.
2. Serving to express or indicate meaning or feeling: actions expressive of frustration.
3. Showing or communicating meaning or feeling effectively: an expressive glance.
The Angels channeled to me the following quote which is the summary of the message of this article:
How many times have you walked into a room and made an instant connection with someone or had a completely negative reaction on sight to another through a “Glance Encounter of the First Kind?” As I contemplated the outline for this article on the topic “Expressive”, I initially had no direction as to which way this article would unfold. Suddenly after consulting the angels, especially Archangel Gabriel, who is the Archangel in charge of the “Creativity Portfolio”, I started to feel my creative juices flow through my veins and felt really “fired up” and “passionate” about what I wanted to share with you.
I thought of how unconscious I have become to that “One All-important Expressive Glance” exchanged between two people, by not noticing how either myself or another person’s “expressive” language (which I’ll refer to as “Eye Talk”) is being unconsciously transmitted between us. I realize unspoken “Eye Talk” messages pass between myself and others all day long; on my commute to and from work, at work, driving in my car, walking my dog in my neighborhood, doing my grocery shopping, washing my car at the car wash, pumping gas at the gas station - everywhere I go where I have a “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” with another human being. I thought about how important it is for me to remember that “Eye Talk”, our non-verbal way of expression between one another can impact us in such a way as to create uniformity and harmony between each other, or totally sabotage any opportunity for a moment of unconditional love and peace to flourish between us. I thought about how if we all came to this planet without the capability of hearing or speaking, but could only speak to each other through our “Eye Talk” and we could only physically move our bodies in a calm and peaceful manner, how different our planet might be. We would have no verbal expressions of negativity nor any physical altercations of violence. Our human race would only be able to relate to each other in a non-communicative, expressive way using only “Eye Talk”. Our conversations would be through “Glance Encounters of the First Kind” and peaceful gestures. We would be tolerant, kind, respectful, caring and compassionate, a “Zen Gen” of the human race - Gen being short for Generation!
Recently, as I was waiting for an elevator I had a “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” with a young lady who, in appearance, was extremely different from me. Her hair was dyed fire engine red, she had tattoos and ring piercings everywhere visible on her face and body, tons of heavy black eye makeup and hadn’t seemed to have bathed in quite some time. She had unique looking clothing on and was what I would unequivocally say the total opposite of me in every way possible. The things we both had in common were our beautiful smiles and glowing eyes. We started our “Eye Talk” conversation as soon as we stood beside each other inside the crowded elevator. Our smiles generated a conversation that had us both laughing and although our discussion was about our uneventful days, I knew this was an “event” I would remember, as the uniqueness of her appearance, yet the familiarity of her energy from her presence beside me, was peaceful and comfortable. I thought how wonderful it was that I allowed myself to let this extraordinary person into my life for a brief moment in time and how weeks later the imprint she left on my heart still resonated inside of me with a “happy” feeling. Our communication had simply been through our “eye talking” expressiveness and it was the energy field around us that enfolded us in our feeling of safety, comfort and camaraderie.
I was having a conversation with the angels about how to tie this into my life today and the best experience I can relate my “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” is with respect to my connections with others on social media. I became a new user of social media in November, 2014 and knew nothing about it until then. Each connection I have chosen to make is because something in their profile picture drew me into their circle. It is almost always their eyes initially, then their smiles and then what each of us does that connects us in some manner. I have an “Eye Talk” with them before I send them a “connection request” or click on “connect” to their request. Recently, I found out that someone I thought I was having a very authentic, real and honest connection with for a very long time turned out not to be so and this devastated me. I learned directly from this connection that they were not writing their own replies to my responses on their posts on 3 out of 4 social media sites we are connected on and I did not know how to react to this. I believe everyone is who they say they are and trust everyone until something happens to make me no longer trust them anymore. It was very hard for me to discern how someone could not be who I thought they were from the first moment I had my “Eye Talk” with their picture and trusted them instantly. I decided to keep a social media connection going at this time with this connection, and chose to thank the “phantom author” who is replying to my heart-felt responses. For well over a year I wrote many responses that were from my heart, authentic and honest and I really allowed myself to be visible and vulnerable with another connection who I had not met in physical form, but trusted so totally with my whole being. I trusted my heart with respect to the first “Eye Talk” connection I had with this person to be a wonderful human being, who I now know chooses to connect with their social media connections different from how I do things and that is their choice. It certainly has been my “Wake Up Call” as to how social media can be used, but for the “newbie” that I was and still am, I have totally trusted that people are who they say they are and the person I connect with is actually the person writing their replies to my responses.
I have had many conversations with the angels about this situation and have been so angry that they could have let me go through this experience of trusting someone so openly from the instant I had my initial “Eye Talk” connection with them through their profile picture. I’ll interject here about the statement regarding “the angels letting me go through this experience” – the angels don’t let us GO THROUGH OR DO anything! We GO THROUGH OR DO it all on our own. I have made the choice to stay connected with this social media connection and the angels had nothing to do with my Free Will choice. I do believe I was brought into this person’s life as they were into mine for the invaluable learning I have received, that gift has been “priceless” and for this I am eternally grateful. My hope is that anyone I am connected with through social media is who they say they are and they are the ones actually replying to my responses to their posts. I am hopeful that when we reach out to one another through our “Eye Talk” on social media, virtual reality or in actual real time and presence to connect with each other that we know how impactful our “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” is. One glance can make a difference to someone!
I am asking the angels to heal my “heart wound” so that I truly understand how to remain authentic, trusting, honest and patient, loving and understanding when I have an experience of my “Eye Talk” with another person that turns out to be hurtful or compromising to me and disrupts my peaceful and happy disposition. I am asking the angels to heal me from having any “Eye Talk” with another person that is not from a place of Peace, Love, Joy, Compassion, Caring, Kindness and Respect. I am asking the angels to be instrumental in healing our planet so that our vibrational energy with one another comes from only the highest and purest frequency and we all come to an understanding of how important it is to know that our positive “Eye Talk” with one another is conducive to the safety, comfort, cohesiveness and unification in a “Planet of Peace”. My prayer to God and the Angels is that we all open our minds to allow the healing of our hearts to enable the honoring of our soul’s journey as it progresses here on earth. Please remember that your “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” with me and mine with yours is “priceless”. There is no price tag on an “authentic and honest exchange” between connections and this authenticity and honesty can become the gift that can be passed on to anyone at any time.
For anyone reading this article, I send you Angel Blessings of Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness and Understanding. Let the “Real You” Connect with the “Real Me” so We Can Connect in Authenticity!
From My Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
The subject for my article is “Expressive” and the online dictionary definition found under the website most paralleling my storyline is:
1. Of, relating to, or characterized by expression: a child's expressive ability.
2. Serving to express or indicate meaning or feeling: actions expressive of frustration.
3. Showing or communicating meaning or feeling effectively: an expressive glance.
The Angels channeled to me the following quote which is the summary of the message of this article:
How many times have you walked into a room and made an instant connection with someone or had a completely negative reaction on sight to another through a “Glance Encounter of the First Kind?” As I contemplated the outline for this article on the topic “Expressive”, I initially had no direction as to which way this article would unfold. Suddenly after consulting the angels, especially Archangel Gabriel, who is the Archangel in charge of the “Creativity Portfolio”, I started to feel my creative juices flow through my veins and felt really “fired up” and “passionate” about what I wanted to share with you.
I thought of how unconscious I have become to that “One All-important Expressive Glance” exchanged between two people, by not noticing how either myself or another person’s “expressive” language (which I’ll refer to as “Eye Talk”) is being unconsciously transmitted between us. I realize unspoken “Eye Talk” messages pass between myself and others all day long; on my commute to and from work, at work, driving in my car, walking my dog in my neighborhood, doing my grocery shopping, washing my car at the car wash, pumping gas at the gas station - everywhere I go where I have a “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” with another human being. I thought about how important it is for me to remember that “Eye Talk”, our non-verbal way of expression between one another can impact us in such a way as to create uniformity and harmony between each other, or totally sabotage any opportunity for a moment of unconditional love and peace to flourish between us. I thought about how if we all came to this planet without the capability of hearing or speaking, but could only speak to each other through our “Eye Talk” and we could only physically move our bodies in a calm and peaceful manner, how different our planet might be. We would have no verbal expressions of negativity nor any physical altercations of violence. Our human race would only be able to relate to each other in a non-communicative, expressive way using only “Eye Talk”. Our conversations would be through “Glance Encounters of the First Kind” and peaceful gestures. We would be tolerant, kind, respectful, caring and compassionate, a “Zen Gen” of the human race - Gen being short for Generation!
Recently, as I was waiting for an elevator I had a “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” with a young lady who, in appearance, was extremely different from me. Her hair was dyed fire engine red, she had tattoos and ring piercings everywhere visible on her face and body, tons of heavy black eye makeup and hadn’t seemed to have bathed in quite some time. She had unique looking clothing on and was what I would unequivocally say the total opposite of me in every way possible. The things we both had in common were our beautiful smiles and glowing eyes. We started our “Eye Talk” conversation as soon as we stood beside each other inside the crowded elevator. Our smiles generated a conversation that had us both laughing and although our discussion was about our uneventful days, I knew this was an “event” I would remember, as the uniqueness of her appearance, yet the familiarity of her energy from her presence beside me, was peaceful and comfortable. I thought how wonderful it was that I allowed myself to let this extraordinary person into my life for a brief moment in time and how weeks later the imprint she left on my heart still resonated inside of me with a “happy” feeling. Our communication had simply been through our “eye talking” expressiveness and it was the energy field around us that enfolded us in our feeling of safety, comfort and camaraderie.
I was having a conversation with the angels about how to tie this into my life today and the best experience I can relate my “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” is with respect to my connections with others on social media. I became a new user of social media in November, 2014 and knew nothing about it until then. Each connection I have chosen to make is because something in their profile picture drew me into their circle. It is almost always their eyes initially, then their smiles and then what each of us does that connects us in some manner. I have an “Eye Talk” with them before I send them a “connection request” or click on “connect” to their request. Recently, I found out that someone I thought I was having a very authentic, real and honest connection with for a very long time turned out not to be so and this devastated me. I learned directly from this connection that they were not writing their own replies to my responses on their posts on 3 out of 4 social media sites we are connected on and I did not know how to react to this. I believe everyone is who they say they are and trust everyone until something happens to make me no longer trust them anymore. It was very hard for me to discern how someone could not be who I thought they were from the first moment I had my “Eye Talk” with their picture and trusted them instantly. I decided to keep a social media connection going at this time with this connection, and chose to thank the “phantom author” who is replying to my heart-felt responses. For well over a year I wrote many responses that were from my heart, authentic and honest and I really allowed myself to be visible and vulnerable with another connection who I had not met in physical form, but trusted so totally with my whole being. I trusted my heart with respect to the first “Eye Talk” connection I had with this person to be a wonderful human being, who I now know chooses to connect with their social media connections different from how I do things and that is their choice. It certainly has been my “Wake Up Call” as to how social media can be used, but for the “newbie” that I was and still am, I have totally trusted that people are who they say they are and the person I connect with is actually the person writing their replies to my responses.
I have had many conversations with the angels about this situation and have been so angry that they could have let me go through this experience of trusting someone so openly from the instant I had my initial “Eye Talk” connection with them through their profile picture. I’ll interject here about the statement regarding “the angels letting me go through this experience” – the angels don’t let us GO THROUGH OR DO anything! We GO THROUGH OR DO it all on our own. I have made the choice to stay connected with this social media connection and the angels had nothing to do with my Free Will choice. I do believe I was brought into this person’s life as they were into mine for the invaluable learning I have received, that gift has been “priceless” and for this I am eternally grateful. My hope is that anyone I am connected with through social media is who they say they are and they are the ones actually replying to my responses to their posts. I am hopeful that when we reach out to one another through our “Eye Talk” on social media, virtual reality or in actual real time and presence to connect with each other that we know how impactful our “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” is. One glance can make a difference to someone!
I am asking the angels to heal my “heart wound” so that I truly understand how to remain authentic, trusting, honest and patient, loving and understanding when I have an experience of my “Eye Talk” with another person that turns out to be hurtful or compromising to me and disrupts my peaceful and happy disposition. I am asking the angels to heal me from having any “Eye Talk” with another person that is not from a place of Peace, Love, Joy, Compassion, Caring, Kindness and Respect. I am asking the angels to be instrumental in healing our planet so that our vibrational energy with one another comes from only the highest and purest frequency and we all come to an understanding of how important it is to know that our positive “Eye Talk” with one another is conducive to the safety, comfort, cohesiveness and unification in a “Planet of Peace”. My prayer to God and the Angels is that we all open our minds to allow the healing of our hearts to enable the honoring of our soul’s journey as it progresses here on earth. Please remember that your “Glance Encounter of the First Kind” with me and mine with yours is “priceless”. There is no price tag on an “authentic and honest exchange” between connections and this authenticity and honesty can become the gift that can be passed on to anyone at any time.
For anyone reading this article, I send you Angel Blessings of Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness and Understanding. Let the “Real You” Connect with the “Real Me” so We Can Connect in Authenticity!
From My Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
The topic of my article is “Dramatic” and I like to start by giving a definition from an online dictionary which relates most closely to my subject matter, this one being from
1. of or relating to the drama.
2. highly effective; striking.
It was the summer of 1971. I had just graduated from senior high school with a B+ average intending to go to university, but when the time approached for me to begin seriously researching universities I wanted to attend there were no financial resources for me to do this. I had won a $100 bursary at my graduation ceremonies, but that was not nearly enough to have as my education fund. In July, I began working as a waitress in my girlfriend’s family Chinese restaurant in my home community. I was happy doing this and loved the tips but I knew this was not my destiny.
One day, in late August, another girlfriend phoned and asked if I wanted to go to Hell’s Gate near Boston Bar, BC and work as a tram operator through September and October, as the university students who had been employed all summer were leaving to return home and the company needed tram operators to finish out the season, which was due to close at the end of October. I said “Sure” without asking any questions other than “where will I live?” and “how will I get to work?” and she said “you’ll stay with me in a motel and we’ll commute together in my car.” I was very excited to start my new job but had not really entertained any thought about what this would really entail.
What I had not been told was that in order to become a tram operator I would have to take a series of physical tests so that the manager could authorize me to be a responsible and reliable tram operator. I cannot remember all the testing that I went through on my “training” day, but the one that made the most dramatic impression on me and forever imprinted in my mind was the “Emergency Brake Pull Test” which was that once I was inside the cab of the tram I had to climb the pole ladder in the center of the cab and climb to the top of the ladder which was up to the ceiling of the cab, open the hatch door and get on the rooftop of the cab and pull the emergency brake, which I would need to do in case I ever had any kind of emergency and had to urgently stop the tram, wherever I was en route. I was TERRIFIED to do this as I was and still am, in many cases, fearful of heights. I try to overcome this fear by making myself do certain things to silence paralytic thoughts that would ultimately wrap themselves around my mind and send me into a temporary paralysis, but I will be honest and say there are certain heights I have not yet conquered.
My whole body shook as I was in my stocking feet climbing the pole, one hand and one foot at a time, up and up the ladder. My girlfriend was cheering me on and the manager was encouraging me every step of the way that I could do this. Each time I got higher up the rung of the ladder and would look down at the two of them, it seemed to me as if they were 100’ down, which, of course, they were not! I shook more violently and my feet became immobilized. Recently, reflecting on this “dramatic” experience, I realize that sometimes the closer I get to ascending beyond a level of fear, I create a “Thunder Bolt Cloud” which temporarily darkens my reality, deafens any positive thoughts I have of being able to achieve my mission, goal or purpose and destroys potential opportunities for me to manifest opening doors in a natural, smooth and easy manner. The darkest clouds of “I Cannot Do This, I Am Not Smart Enough, I am not Rich Enough, I am Not Thin Enough, I am Not Good Enough, I am Not Well-Known Enough, I am Not Loved Enough, I am Not Supported Enough, I Don’t Have Enough Energy, etc.” completely consume my thought process and it is only when I allow my mind to access the “Angel’s Lightning Jolt of Love” to overpower and bring enlightenment to me that my world becomes lighter and brighter, and my hope is renewed. I then project thoughts of “I Can Do It, I Am Able to Achieve This, I Do Have Faith, I Do Trust, I Do Know Intuitively, I Will Allow Myself to Be Guided by the Angels, etc.”
The experience I had to tie this “fearful” tram operator segment of my life journey into this Lightning Jolt of Love from the Angels is when one day near the end of October on one of my last trips across the Fraser River I had taken a group of tourists down to the other side of the river during a pelting rain and wind storm. I had given my awesome 3-minute speech on the salmon running the fish ladders to get up to their spawning ground and how before these fish ladders were built, thousands of salmon died trying to run up river to spawn, decreasing the salmon population by unfathomable amounts. I was a tour guide, tram operator and “salmon spawning specialist” all in one and made many crossings in a day in my tram across the river, making my speech on each trip! The thunder bolts and lightning jolts started during my return to the bottom to pick up the remaining tourists. My tram was swinging back and forth underneath the guide wires. The winds were extremely high for me and my tram to be making a crossing. I was alone in the cab, nervous and scared. I remembered my first day of “training” and how it was drilled into me that in case of an emergency I would have to climb to the top of the tram cab, open the hatch door, stand outside on top of the cab and pull the emergency brake. I kept thinking what options I had other than this one if there was an emergency either going down alone and/or coming back up with my passengers. I prayed like never before to God for my safety and the safety of all my passengers. I did receive some semblance of calm and knew I would be able to handle any situation I was given. I allowed my mind to become silent from all the dangerous and dark “Thunder Bolt Cloud” chatter. I made the trip down alone, picked up my reluctant passengers, and hanging on for dear life to one another and encouraging each other to trust that we would be fine, we all made it back safely.
This was a defining moment in my life journey about how in my darkest “Thunder Bolt Cloud” I was able through prayer to find “calm in the midst of the storm.” It was not until I decided to write about this experience for this “dramatic” piece of literature, that the Angels reminded me that although I was not consciously aware of their presence in my life during this experience, I knew subconsciously they were with me, providing me with their Lightning Jolt of Love by surrounding me with their protection, comfort and safety. I thank them once again from the bottom of my heart for intervening in my life journey during a very challenging, serious and stressful situation.
I want to ask you to remember that at all times your Angels are with you to guide, guard and protect you. They are as close as your nearest breath. You must ask them to step in, as they will not intervene unless asked. I do believe they intervened in my life at that time as it was not my time to leave this planet. The Angels will provide us with a “Lightning Jolt of Love” whenever we open ourselves up to receiving it, but we need to ask them for help. Please Open Your Mind and Allow the Angels’ Lightning Jolt of Love In!
From my Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
P.S. The history of the Hell’s Gate Tram is set out on their main web page
The topic of my article is “Dramatic” and I like to start by giving a definition from an online dictionary which relates most closely to my subject matter, this one being from
1. of or relating to the drama.
2. highly effective; striking.
It was the summer of 1971. I had just graduated from senior high school with a B+ average intending to go to university, but when the time approached for me to begin seriously researching universities I wanted to attend there were no financial resources for me to do this. I had won a $100 bursary at my graduation ceremonies, but that was not nearly enough to have as my education fund. In July, I began working as a waitress in my girlfriend’s family Chinese restaurant in my home community. I was happy doing this and loved the tips but I knew this was not my destiny.
One day, in late August, another girlfriend phoned and asked if I wanted to go to Hell’s Gate near Boston Bar, BC and work as a tram operator through September and October, as the university students who had been employed all summer were leaving to return home and the company needed tram operators to finish out the season, which was due to close at the end of October. I said “Sure” without asking any questions other than “where will I live?” and “how will I get to work?” and she said “you’ll stay with me in a motel and we’ll commute together in my car.” I was very excited to start my new job but had not really entertained any thought about what this would really entail.
What I had not been told was that in order to become a tram operator I would have to take a series of physical tests so that the manager could authorize me to be a responsible and reliable tram operator. I cannot remember all the testing that I went through on my “training” day, but the one that made the most dramatic impression on me and forever imprinted in my mind was the “Emergency Brake Pull Test” which was that once I was inside the cab of the tram I had to climb the pole ladder in the center of the cab and climb to the top of the ladder which was up to the ceiling of the cab, open the hatch door and get on the rooftop of the cab and pull the emergency brake, which I would need to do in case I ever had any kind of emergency and had to urgently stop the tram, wherever I was en route. I was TERRIFIED to do this as I was and still am, in many cases, fearful of heights. I try to overcome this fear by making myself do certain things to silence paralytic thoughts that would ultimately wrap themselves around my mind and send me into a temporary paralysis, but I will be honest and say there are certain heights I have not yet conquered.
My whole body shook as I was in my stocking feet climbing the pole, one hand and one foot at a time, up and up the ladder. My girlfriend was cheering me on and the manager was encouraging me every step of the way that I could do this. Each time I got higher up the rung of the ladder and would look down at the two of them, it seemed to me as if they were 100’ down, which, of course, they were not! I shook more violently and my feet became immobilized. Recently, reflecting on this “dramatic” experience, I realize that sometimes the closer I get to ascending beyond a level of fear, I create a “Thunder Bolt Cloud” which temporarily darkens my reality, deafens any positive thoughts I have of being able to achieve my mission, goal or purpose and destroys potential opportunities for me to manifest opening doors in a natural, smooth and easy manner. The darkest clouds of “I Cannot Do This, I Am Not Smart Enough, I am not Rich Enough, I am Not Thin Enough, I am Not Good Enough, I am Not Well-Known Enough, I am Not Loved Enough, I am Not Supported Enough, I Don’t Have Enough Energy, etc.” completely consume my thought process and it is only when I allow my mind to access the “Angel’s Lightning Jolt of Love” to overpower and bring enlightenment to me that my world becomes lighter and brighter, and my hope is renewed. I then project thoughts of “I Can Do It, I Am Able to Achieve This, I Do Have Faith, I Do Trust, I Do Know Intuitively, I Will Allow Myself to Be Guided by the Angels, etc.”
The experience I had to tie this “fearful” tram operator segment of my life journey into this Lightning Jolt of Love from the Angels is when one day near the end of October on one of my last trips across the Fraser River I had taken a group of tourists down to the other side of the river during a pelting rain and wind storm. I had given my awesome 3-minute speech on the salmon running the fish ladders to get up to their spawning ground and how before these fish ladders were built, thousands of salmon died trying to run up river to spawn, decreasing the salmon population by unfathomable amounts. I was a tour guide, tram operator and “salmon spawning specialist” all in one and made many crossings in a day in my tram across the river, making my speech on each trip! The thunder bolts and lightning jolts started during my return to the bottom to pick up the remaining tourists. My tram was swinging back and forth underneath the guide wires. The winds were extremely high for me and my tram to be making a crossing. I was alone in the cab, nervous and scared. I remembered my first day of “training” and how it was drilled into me that in case of an emergency I would have to climb to the top of the tram cab, open the hatch door, stand outside on top of the cab and pull the emergency brake. I kept thinking what options I had other than this one if there was an emergency either going down alone and/or coming back up with my passengers. I prayed like never before to God for my safety and the safety of all my passengers. I did receive some semblance of calm and knew I would be able to handle any situation I was given. I allowed my mind to become silent from all the dangerous and dark “Thunder Bolt Cloud” chatter. I made the trip down alone, picked up my reluctant passengers, and hanging on for dear life to one another and encouraging each other to trust that we would be fine, we all made it back safely.
This was a defining moment in my life journey about how in my darkest “Thunder Bolt Cloud” I was able through prayer to find “calm in the midst of the storm.” It was not until I decided to write about this experience for this “dramatic” piece of literature, that the Angels reminded me that although I was not consciously aware of their presence in my life during this experience, I knew subconsciously they were with me, providing me with their Lightning Jolt of Love by surrounding me with their protection, comfort and safety. I thank them once again from the bottom of my heart for intervening in my life journey during a very challenging, serious and stressful situation.
I want to ask you to remember that at all times your Angels are with you to guide, guard and protect you. They are as close as your nearest breath. You must ask them to step in, as they will not intervene unless asked. I do believe they intervened in my life at that time as it was not my time to leave this planet. The Angels will provide us with a “Lightning Jolt of Love” whenever we open ourselves up to receiving it, but we need to ask them for help. Please Open Your Mind and Allow the Angels’ Lightning Jolt of Love In!
From my Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
P.S. The history of the Hell’s Gate Tram is set out on their main web page
My article topic is “sensuous” and as I like to do with most of my articles I write, I am including the online Miriam-Webster dictionary definition of “sensuous” pertinent to this article, which is:
Full Definition of Sensuous
1a : of or relating to the senses or sensible objects
1b : producing or characterized by gratification of the senses: having strong sensory appeal <sensuous pleasure>
2: characterized by sense impressions or imagery aimed at the senses <sensuous verse>
3: highly susceptible to influence through the senses
My sister, Vonne, who was my best friend through much of my adult life, is my “Earth Angel". She is what I refer to in my heart as my Sister from the “Light”. I have never told her this, so when she reads this article she will know how much I love her and that this love is real and originates from the centre of my heart. I have told her many times I love her, which I have always meant, but this is a different kind of love. It is a “knowing” from a soul place that we have travelled many lifetimes together and we are great together when we blend our mutually aligned spiritual principles and make the best inspirational motivators for each other. We are each other’s “biggest fan” and we are always there for each other, especially in times of a crisis.
My sister lost her 22 year old daughter to suicide on July 26, 2005 and this has shattered her world forever. I “retired to the basement” of our relationship for many years and it has been through the love and mercy of God and the Angels that we have found our way back to each other. I do not believe we ever left each other as we are Sisters from the “Light”, but we were definitely “drifters” and like “ships passing through the night” for several years. Two months after my niece died, in September 2005, my sister told me about a seminar Doreen Virtue was holding in Vancouver, BC where I live. I signed up for the seminar right away and went by myself. This was a phenomenal experience for me. My sister also told me about Doreen’s Angel Therapy® Practitioner course which was going to be held in Dana Point, CA in April 2006. We decided to do this course together to spend time as sisters, and as we both had our love of the Angels in common, we wanted to pursue getting our certification as Angel Therapy® Practitioners from Doreen Virtue together. The course took place 9 months after my sister lost her daughter and I was so proud of her for being able to leave her house and attend it with me. We spent 5 glorious days together, each going through our own process. This time for me was exciting as I loved doing angel readings and although I felt “like a fish out of water” and doubting my abilities when I read for another participant, I knew intrinsically that I had been blessed by the Angels to be able to bring their messages to others. My Sister from the “Light” was also a terrific intuitive angel reader and able to do mediumship readings during the course, much more in depth and accurately than I could. Perhaps this was because she had a very recent connection with the death of her daughter returning to the “other side” and she was more open to receiving messages from deceased loved ones for other participants, than I was. In any event, today my sister is still a fantastic angel reader and medium. This was a very sensuous experience for me as I was fully alive in my passion. The energy of 450 angel “light workers” all in the same room was astounding, unimaginable, unbelievable, and with joy and love abounding everywhere within the walls of our hotel conference room I was definitely being influenced through my senses, especially through my claircognizant and clairsentient senses. There were no words for my sensual feeling, other than the whole experience was one of complete sensory elation. I had a permanent smile on my face for almost the whole duration of the course as I knew I was where I belonged and was having a blissful and euphoric connection with God and the Angels! I have never felt more “at home” than when I was in Doreen Virtue’s course.
On one of the course days we had several hours off during the day so we decided to head out by car to San Juan Capistrano. My sister and I had both wanted to see this place because of its spiritual history, and we wanted to walk on the same ground as former “light workers”. We also hoped to see some swallows, although April is not the time for their annual return flight. We drove down from Dana Point and it was a beautiful day. We parked our rental car in a public pay parking lot and got our camera and empty shopping bags and off we set to tour the town. We walked around the mission, exploring every nook and cranny that we could. We went into the Serra Chapel and were in awe of the tapestry woven between the historic remains and the spiritual presence we felt as we reverently walked through the church. We felt the spirits of the deceased and could feel the pain and suffering that these people had endured. We both LOVED the bells and wished we could have heard them ring. They are massive and we were so profoundly moved as we tried to imagine how anyone could have relocated these humungus structures in a very challenging era, having no hydraulic lifts, cranes or hoists, never mind being strong robust workers. The shops were so interesting and we had many spontaneous, insightful discussions with the shop keepers. This was sensually stimulating for both of us as we love to learn about the history of a place and its ancestors. Everyone we met was very willing to enlighten us on the history of San Juan Capistrano. We saw how the people milled their corn to make bread, the ovens they baked their loaves in, their laundry facilities, sleeping quarters and equipment. We went back in time 300 years and it was an amazing “life regression” experience. We could feel the presence of the ancestors and hear the laughing and conversations going on amongst the original occupants of this land. We felt as if we were walking amongst them tending to the gardens or observing where the animals had been kept.
After we had walked around for several hours and bought some angel gifts to bring home, we decided to return to our car. Our feet ached and we now just wanted to get back to our room in Dana Point. My sister, who was always such a good sport when we were driving in foreign places, was doing the driving. Well actually she was driving by default, as I don’t like driving in foreign countries when I don’t know the road or have any clue where I am going, so I would argue with her until, in most cases, she relented. This would be a “bone of contention” between us but usually she gave in and to top it off, she is an awesome driver. I would drive with her anywhere, any day! As my sister is a world traveler and I travel very infrequently, she was much more used to driving in foreign places than I was, so I relied on her experience and confidence to just take over and do the driving. I did drive us back and forth to our course some of the time in Dana Point, but she did most of the driving and all the long distance driving to and from LA and Dana Point. God Bless My Sister from the “Light!”
We found a picnic bench and started to go through our shopping bags to make sure we had everything, checking for our purses and camera. We stood at the table for about 20 minutes and noticed this quite dilapidated house and a bunch of men sitting outside on the front porch in close proximity to our picnic table. Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong nor were we in judgment of the run-down house, but we both got a “weird” vibe from the guys sitting outside on the porch. We just did not feel comfortable with their energy and being Angel Therapists, we follow our intuition and do not question it!
We got in our rental car and it was decided that my sister would drive back and I would be the passenger. I was happy as I was so tired, as was my sister, but we decided I could be her navigator to help us get out of the parking area and back onto a main road. This was not easily done as there are lots of roads in this area that are one-way only and then just seemed to end. As we were stopped at a stop sign, my instincts told me to turn around and running down the road after us was one of the guys from the shanty-style house with a huge rifle barrel pointing right at us. I screamed at my sister to gun it and she said quite calmly she had to go the speed limit which was 15 km I believe. Now, I am usually the one who would never break a rule nor tell someone to break one, but in this instance I believed it was a “life and death” situation and wanted us to get the heck out of there. My sister and I argued for a few seconds, but what seemed like eternity, as she had not noticed the man with the rifle until I told her about him running after us, and then she finally decided to “gun the gas pedal” and we exploded down the main street we were on. There was no traffic so no one was in danger! I turned around to look out the rear window and saw that the guy had stopped running and had turned back towards his house.
According to the Miriam-Webster dictionary meaning of sensuous - “highly susceptible to influence through the senses”, I do believe my sister and I were having a very sensuous experience, as our antenna was up right from the first moment we were being influenced through our feelings of uneasiness when we saw the run-down house with the guys sitting on the porch and definitely we were having an incredibly heightened adrenaline rush when we saw the man with the rifle running behind the car!
We got back safely to our room at the inn we were staying in at Dana Point and travelled back in time with our conversation to the last couple of hours’ experiences. We knew we had been totally taken care of by the Angels and our outcome at the end of a beautiful spiritual experience at San Juan Capistrano could have ended up as “San Juan Catastrophic”. My sister and I have only talked about this shared sensuous experience a couple of times and certainly not in the last many years, so my hope is that when she reads my article about her being my “Sister from the Light”, she will know how much I love and appreciate her for being such a good travelling companion to me during such a tremendously challenging situation.
This is without a doubt one of the most highly sensitized and explosively dangerous situations I have ever been in. What I was able to understand from this experience was that my sister and I love each other very much and no matter what has transpired in our lives or will continue to happen on the rest of our life journeys, we are there for each other. We will protect, comfort and keep each other safe to the best of our ability no matter what. I only have one sister and I am so eternally grateful that I have been blessed with this one! We are becoming each other’s best friend again, similar to how we used to be, but in a different way, as neither of us are the same person we were before her daughter and my niece committed suicide. We have both been through a lot of challenges over the past many years and it is so apparent that the Angels have kept our hearts open and not allowed us to close them on each other.
I am sharing this “sister’s” story from my life journey to affirm with anyone who is going through now, or has gone through in the past, a challenging relationship issue that they cannot or could not see a way to resolution of the situation. Ask the Angels to allow you to keep your heart open, to be receptive to the information you need to hear to heal the relationship and to know that there are no winners or losers in a “battle of the wills”. As I found out during this very tense and highly emotionally charged experience at San Juan Capistrano with my sister, in the end, she is the only one I would have wanted to have had this experience with and that is why it happened the way it did. We were there for each other then and we are here for each other now. If there is someone you feel you need to say something to, to be clear and complete in your communication with, then please say it. If you cannot say it to them personally, then write, type or print it out and ask the Angels to bless the situation. The Angels are only a breath away and will help us with anything, but we have to ask them for help. This is a quote the Angels have given to me for anyone with a relationship issue right now: “Let Go of Our Pride. Let Anger Subside. Let Our Hearts Be Open Wide. Let the Angels Be Our Guide.”
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Dedicated to My Sister, Vonne, My “Sister from the Light”, with Love from My Heart and Soul,
My article topic is “sensuous” and as I like to do with most of my articles I write, I am including the online Miriam-Webster dictionary definition of “sensuous” pertinent to this article, which is:
Full Definition of Sensuous
1a : of or relating to the senses or sensible objects
1b : producing or characterized by gratification of the senses: having strong sensory appeal <sensuous pleasure>
2: characterized by sense impressions or imagery aimed at the senses <sensuous verse>
3: highly susceptible to influence through the senses
My sister, Vonne, who was my best friend through much of my adult life, is my “Earth Angel". She is what I refer to in my heart as my Sister from the “Light”. I have never told her this, so when she reads this article she will know how much I love her and that this love is real and originates from the centre of my heart. I have told her many times I love her, which I have always meant, but this is a different kind of love. It is a “knowing” from a soul place that we have travelled many lifetimes together and we are great together when we blend our mutually aligned spiritual principles and make the best inspirational motivators for each other. We are each other’s “biggest fan” and we are always there for each other, especially in times of a crisis.
My sister lost her 22 year old daughter to suicide on July 26, 2005 and this has shattered her world forever. I “retired to the basement” of our relationship for many years and it has been through the love and mercy of God and the Angels that we have found our way back to each other. I do not believe we ever left each other as we are Sisters from the “Light”, but we were definitely “drifters” and like “ships passing through the night” for several years. Two months after my niece died, in September 2005, my sister told me about a seminar Doreen Virtue was holding in Vancouver, BC where I live. I signed up for the seminar right away and went by myself. This was a phenomenal experience for me. My sister also told me about Doreen’s Angel Therapy® Practitioner course which was going to be held in Dana Point, CA in April 2006. We decided to do this course together to spend time as sisters, and as we both had our love of the Angels in common, we wanted to pursue getting our certification as Angel Therapy® Practitioners from Doreen Virtue together. The course took place 9 months after my sister lost her daughter and I was so proud of her for being able to leave her house and attend it with me. We spent 5 glorious days together, each going through our own process. This time for me was exciting as I loved doing angel readings and although I felt “like a fish out of water” and doubting my abilities when I read for another participant, I knew intrinsically that I had been blessed by the Angels to be able to bring their messages to others. My Sister from the “Light” was also a terrific intuitive angel reader and able to do mediumship readings during the course, much more in depth and accurately than I could. Perhaps this was because she had a very recent connection with the death of her daughter returning to the “other side” and she was more open to receiving messages from deceased loved ones for other participants, than I was. In any event, today my sister is still a fantastic angel reader and medium. This was a very sensuous experience for me as I was fully alive in my passion. The energy of 450 angel “light workers” all in the same room was astounding, unimaginable, unbelievable, and with joy and love abounding everywhere within the walls of our hotel conference room I was definitely being influenced through my senses, especially through my claircognizant and clairsentient senses. There were no words for my sensual feeling, other than the whole experience was one of complete sensory elation. I had a permanent smile on my face for almost the whole duration of the course as I knew I was where I belonged and was having a blissful and euphoric connection with God and the Angels! I have never felt more “at home” than when I was in Doreen Virtue’s course.
On one of the course days we had several hours off during the day so we decided to head out by car to San Juan Capistrano. My sister and I had both wanted to see this place because of its spiritual history, and we wanted to walk on the same ground as former “light workers”. We also hoped to see some swallows, although April is not the time for their annual return flight. We drove down from Dana Point and it was a beautiful day. We parked our rental car in a public pay parking lot and got our camera and empty shopping bags and off we set to tour the town. We walked around the mission, exploring every nook and cranny that we could. We went into the Serra Chapel and were in awe of the tapestry woven between the historic remains and the spiritual presence we felt as we reverently walked through the church. We felt the spirits of the deceased and could feel the pain and suffering that these people had endured. We both LOVED the bells and wished we could have heard them ring. They are massive and we were so profoundly moved as we tried to imagine how anyone could have relocated these humungus structures in a very challenging era, having no hydraulic lifts, cranes or hoists, never mind being strong robust workers. The shops were so interesting and we had many spontaneous, insightful discussions with the shop keepers. This was sensually stimulating for both of us as we love to learn about the history of a place and its ancestors. Everyone we met was very willing to enlighten us on the history of San Juan Capistrano. We saw how the people milled their corn to make bread, the ovens they baked their loaves in, their laundry facilities, sleeping quarters and equipment. We went back in time 300 years and it was an amazing “life regression” experience. We could feel the presence of the ancestors and hear the laughing and conversations going on amongst the original occupants of this land. We felt as if we were walking amongst them tending to the gardens or observing where the animals had been kept.
After we had walked around for several hours and bought some angel gifts to bring home, we decided to return to our car. Our feet ached and we now just wanted to get back to our room in Dana Point. My sister, who was always such a good sport when we were driving in foreign places, was doing the driving. Well actually she was driving by default, as I don’t like driving in foreign countries when I don’t know the road or have any clue where I am going, so I would argue with her until, in most cases, she relented. This would be a “bone of contention” between us but usually she gave in and to top it off, she is an awesome driver. I would drive with her anywhere, any day! As my sister is a world traveler and I travel very infrequently, she was much more used to driving in foreign places than I was, so I relied on her experience and confidence to just take over and do the driving. I did drive us back and forth to our course some of the time in Dana Point, but she did most of the driving and all the long distance driving to and from LA and Dana Point. God Bless My Sister from the “Light!”
We found a picnic bench and started to go through our shopping bags to make sure we had everything, checking for our purses and camera. We stood at the table for about 20 minutes and noticed this quite dilapidated house and a bunch of men sitting outside on the front porch in close proximity to our picnic table. Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong nor were we in judgment of the run-down house, but we both got a “weird” vibe from the guys sitting outside on the porch. We just did not feel comfortable with their energy and being Angel Therapists, we follow our intuition and do not question it!
We got in our rental car and it was decided that my sister would drive back and I would be the passenger. I was happy as I was so tired, as was my sister, but we decided I could be her navigator to help us get out of the parking area and back onto a main road. This was not easily done as there are lots of roads in this area that are one-way only and then just seemed to end. As we were stopped at a stop sign, my instincts told me to turn around and running down the road after us was one of the guys from the shanty-style house with a huge rifle barrel pointing right at us. I screamed at my sister to gun it and she said quite calmly she had to go the speed limit which was 15 km I believe. Now, I am usually the one who would never break a rule nor tell someone to break one, but in this instance I believed it was a “life and death” situation and wanted us to get the heck out of there. My sister and I argued for a few seconds, but what seemed like eternity, as she had not noticed the man with the rifle until I told her about him running after us, and then she finally decided to “gun the gas pedal” and we exploded down the main street we were on. There was no traffic so no one was in danger! I turned around to look out the rear window and saw that the guy had stopped running and had turned back towards his house.
According to the Miriam-Webster dictionary meaning of sensuous - “highly susceptible to influence through the senses”, I do believe my sister and I were having a very sensuous experience, as our antenna was up right from the first moment we were being influenced through our feelings of uneasiness when we saw the run-down house with the guys sitting on the porch and definitely we were having an incredibly heightened adrenaline rush when we saw the man with the rifle running behind the car!
We got back safely to our room at the inn we were staying in at Dana Point and travelled back in time with our conversation to the last couple of hours’ experiences. We knew we had been totally taken care of by the Angels and our outcome at the end of a beautiful spiritual experience at San Juan Capistrano could have ended up as “San Juan Catastrophic”. My sister and I have only talked about this shared sensuous experience a couple of times and certainly not in the last many years, so my hope is that when she reads my article about her being my “Sister from the Light”, she will know how much I love and appreciate her for being such a good travelling companion to me during such a tremendously challenging situation.
This is without a doubt one of the most highly sensitized and explosively dangerous situations I have ever been in. What I was able to understand from this experience was that my sister and I love each other very much and no matter what has transpired in our lives or will continue to happen on the rest of our life journeys, we are there for each other. We will protect, comfort and keep each other safe to the best of our ability no matter what. I only have one sister and I am so eternally grateful that I have been blessed with this one! We are becoming each other’s best friend again, similar to how we used to be, but in a different way, as neither of us are the same person we were before her daughter and my niece committed suicide. We have both been through a lot of challenges over the past many years and it is so apparent that the Angels have kept our hearts open and not allowed us to close them on each other.
I am sharing this “sister’s” story from my life journey to affirm with anyone who is going through now, or has gone through in the past, a challenging relationship issue that they cannot or could not see a way to resolution of the situation. Ask the Angels to allow you to keep your heart open, to be receptive to the information you need to hear to heal the relationship and to know that there are no winners or losers in a “battle of the wills”. As I found out during this very tense and highly emotionally charged experience at San Juan Capistrano with my sister, in the end, she is the only one I would have wanted to have had this experience with and that is why it happened the way it did. We were there for each other then and we are here for each other now. If there is someone you feel you need to say something to, to be clear and complete in your communication with, then please say it. If you cannot say it to them personally, then write, type or print it out and ask the Angels to bless the situation. The Angels are only a breath away and will help us with anything, but we have to ask them for help. This is a quote the Angels have given to me for anyone with a relationship issue right now: “Let Go of Our Pride. Let Anger Subside. Let Our Hearts Be Open Wide. Let the Angels Be Our Guide.”
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Dedicated to My Sister, Vonne, My “Sister from the Light”, with Love from My Heart and Soul,
It was early April, 2004 and as I stepped out of bed, putting both feet down on the carpet, I felt the lightning bolt of pain searing through my heels. I curled up my toes, bent down to try to massage what I thought were muscle spasms, and flexed my feet back and forth to hopefully get some relief, but this did not work, so put both legs back up on my bed and laid there in agony. Through many visits to my doctor, physiotherapist and specialist it was determined that I had bi-lateral plantar fasciitis in both feet, which is a condition causing excruciating heel pain (mainly, but it can affect other areas of the bottom of the foot, as well), resulting from the severe inflammation of the ligament connecting the heel bone to the arch of the foot. I had this condition for many years and could not walk for 4 months from April to August, 2004. I just hobbled, hopped or crawled on my hands and knees to get around and was severely impacted with this disability for 2 years, missing work for several months.
My awareness of the Angels up to this point was very basic and my personal relationship with them at a conscious level was none, but looking back at my life I now know that I have had the Angels intervene on my behalf or carry me through difficult situations without my conscious knowledge numerous times. I definitely believe I agreed to form an “angelic partnership” with my Angels at a subconscious level very early in my life and also believe that my Angels have always been with me and will continue to be with me for the remainder of my time on Planet Earth.
My sister sent me one of Doreen Virtue’s books, “Angel Medicine”, to read during my rehabilitation period and once I read this first book, I was addicted to needing more “angel medicine” myself. I bought several more of Doreen’s books for angelic guidance and direction! I found my source of spiritual renewal and gained a close personal friendship with my Angels. I already had a close personal relationship with God, so this was a conscious addition to my Spiritual Family, having the Angels be my personal guides, just as a blind person has their “seeing eye” guide dog, I have my Angels who are my guiding lights!
As I laid on the couch, I would stare out the window and contemplate my “disability” situation. I asked God and the Angels 3 questions during one of these reflection periods: “What is it you want me to learn from this experience? What message do you want me to share with others? How can I serve you?” Within hours of asking these questions, as I was lying very still with my eyes closed on my couch, I began hearing a basic melody and lyrics for a song in my head. I would sing and re-sing the melody and lyrics over and over and after about 4-6 months the first song “In This Moment” was conceived. I received 22 melodies and lyrics for songs over the next 2 years channeled to me by the Angels. Through the Angels’ guidance, I became acquainted with a professional singer who had a recording studio and together we co-arranged and co-produced my EP “In This Moment”. I told only a handful of people about my music and gave away most of the CDs I had produced. My mother, Barbara Solis, (deceased), who was a Spanish Concert Pianist, loved the EP when she first heard it and was totally surprised at the composition of each song. Mom said she could find nothing she would have changed. I have NO MUSICAL BACKGROUND and was thrilled that my Mom loved the Angels’ music! However, in the summer of 2014, I gave the remainder of my CDs to Father Brian, one of the Anglican priests I knew, and asked him to take them to the Vancouver Downtown Eastside where many of our city’s street people reside, to give them away to anyone he thought might like to listen to some inspirational/spiritual music. I was so disappointed that I had been gifted with this musical blessing from the Angels, but felt that very few people were ever going to hear their beautiful messages.
In September 2014, I became completely disabled with severe back and hip pain. I attended spinal decompression treatments for 3 months, 3 times a week, at a substantial cost, as there was no medical coverage on my plan for this type of treatment. I started a comprehensive 5-month rehabilitation program, going 3 times a week and then moving up to 4 times a week, many hours a day, until I started a graduated return-to-work program in February, 2015. I was devastated that once again I was in a “disabled” period of my life, as this was now a third time my body was being afflicted with insurmountable pain and debilitation. My first disability period was in 1994-1996 when I was seriously ill with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue and I attempted suicide on May 23, 1996 as I could not cope with the pain or lack of quality of life I had become relegated to, lying on the floor and crying my eyes out as I was in such agony, emotionally and physically. (Never mind the fact that from this time and for many years to come, I was never able to make plans to do anything or go anywhere, as I did not know what my health would be like from moment to moment, so I began to live a very reclusive hermit-like lifestyle and withdrew from human contact as much as possible). However as was my Divine Plan, the Angels intervened on May 23, 1996 and I did not die.
Now, here again in Fall, 2014, wearing a back brace full-time and icing 24/7 to try to have some semblance of “less pain” moments, I kept begging that God and the Angels “Take Me Home” if you have no more use for me on Earth. I surrendered my life completely to God and the Angels and asked them to PLEASE show me what they wanted me to do for them if I was to remain alive. I no longer wanted to live in a physical and emotional semi-comatose state.
On October 29, 2014 I went to my spinal decompression treatment which was at 6:30 a.m. and laid on the treatment bed, very silent and in a semi-meditative state. Suddenly, I heard my Mom’s voice clearly saying “You have to get your music on iTunes, Brenny!” Brenny, was Mom’s nickname for me as long as I can remember! She only said this statement once and then left the room, or my head! I went home from my treatment and started researching “how to get music on the internet” and started the ball rolling to digitally market my music myself. I will not elaborate on this process at this time, but suffice it to say I learned a lot, spoke with several people and was guided every step of the way by the Angels to have my music released through MondoTunes on December 2, 2014. The whole process took 5 weeks. I had no idea on October 29, 2014 while I was lying on a spinal decompression table that I was going to start a Mission for the Angels which I emphatically chose to accept! I was not in Dubai scaling the side of a building or plotting exciting and thrilling espionage tactics, but the elation I felt with having now found some direction and purpose for my life that allowed me to believe and have faith that I was to be a Messenger for the Angels was euphoric and has not subsided since that date. I call my Mission for the Angels “Messenger of Hope for the Angels”.
Once the ball had started rolling to launch my music, I asked the Angels what they wanted me to do next for them. On December 1, 2014, they started channeling inspirational and spiritual quotes to me daily, at all hours of the day and night, usually 1, but sometimes 3 in a day. I would run to my journal if it was in the middle of the night and write the quote down and then try to decipher in the morning what I had put on the paper in my illegible hand scribble! I usually wrote the quote exactly the way the Angels channeled it to me the first time around, but sometimes I would have to rework the quote several times. One quote took me on and off 4 days to write! I guess I was not a very “open vessel” that time around for the Angels! I asked them what they wanted me to do with these quotes when I first started receiving them and they answered “put them on social media”.
Now, up until this time, December 1, 2014, I had never been exposed to social media, nor did I have any desire to know anything about it. However, my contact at MondoTunes had suggested that I at least start a Facebook and Twitter account. I remember the first time I went to post a tweet, I had no idea what to do or where it went once I clicked “Tweet!” I set up accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin and started putting one of the Angels’ quotes out every day. I was so nervous as I did not know how they would be received or if I would have any negative feedback from someone. In June, 2015, I was invited to connect with someone on Google+ and got that account set up too. I designed my own website with no knowledge at all of internet technology. My Mission for the Angels was exciting, exhilarating and excruciating all at the same time. Computer technology issues usually due to “operator error - ME” were and still are the bane of my existence! I dislike it intensely when I cannot resolve a computer glitch and then have nowhere to turn, to receive help! I have learned to ask the Angels to intervene and they do! I get a nudge to call someone or search online for the matter I am dealing with and lo and behold, there is usually online help available, or a link to click on, or a YouTube video to watch!
Once my social media accounts were all set up and I was putting the Angels’ quotes out daily from December 1, 2014 to April, 2015, I asked them what the next step was for me on my Mission for the Angels. Softly and clearly, they said I needed to publish the quotes into a book. Now, you’d think by this time I would have learned that the Angels never do anything small with me - these are all big projects. This, for me, was exceptionally true as I had just finished 5 months of rehab at a rehabilitation facility for my back and hip and had returned to work full-time at my corporate job 5 days a week on April 23, 2015, after initially starting back to work on a graduated return-to-work program in February, 2015. On May 13, 2015 I started the initial process to self-publish the Angels’ book of inspirational and spiritual quotes. The title I was given for the book was “Angels’ Sweet Reflections” and is prefaced with “In This Moment” to become “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections”. “In This Moment” is also the title of my music EP, my title song on the music EP and my beautiful website “Their” (the Angels) book contains over 250 inspirational and spiritual quotes on the topics of Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, Spirituality, Support, Encouragement and Guidance.
My website has all the new inspirational and spiritual quotes the Angels have channeled to me since I published “their” book with the first 250+ quotes they gave me. Through my hands-on experience, I have become very aware that all we/I have is “This One Moment in Time”. I began to see clearly the relevance of my title to all my creative work, as the Angels’ Message for me is that I only have this one moment and everything in the “present” is “In This Moment”. It is not necessary for me to concern myself or get overwhelmed about what my next steps are on my Mission for the Angels, as they are very gently guiding me on my journey to have each step I take unfold just as it is meant to, in the right time, in the right place and in absolute Divine Order. The Angels had given me a “Mission Statement” to put on my website which is under my Bio and initially was “It Is My Desire to Inspire Everyone Who Comes Across My Path”. Recently, the Angels asked me to broaden the scope of my Mission Statement as part of my Mission for the Angels, which is now on my website, and reads “I want to Inspire Everyone who Comes Across My Path to Help Change this World into One of Unconditional and Universal Peace and Love through Respect, Consideration, Caring, Compassion and Kindness”. The Mission from the Angels which I am honoured to accept with great happiness, humbleness and humility is now moving me into the next leg of my journey, however that unfolds and wherever the Angels choose to carry me on their Wings of Love! I am an open and willing recipient to be a Messenger of Hope for the Angels. I can think of no greater Mission for the Angels than to Inspire Others to Help Change Our World into One of Unconditional and Universal Peace and Love through Respect, Consideration, Caring, Compassion and Kindness! I give thanks to the Angels for Choosing and Using Me as their Messenger of Hope!
I invite you to join me on this part of My Mission for the Angels by becoming a proactive participant in changing our Planet Earth into one of Unconditional and Universal Peace and Love through Respect, Consideration, Caring, Compassion and Kindness.
From My Heart to Yours,
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
I like to start my article with the online dictionary definition of my topic and the one that correlates best with my subject matter “Masterpiece” is from the Free Dictionary by Farlex:
Masterpiece or less commonly masterwork
1. an outstanding work, achievement, or performance
2. the most outstanding piece of work of a creative artist, craftsman, etc.
God’s Masterpiece called “Humanity”. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read these words? Take a moment to reflect on each word independent of the other and see where your mind takes you. I had to think about this for a moment as I was writing this statement and what I envisioned was the most beautifully integrated and synchronized collage of colours, represented by gorgeous gemstones arranged in a most deliberate design, where the radiance of each gemstone magnified itself upon the other and together this masterful production of creative artistry became known as God’s Masterpiece Called “Humanity”.
The Angels channeled this quote to me entitled “GOD’S MASTERPIECE” which is in my beautiful new book “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections”, available on
God’s Masterpiece entitled “The Perfection of Humanity”
is now being displayed in “Harmony Hall”.
This Brilliant Mosaic is Formed by the Connection of Individual “Diamonds”
Sparkling from the Brilliance of their “Light and Love”.
As I looked upon this photo which depicts the imagery I imagined in my mind, I see each individual gemstone separated only by their colour. I see uniformity, strength, balance, harmony, individuality, reflection, radiance, support, brilliance and beauty. I think how, in God’s Divine Plan when he created our universe, the essential components necessary for him to design such a Masterpiece Called “Humanity” were a variance of colours, a diversification of textures reflecting a 3-dimensional hologram, a synchronicity of expression and an expansive, beautiful canvass on which to create his vision of a peaceful, harmonious, loving and joyful world, which could be reflections of his “Light” and “Love”.
I decided to take one of these beautiful gemstones and attach my name to it to see how I fit into this synchronized expression of God’s Masterpiece Called “Humanity”. I saw how I was just as beautiful as the next gemstone beside me and how my radiance contributed to the magnificence of the whole creation. I could see the brilliance of my reflection being reflected through the other beautiful gemstones and how together the uniformity of the whole design was a perfect manifestation of harmony and individuality. I noticed that my individuality did not conflict with, nor constrict any other gemstone’s individuality. I knew by looking at this incredible creative artistic production that I belonged and was needed to be an integral part of the whole and if just one gemstone was out of alignment or sync with the others, then the balance and harmony would be lost and the support of the creation would collapse. I knew it was my choice if I wanted to be a part of the collective whole or not. I saw that there was a more intensified brilliant light reflecting from the whole creation than from me taking a solitary position within the design. I noticed how my colouring did not detract or inhibit the brilliance of any of the other exquisitely coloured gemstones. I observed the smoothness and purity of some of these superb gemstones in contrast with rougher, less refined ones. I was drawn to the 3 dimensional hologram as it reflected the 3 main dimensions of my individuality - physical, emotional and spiritual and I noted that where there was a defect or marring in a gemstone how I correlated this to one of my dimensions being out of sync and in need of some tender loving care to refurbish my inner spirit and outer appearance.
I then started to draw a parallel between this intricate and magnificent design of gemstones entitled God’s Masterpiece Called “Humanity” to our physical world. I reflected on how the synchronized design had four corners, just as our world does, and through the diversification and contrast in the texture of each country and the variance in colours of the people originating from their native lands, we are exposed to such a magnitude of expansiveness and beauty to cross from corner to corner of the globe. We are blessed to have such exciting possibilities of experiencing each other’s countries, cultures, ceremonies and customs. We are just as beautiful in the eyes of God as the next person standing beside us and we are all part of the bigger whole contributing to the collective uniformity of God’s Masterpiece Called “Humanity” through our individuality. It is important that we understand how our inner beauty reflecting to and through each other can radiate peace, love and joy and is vital to the harmony, balance, strength, support and synchronicity of a unified planet. It is imperative that if we choose to live in a world without conflict, anger, hostility, imposition of one’s beliefs, authoritarian control, ego-centred decision-making, power tripping constriction, dissention or discord that we emanate through our individuality a state of peace, grace and love so we are able to support, encourage, positively challenge, motivate and inspire our fellow “earth mates” into wanting to make a positive difference globally for the betterment of all who reside here. We all have the same right to belong on our planet and be an integral part of the greater whole and everyone should be given an equal degree of dignity, respect, consideration and kindness. We do know that if just one person is out of alignment or synchronicity with being an instrument of “light” and ”love” how quickly our world structure collapses and the balance of peace and harmony is lost between nations. It is a conscious choice that each of us makes to be a positive light to support and encourage one another to be the best person that each of us can be, in our individual circumstances. There is definitely a greater reward for humanity if individually we create a positive and supportive environment to live in by making even the slightest difference in our own corner of the world by adopting a healthier, happier and more “wholeistic” approach to how we live our lives for the overall healing of our Mother Earth. I extend to you my invitation to join me in making God’s Beautiful Masterpiece Called “Humanity” the most peaceful, loving, harmonious and joyful world to live in, by being the best caring, compassionate, considerate and kind person we can be.
This is a quote the Angels channeled through me to share with you:
Though My Eyes I See Only Me
Through Your Eyes You See Only You
If I Were You and You Were Me
What Would We Do Differently?
I have chosen to be a “Messenger of Hope” from the Angels, as I am still alive and on this planet because of the Angels’ intervention several times through my Journey of Life. I do know the Angels are always with us and will intervene if asked, but they need to be asked. Sometimes, the answer won’t be the one we were expecting, or in the timeframe we were hoping for, but our request for help will always be answered. The only time they will intervene without being asked is if our life is in peril and it is not our time to leave the planet or have this possibly negative experience, then the Angels will step in.
Please Join Me in this “Peace”, “Love” and “Joy” Mission to Heal Our Planet.
In “Light” and “Love”
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Masterpiece or less commonly masterwork
1. an outstanding work, achievement, or performance
2. the most outstanding piece of work of a creative artist, craftsman, etc.
God’s Masterpiece called “Humanity”. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read these words? Take a moment to reflect on each word independent of the other and see where your mind takes you. I had to think about this for a moment as I was writing this statement and what I envisioned was the most beautifully integrated and synchronized collage of colours, represented by gorgeous gemstones arranged in a most deliberate design, where the radiance of each gemstone magnified itself upon the other and together this masterful production of creative artistry became known as God’s Masterpiece Called “Humanity”.
The Angels channeled this quote to me entitled “GOD’S MASTERPIECE” which is in my beautiful new book “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections”, available on
God’s Masterpiece entitled “The Perfection of Humanity”
is now being displayed in “Harmony Hall”.
This Brilliant Mosaic is Formed by the Connection of Individual “Diamonds”
Sparkling from the Brilliance of their “Light and Love”.
As I looked upon this photo which depicts the imagery I imagined in my mind, I see each individual gemstone separated only by their colour. I see uniformity, strength, balance, harmony, individuality, reflection, radiance, support, brilliance and beauty. I think how, in God’s Divine Plan when he created our universe, the essential components necessary for him to design such a Masterpiece Called “Humanity” were a variance of colours, a diversification of textures reflecting a 3-dimensional hologram, a synchronicity of expression and an expansive, beautiful canvass on which to create his vision of a peaceful, harmonious, loving and joyful world, which could be reflections of his “Light” and “Love”.
I decided to take one of these beautiful gemstones and attach my name to it to see how I fit into this synchronized expression of God’s Masterpiece Called “Humanity”. I saw how I was just as beautiful as the next gemstone beside me and how my radiance contributed to the magnificence of the whole creation. I could see the brilliance of my reflection being reflected through the other beautiful gemstones and how together the uniformity of the whole design was a perfect manifestation of harmony and individuality. I noticed that my individuality did not conflict with, nor constrict any other gemstone’s individuality. I knew by looking at this incredible creative artistic production that I belonged and was needed to be an integral part of the whole and if just one gemstone was out of alignment or sync with the others, then the balance and harmony would be lost and the support of the creation would collapse. I knew it was my choice if I wanted to be a part of the collective whole or not. I saw that there was a more intensified brilliant light reflecting from the whole creation than from me taking a solitary position within the design. I noticed how my colouring did not detract or inhibit the brilliance of any of the other exquisitely coloured gemstones. I observed the smoothness and purity of some of these superb gemstones in contrast with rougher, less refined ones. I was drawn to the 3 dimensional hologram as it reflected the 3 main dimensions of my individuality - physical, emotional and spiritual and I noted that where there was a defect or marring in a gemstone how I correlated this to one of my dimensions being out of sync and in need of some tender loving care to refurbish my inner spirit and outer appearance.
I then started to draw a parallel between this intricate and magnificent design of gemstones entitled God’s Masterpiece Called “Humanity” to our physical world. I reflected on how the synchronized design had four corners, just as our world does, and through the diversification and contrast in the texture of each country and the variance in colours of the people originating from their native lands, we are exposed to such a magnitude of expansiveness and beauty to cross from corner to corner of the globe. We are blessed to have such exciting possibilities of experiencing each other’s countries, cultures, ceremonies and customs. We are just as beautiful in the eyes of God as the next person standing beside us and we are all part of the bigger whole contributing to the collective uniformity of God’s Masterpiece Called “Humanity” through our individuality. It is important that we understand how our inner beauty reflecting to and through each other can radiate peace, love and joy and is vital to the harmony, balance, strength, support and synchronicity of a unified planet. It is imperative that if we choose to live in a world without conflict, anger, hostility, imposition of one’s beliefs, authoritarian control, ego-centred decision-making, power tripping constriction, dissention or discord that we emanate through our individuality a state of peace, grace and love so we are able to support, encourage, positively challenge, motivate and inspire our fellow “earth mates” into wanting to make a positive difference globally for the betterment of all who reside here. We all have the same right to belong on our planet and be an integral part of the greater whole and everyone should be given an equal degree of dignity, respect, consideration and kindness. We do know that if just one person is out of alignment or synchronicity with being an instrument of “light” and ”love” how quickly our world structure collapses and the balance of peace and harmony is lost between nations. It is a conscious choice that each of us makes to be a positive light to support and encourage one another to be the best person that each of us can be, in our individual circumstances. There is definitely a greater reward for humanity if individually we create a positive and supportive environment to live in by making even the slightest difference in our own corner of the world by adopting a healthier, happier and more “wholeistic” approach to how we live our lives for the overall healing of our Mother Earth. I extend to you my invitation to join me in making God’s Beautiful Masterpiece Called “Humanity” the most peaceful, loving, harmonious and joyful world to live in, by being the best caring, compassionate, considerate and kind person we can be.
This is a quote the Angels channeled through me to share with you:
Though My Eyes I See Only Me
Through Your Eyes You See Only You
If I Were You and You Were Me
What Would We Do Differently?
I have chosen to be a “Messenger of Hope” from the Angels, as I am still alive and on this planet because of the Angels’ intervention several times through my Journey of Life. I do know the Angels are always with us and will intervene if asked, but they need to be asked. Sometimes, the answer won’t be the one we were expecting, or in the timeframe we were hoping for, but our request for help will always be answered. The only time they will intervene without being asked is if our life is in peril and it is not our time to leave the planet or have this possibly negative experience, then the Angels will step in.
Please Join Me in this “Peace”, “Love” and “Joy” Mission to Heal Our Planet.
In “Light” and “Love”
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
The topic of my article is “Luminosity” and I like to begin my articles with an online dictionary meaning, this one taken from Miriam-Webster:
1. a the quality or state of being luminous
b. something luminous
2. a. the relative quantity of light
b. relative brightness of something
3. the relative quantity of radiation emitted by a celestial source (as a star)”
It was the Fall of 1988 and I was unexpectedly unemployed (terminated from my job as a project management assistant for 1 year) and was unsure of what my next career path would be. I looked at want ads in the newspaper daily and was in touch with my employment agencies, but something inside of me nudged me (obviously my angels) to call about being a representative for an encyclopedia company. I interviewed with them and got the position. Little did I know that this would be the most challenging job I have ever had in my life and I have had many! I did not know that this was basically a door-to-door sales job and my belief about me being a salesperson to this point in my life was that it wasn’t my thing, I was definitely not a sales person and I wasn’t good at it. Upon starting with the company, I bought my starter kit of 2 encyclopedia volumes, mountains of flyers and marketing material and set out canvassing my area, trudging around in the pouring rain, carrying my heavy bag with the voluminous amount of information, knocking on strangers’ doors to hopefully be let in so I could give them my sales pitch and potentially make a sale (looking like a completely drowned rat!). Contrary to some people’s belief about door-to-door salespeople, I never had a door slammed in my face being a door-to-door sales girl, Thank God, but I had many refusals, for sure, and doors closed quickly but not slammed! I attended weekly sales meetings and would get pumped up to go out and teach people how important education and learning was for their children and tried to explain in my most “unsaleswoman-like voice” why they needed to buy my encyclopedias. I always bought their “no” reasons for why they couldn’t proceed with a purchase and was more concerned with their situation than mine! I made enough commission/bonus points to earn a complete 13 volume encyclopedia set for a charity of my choice. That was an easy decision for me to make as, during this same career path change, I decided to volunteer at the children’s hospital near where I lived. By the way, this career path change lasted three months!
I volunteered with the children’s hospital since September of 1988 once or twice a week, for 6 months, by holding sick infants – once I held a 3 week old baby who had tubes everywhere in her body, while its mother got a much-needed break. I played with sick 1-4 year old toddlers and young children in the playroom and assisted the teacher with the sick children (in grades 1 and 2) in the schoolroom occasionally. I had the opportunity to volunteer with the 1-3 year old toddlers in the oncology ward and this experience forever changed my life. I saw firsthand how incredibly sick and palliative children with various kinds of cancers and dragging their intravenous ports alongside them, (the volunteers or nurse’s aides would assist with carrying their intravenous ports) could laugh, run through circular tubing, and play and tumble on their equipment with no thought of complaining or crying while in extreme pain. Their heads were shaved or the children had lost their hair due to chemotherapy and their stomachs were distended from the disease. I stood in the room and knew that this was truly a profound experience, but at that time I did not know this experience would forever change my life. I used to wish, when I was in a very challenging situation and someone was being incredibly unkind or critical toward me, that if they only saw for 10 minutes in their life what I was able to see for a longer period than that in this oncology ward, they might rethink how they chose to be with me and others. I, of course, would never say anything – just kept quiet but would pray that these people who I knew had not been illuminated and seen the luminosity radiating through another person, namely a toddler, would have this same heart-wrenching opportunity and it would hopefully change their behaviours and attitudes and they would become kinder, more respectful and compassionate human beings. I know I was truly humbled by this experience and very seldom speak about it. This was an inner transformational experience which was very sacred and personal to me.
I decided when writing this article to correlate the physical experiences of my volunteering at the children’s hospital with my own personal spiritual development so I could share and hopefully enlighten you with my spiritual illumination through the luminosity of these Children of the “Light”.
When reflecting upon my time in the nursery holding the 3 week old infant with tubes attached everywhere to her body, and knowing how fragile and precious she was, I think how many times Spirit has held me in my infancy of spiritual growth, fragile and weak, knowing that with each “pin prick” from every challenging situation created from hurt, anger, despondency, depression, humiliation, self-recrimination and total lack of self-worth, I have been loved unconditionally and nurtured into a peaceful state from being held in the arms of Spirit’s Unconditional Love. I have been placed back in my “bed of comfort” and nurtured with gentle kindness.
As I move through my soul’s evolution and my spiritual illumination from the luminosity of Spirit’s Unconditional Love for me, I see how parallel the experience I had in the playroom with the toddlers and children ages 1-4 relates to my spiritual progress. I saw how difficult it was for a baby age 1 to walk, teetering and tottering around a table and how easy it was for a 4-year old to run around the playroom. I draw this analogy to my spiritual lessons and see how at the first stage of these lessons when first introduced to me were so much more difficult to comprehend and implement in my daily life, than by the fourth stage of having repeated the same lesson for my personal development, of how much easier and quicker I could run through this process from start to finish, yet sometimes having to move onto a fifth or sixth stage before I got the lesson!
When reviewing my time in the schoolroom with the children (grades 1 and 2) ages 6-7, I would sit and play cards with a 6 year old girl who had been run over by a garbage truck and had several bones broken in her body. Her arm was in a cast, her leg was in a cast in a raised hoist, her pelvis had been broken, and she had several broken ribs. She always had a smile on her face and we would play Old Maid. She always won! I think of how many many times my spirit has been broken, I have been laid up in bed completely incapacitated and how I have not had a smile on my face and not been able to transcend into a place of peace, love, joy and happiness at this point in my life. NOT UNTIL THE ANGELS STEPPED IN! Only then, have I been able to FEEL Spirit’s Unconditional Love for me and KNOW that everything is in Divine Order and I am being supported and carried by the Angels. Learning to be of service when I feel the least like being of service is the most important thing for me as this brings me out of myself and into “other consciousness”, which then aids in my spiritual recovery and growth. I am a messenger for the Angels, who are messengers for Spirit, and am happy they have chosen to work through me to bring their messages of Peace, Love, Joy and Happiness to everyone.
The experience in being with the toddlers age 1-3 in the oncology ward has been like no other in my lifetime, as I previously mentioned. This is where the Children of the “Light”’s luminosity has shone so brightly that my soul has been forever illuminated. I have been taught that as I recognize and appreciate that each and every one of our physical beings is going to depart this planet at one point or another, it is important for me to make the most out of each moment and to shine my light as brightly as I can, as it is an illumination of Spirit’s Unconditional Love for me and I want this luminosity of spiritual love to extend as far as its rays can reach and touch as many hearts as possible while I am still on this earth. I was taught by these Children of the “Light” that they only live in the moment, play nicely together, are caring and considerate of each other and they put aside their “illness” as a condition to restrain them from having fun and being part of a community spirit. They taught me how their lights shine as bright as the brightest star in the universe and the luminosity from their light rays has touched my heart beyond belief.
I dedicate the following poem to all sick children everywhere in the universe who are in any way incapacitated by their illness or impediment. You are all Children of the “Light” and I Love You! Keep shining your bright lights so we can all see the brilliance radiating from your luminosity.
1. a the quality or state of being luminous
b. something luminous
2. a. the relative quantity of light
b. relative brightness of something
3. the relative quantity of radiation emitted by a celestial source (as a star)”
It was the Fall of 1988 and I was unexpectedly unemployed (terminated from my job as a project management assistant for 1 year) and was unsure of what my next career path would be. I looked at want ads in the newspaper daily and was in touch with my employment agencies, but something inside of me nudged me (obviously my angels) to call about being a representative for an encyclopedia company. I interviewed with them and got the position. Little did I know that this would be the most challenging job I have ever had in my life and I have had many! I did not know that this was basically a door-to-door sales job and my belief about me being a salesperson to this point in my life was that it wasn’t my thing, I was definitely not a sales person and I wasn’t good at it. Upon starting with the company, I bought my starter kit of 2 encyclopedia volumes, mountains of flyers and marketing material and set out canvassing my area, trudging around in the pouring rain, carrying my heavy bag with the voluminous amount of information, knocking on strangers’ doors to hopefully be let in so I could give them my sales pitch and potentially make a sale (looking like a completely drowned rat!). Contrary to some people’s belief about door-to-door salespeople, I never had a door slammed in my face being a door-to-door sales girl, Thank God, but I had many refusals, for sure, and doors closed quickly but not slammed! I attended weekly sales meetings and would get pumped up to go out and teach people how important education and learning was for their children and tried to explain in my most “unsaleswoman-like voice” why they needed to buy my encyclopedias. I always bought their “no” reasons for why they couldn’t proceed with a purchase and was more concerned with their situation than mine! I made enough commission/bonus points to earn a complete 13 volume encyclopedia set for a charity of my choice. That was an easy decision for me to make as, during this same career path change, I decided to volunteer at the children’s hospital near where I lived. By the way, this career path change lasted three months!
I volunteered with the children’s hospital since September of 1988 once or twice a week, for 6 months, by holding sick infants – once I held a 3 week old baby who had tubes everywhere in her body, while its mother got a much-needed break. I played with sick 1-4 year old toddlers and young children in the playroom and assisted the teacher with the sick children (in grades 1 and 2) in the schoolroom occasionally. I had the opportunity to volunteer with the 1-3 year old toddlers in the oncology ward and this experience forever changed my life. I saw firsthand how incredibly sick and palliative children with various kinds of cancers and dragging their intravenous ports alongside them, (the volunteers or nurse’s aides would assist with carrying their intravenous ports) could laugh, run through circular tubing, and play and tumble on their equipment with no thought of complaining or crying while in extreme pain. Their heads were shaved or the children had lost their hair due to chemotherapy and their stomachs were distended from the disease. I stood in the room and knew that this was truly a profound experience, but at that time I did not know this experience would forever change my life. I used to wish, when I was in a very challenging situation and someone was being incredibly unkind or critical toward me, that if they only saw for 10 minutes in their life what I was able to see for a longer period than that in this oncology ward, they might rethink how they chose to be with me and others. I, of course, would never say anything – just kept quiet but would pray that these people who I knew had not been illuminated and seen the luminosity radiating through another person, namely a toddler, would have this same heart-wrenching opportunity and it would hopefully change their behaviours and attitudes and they would become kinder, more respectful and compassionate human beings. I know I was truly humbled by this experience and very seldom speak about it. This was an inner transformational experience which was very sacred and personal to me.
I decided when writing this article to correlate the physical experiences of my volunteering at the children’s hospital with my own personal spiritual development so I could share and hopefully enlighten you with my spiritual illumination through the luminosity of these Children of the “Light”.
When reflecting upon my time in the nursery holding the 3 week old infant with tubes attached everywhere to her body, and knowing how fragile and precious she was, I think how many times Spirit has held me in my infancy of spiritual growth, fragile and weak, knowing that with each “pin prick” from every challenging situation created from hurt, anger, despondency, depression, humiliation, self-recrimination and total lack of self-worth, I have been loved unconditionally and nurtured into a peaceful state from being held in the arms of Spirit’s Unconditional Love. I have been placed back in my “bed of comfort” and nurtured with gentle kindness.
As I move through my soul’s evolution and my spiritual illumination from the luminosity of Spirit’s Unconditional Love for me, I see how parallel the experience I had in the playroom with the toddlers and children ages 1-4 relates to my spiritual progress. I saw how difficult it was for a baby age 1 to walk, teetering and tottering around a table and how easy it was for a 4-year old to run around the playroom. I draw this analogy to my spiritual lessons and see how at the first stage of these lessons when first introduced to me were so much more difficult to comprehend and implement in my daily life, than by the fourth stage of having repeated the same lesson for my personal development, of how much easier and quicker I could run through this process from start to finish, yet sometimes having to move onto a fifth or sixth stage before I got the lesson!
When reviewing my time in the schoolroom with the children (grades 1 and 2) ages 6-7, I would sit and play cards with a 6 year old girl who had been run over by a garbage truck and had several bones broken in her body. Her arm was in a cast, her leg was in a cast in a raised hoist, her pelvis had been broken, and she had several broken ribs. She always had a smile on her face and we would play Old Maid. She always won! I think of how many many times my spirit has been broken, I have been laid up in bed completely incapacitated and how I have not had a smile on my face and not been able to transcend into a place of peace, love, joy and happiness at this point in my life. NOT UNTIL THE ANGELS STEPPED IN! Only then, have I been able to FEEL Spirit’s Unconditional Love for me and KNOW that everything is in Divine Order and I am being supported and carried by the Angels. Learning to be of service when I feel the least like being of service is the most important thing for me as this brings me out of myself and into “other consciousness”, which then aids in my spiritual recovery and growth. I am a messenger for the Angels, who are messengers for Spirit, and am happy they have chosen to work through me to bring their messages of Peace, Love, Joy and Happiness to everyone.
The experience in being with the toddlers age 1-3 in the oncology ward has been like no other in my lifetime, as I previously mentioned. This is where the Children of the “Light”’s luminosity has shone so brightly that my soul has been forever illuminated. I have been taught that as I recognize and appreciate that each and every one of our physical beings is going to depart this planet at one point or another, it is important for me to make the most out of each moment and to shine my light as brightly as I can, as it is an illumination of Spirit’s Unconditional Love for me and I want this luminosity of spiritual love to extend as far as its rays can reach and touch as many hearts as possible while I am still on this earth. I was taught by these Children of the “Light” that they only live in the moment, play nicely together, are caring and considerate of each other and they put aside their “illness” as a condition to restrain them from having fun and being part of a community spirit. They taught me how their lights shine as bright as the brightest star in the universe and the luminosity from their light rays has touched my heart beyond belief.
I dedicate the following poem to all sick children everywhere in the universe who are in any way incapacitated by their illness or impediment. You are all Children of the “Light” and I Love You! Keep shining your bright lights so we can all see the brilliance radiating from your luminosity.
My article’s topic is “Refresh” and I always like to start with the online dictionary’s definition of the word that I am writing about.
refresh - verb
This particular morning the weather was a slight drizzle – it had been raining heavily – but let up a little. I was feeling rushed as I drove to the bus and my energy was tense, as I wanted to make my bus, but felt like I was cutting it close (this is a normal feeling for me as I am always early for everything and would rather stand and wait for a bus for 10 minutes than be late and miss it!) I started saying an affirmation (“I have enough time, I have enough time, I have enough time”) as I walked very rapidly to the bus. I crossed the street with the light and made it safely to the other side, where I waited for that light to turn green for me. During this short minute or so, my breathing was back to normal, as I had taken a few deep breaths to calm myself down, and I knew I would make the bus as nobody else was waiting for it. When the light turned green and the walk signal chirped to let me know it was okay for me to cross the street, I started to walk. I was half-way through the crosswalk when I heard a car coming up the street behind me and knew intuitively he was going to turn left into my side of the street, that the car was going too fast, heard the car skid on the slippery road as it turned and then slammed on its brakes. I did not turn around, but kept walking as I was now about ¾ of the way through the crosswalk. I had an overwhelming sense of peace and very quietly told myself “I could have been killed just now”. I knew intuitively, (as I am an Angel Therapist and channel their messages regularly), that this was an “exit point” for me, or should have been, but with the Grace of God, the Angels’ arms surrounding me and picking me up out of the way to avoid being hit by this car, that this was not my time to exit this earth! The car drove on by me as I stepped onto the curb. About two minutes later, while I was standing at the bus stop, feeling quite disoriented and looking at everything as if it was the first time I was seeing everything, like the hydro wires, the signal lights, the cars driving back and forth in their lanes, the other people arriving at the bus stop, the feel of my umbrella in my hands – it was as if I was having a revitalized sensory perception of my physical environment. The young man, probably in his early 20’s I guessed, who was driving the car that almost hit me, drove around the block and stopped in the middle of the street, rolled down his window and shouted out “Are you okay?” I just looked at him and we both smiled at each other and I said “Yes, thanks!” After he drove off, I kept hearing in my head “You could have been killed just now”, probably about 5 times, but due to my sensory stimulation, was not in any emotional distress, just accepted this as my reality in this moment.
I am using this personal situation to draw a correlation with my Life Journey and how many times I have been going through life, doing my normal routine, living contentedly, complacently, comfortably, and consistently without asking for, or requiring any change, and then, from seemingly nowhere, a situation arises which jolts me out of my comfort zone and causes me undue stress and emotional havoc that I have to handle immediately. Most of these situations have been health related, creating physical and emotional challenges that have been overcome, but not without many fears, tears and me not wanting to continue on with my Life Journey.
I have been very fortunate to have had a close personal relationship with God since I was 5, and it has been my unwavering Faith that has been the “Refresh” button that I have pushed on my “inner computer” to “reboot” my thought processes and “re-energize” my physical energy levels. I was told by the Angels in 2015, when I asked them directly about my “exit points”, that I would have an “exit point” in 2016. An “exit point” is, from my own personal spiritual belief and experience, a point in time that I have made a choice/pact with God to exit this earth plane, and that if at this appointed time I chose not to leave the planet, Divine Intervention would occur and I would continue on with my Life Journey. To the date of this article, February 21, 2016, I have now had 4 “exit points” where, if it had not been for Divine Intervention, I would have made my transition and gone “Home”.
I draw the analogy in my life to the “car incident” that where I have been able to remain calm and use affirming, positive thoughts to assuage any negative doubts or fears that are creeping into my emotional sphere, especially during a crisis I have, for most of the time, been able to become very peaceful and accepting of “the moment”, and know that everything is in Divine Order and for my Highest and Best.
When I play by the Rules of Spirituality, as I was when using the Rules of the Road walking in the crosswalk, with a walk signal, with a green light, there have been times in my life when, even though I was following all my Spiritual Principles, I have been “struck” with a breakthrough in my Spiritual Knowledge by being presented with what I perceive to be new information, possibly something I have heard numerous times before, but now I am open to receiving it. The road has been cleared by the Angels for me to walk safely in the crosswalk on my Life Journey, as they pick me up and carry me forward on my way to a new realization, understanding and acceptance of my Spiritual Journey, as I cross with the “Light” on to my next destination as their messenger.
When I reflect on my life and correlate situations to the “car incident” I am aware of how many times I have pushed the “Refresh” button, so that I could have a new exhilaration of purpose and reinvigorating commitment to continue on with my Spiritual Journey. When I relax and take time to surrender to my environment by being quiet, peaceful and still, I am able to see and hear things with more clarity, much like what happened to me after the “car incident”, wherein I had a new awareness and appreciation of my surroundings and said to myself “Angels, Thank You for Keeping Me Alive!”
I also draw the analogy between the “car incident” with my Life Journey by living my authentic and true passion and when I have almost been struck down and wanted to exit, someone has come along either through a message they have posted on social media or I have read in an article or book, that has caused me to recommit to my inspirational and spiritual work. I have become fortified in my resolve to be the inspirational messenger for the Angels that they have chosen me to be and am physically re-energized and spiritually revitalized, just as I was after the “car incident”.
I want to encourage everyone to live in their authentic truth and be the “Light” that they came here to be on this planet. Even if someone does not believe they are a “Light” or feels like their “Light’ has dimmed, or can’t, doesn’t or won’t shine any longer, do not give up Hope. Where there is a Will, there is a Way! The Angels can help you. All you have to do is ask them. They will only intervene if asked.
The “car incident” was a very poignant moment in my life for understanding that even by playing by all the “Right Rules”, we never know when our “exit point” is going to come. If you choose to make a decision to go after something you really want to attain or aspire to become, and you have no idea how to begin, just ask the Angels to give you a sign, be open to listening by being silent and open your mind up to new possibilities. No matter what crosswalk you have been on, there is always a “Walk” signal from God and the Angels for you to use to safely cross on your Life Journey. Any moment is the “right” moment for you to take your first step off the curb and walk with the “Light”.
I want to close this article off by mentioning how relevant this “exit point” date of February 3, 2016 is to me, as February 2nd is the anniversary of my Mom’s return “Home” and February 4th is my niece’s earth birthday. My niece committed suicide on July 26, 2005 at the age of 22.
I do believe I can, with every ounce of integrity and honesty say, I know first-hand “We Never Know When It’s Our Time To Go!” Please tell everyone you Love and/or Care About, how much they mean to you, how much you appreciate them and that you’re glad they are in your world!
From My Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
refresh - verb
- give new strength or energy to;
- an act or function of updating the display on a screen.
This particular morning the weather was a slight drizzle – it had been raining heavily – but let up a little. I was feeling rushed as I drove to the bus and my energy was tense, as I wanted to make my bus, but felt like I was cutting it close (this is a normal feeling for me as I am always early for everything and would rather stand and wait for a bus for 10 minutes than be late and miss it!) I started saying an affirmation (“I have enough time, I have enough time, I have enough time”) as I walked very rapidly to the bus. I crossed the street with the light and made it safely to the other side, where I waited for that light to turn green for me. During this short minute or so, my breathing was back to normal, as I had taken a few deep breaths to calm myself down, and I knew I would make the bus as nobody else was waiting for it. When the light turned green and the walk signal chirped to let me know it was okay for me to cross the street, I started to walk. I was half-way through the crosswalk when I heard a car coming up the street behind me and knew intuitively he was going to turn left into my side of the street, that the car was going too fast, heard the car skid on the slippery road as it turned and then slammed on its brakes. I did not turn around, but kept walking as I was now about ¾ of the way through the crosswalk. I had an overwhelming sense of peace and very quietly told myself “I could have been killed just now”. I knew intuitively, (as I am an Angel Therapist and channel their messages regularly), that this was an “exit point” for me, or should have been, but with the Grace of God, the Angels’ arms surrounding me and picking me up out of the way to avoid being hit by this car, that this was not my time to exit this earth! The car drove on by me as I stepped onto the curb. About two minutes later, while I was standing at the bus stop, feeling quite disoriented and looking at everything as if it was the first time I was seeing everything, like the hydro wires, the signal lights, the cars driving back and forth in their lanes, the other people arriving at the bus stop, the feel of my umbrella in my hands – it was as if I was having a revitalized sensory perception of my physical environment. The young man, probably in his early 20’s I guessed, who was driving the car that almost hit me, drove around the block and stopped in the middle of the street, rolled down his window and shouted out “Are you okay?” I just looked at him and we both smiled at each other and I said “Yes, thanks!” After he drove off, I kept hearing in my head “You could have been killed just now”, probably about 5 times, but due to my sensory stimulation, was not in any emotional distress, just accepted this as my reality in this moment.
I am using this personal situation to draw a correlation with my Life Journey and how many times I have been going through life, doing my normal routine, living contentedly, complacently, comfortably, and consistently without asking for, or requiring any change, and then, from seemingly nowhere, a situation arises which jolts me out of my comfort zone and causes me undue stress and emotional havoc that I have to handle immediately. Most of these situations have been health related, creating physical and emotional challenges that have been overcome, but not without many fears, tears and me not wanting to continue on with my Life Journey.
I have been very fortunate to have had a close personal relationship with God since I was 5, and it has been my unwavering Faith that has been the “Refresh” button that I have pushed on my “inner computer” to “reboot” my thought processes and “re-energize” my physical energy levels. I was told by the Angels in 2015, when I asked them directly about my “exit points”, that I would have an “exit point” in 2016. An “exit point” is, from my own personal spiritual belief and experience, a point in time that I have made a choice/pact with God to exit this earth plane, and that if at this appointed time I chose not to leave the planet, Divine Intervention would occur and I would continue on with my Life Journey. To the date of this article, February 21, 2016, I have now had 4 “exit points” where, if it had not been for Divine Intervention, I would have made my transition and gone “Home”.
I draw the analogy in my life to the “car incident” that where I have been able to remain calm and use affirming, positive thoughts to assuage any negative doubts or fears that are creeping into my emotional sphere, especially during a crisis I have, for most of the time, been able to become very peaceful and accepting of “the moment”, and know that everything is in Divine Order and for my Highest and Best.
When I play by the Rules of Spirituality, as I was when using the Rules of the Road walking in the crosswalk, with a walk signal, with a green light, there have been times in my life when, even though I was following all my Spiritual Principles, I have been “struck” with a breakthrough in my Spiritual Knowledge by being presented with what I perceive to be new information, possibly something I have heard numerous times before, but now I am open to receiving it. The road has been cleared by the Angels for me to walk safely in the crosswalk on my Life Journey, as they pick me up and carry me forward on my way to a new realization, understanding and acceptance of my Spiritual Journey, as I cross with the “Light” on to my next destination as their messenger.
When I reflect on my life and correlate situations to the “car incident” I am aware of how many times I have pushed the “Refresh” button, so that I could have a new exhilaration of purpose and reinvigorating commitment to continue on with my Spiritual Journey. When I relax and take time to surrender to my environment by being quiet, peaceful and still, I am able to see and hear things with more clarity, much like what happened to me after the “car incident”, wherein I had a new awareness and appreciation of my surroundings and said to myself “Angels, Thank You for Keeping Me Alive!”
I also draw the analogy between the “car incident” with my Life Journey by living my authentic and true passion and when I have almost been struck down and wanted to exit, someone has come along either through a message they have posted on social media or I have read in an article or book, that has caused me to recommit to my inspirational and spiritual work. I have become fortified in my resolve to be the inspirational messenger for the Angels that they have chosen me to be and am physically re-energized and spiritually revitalized, just as I was after the “car incident”.
I want to encourage everyone to live in their authentic truth and be the “Light” that they came here to be on this planet. Even if someone does not believe they are a “Light” or feels like their “Light’ has dimmed, or can’t, doesn’t or won’t shine any longer, do not give up Hope. Where there is a Will, there is a Way! The Angels can help you. All you have to do is ask them. They will only intervene if asked.
The “car incident” was a very poignant moment in my life for understanding that even by playing by all the “Right Rules”, we never know when our “exit point” is going to come. If you choose to make a decision to go after something you really want to attain or aspire to become, and you have no idea how to begin, just ask the Angels to give you a sign, be open to listening by being silent and open your mind up to new possibilities. No matter what crosswalk you have been on, there is always a “Walk” signal from God and the Angels for you to use to safely cross on your Life Journey. Any moment is the “right” moment for you to take your first step off the curb and walk with the “Light”.
I want to close this article off by mentioning how relevant this “exit point” date of February 3, 2016 is to me, as February 2nd is the anniversary of my Mom’s return “Home” and February 4th is my niece’s earth birthday. My niece committed suicide on July 26, 2005 at the age of 22.
I do believe I can, with every ounce of integrity and honesty say, I know first-hand “We Never Know When It’s Our Time To Go!” Please tell everyone you Love and/or Care About, how much they mean to you, how much you appreciate them and that you’re glad they are in your world!
From My Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
I was very blessed to participate in a 12-day white water rafting adventure trip in the Yukon/Alaska on the Tatshenshini/Alsek Rivers with Canadian River Expeditions, a fantastic eco-friendly wilderness adventure company, in late July/early August, 1991 when I was 37 years of age. I was at an emotional high getting ready for what I knew would be an adventure of my lifetime, yet at an intensely, emotionally devastatingly low period in my life. I had cashed in my only RRSP to pay for my trip in the fall of 1990 and in April of 1991 I declared bankruptcy. I was in debt for $3,000 on my credit card (which to me was an exorbitant amount of money) and had phoned the bank to make monthly payment arrangements, but they would not agree to a mutually beneficial re-payment plan. As I had always been, and still am, an extremely responsible person being a sole provider for me and my animal family (usually had 2-3 pets at any given time, 2 cats or 2 cats and dog – now I just have 1 dog), which I treated like my kids and were my responsibilities, I tried to figure out numerous ways to meet my financial debt obligation. I went to a consumer debt repayment agency and discussed with the agent there what I should do and his advice was to declare bankruptcy as my credit rating would be affected for 7 years claiming bankruptcy instead of 10 years repaying all of the debt back through their program. I followed his advice and went the bankruptcy route. My payment arrangements were I could have $1,300 a month and anything over that I had to pay 50% to the bankruptcy trustee. This was a very difficult challenge for me as I had barely been surviving on my full salary.
I was allowed to go on my white water rafting adventure trip in the late July/August of 1991, as it had already been paid for in full by the time I filed bankruptcy. I flew up to Whitehorse, YT by myself and stayed in a quaint hotel in the heart of Whitehorse. I had wanted to go up a couple of days early to get acquainted with the area as I was looking at the possibility of relocating there and wanted to check it out. I did several sightseeing things in Whitehorse, and met a lovely lady (through her boyfriend who had taken a course with me in Vancouver and was still in Vancouver) and she took me on the 9 hour circle tour drive. We instantly bonded and it was wonderful to meet someone so lovely and spend such a special time with. I remember riding in the passenger seat, after I had to climb through the driver’s side window to get into the 4x4, as the door was broken and the windshield was cracked everywhere from rocks being thrown at it from other vehicles. This was the norm for every vehicle no matter how new or old the condition, there were cracks in almost all the vehicle windshields. I remember thinking that I didn’t want my car looking this weather beaten, even if it was an old car at the time. She was still my baby!
As I reflected back on this part of my journey today, I think about my youth, my young adulthood and my later years, about how many rocks have been thrown at my “Spiritual Windshield” and without the soft tissue of God’s hand buffing my heart until the cracks were no longer visible, I may still be travelling on a very desolate road to who-knows-where in very foreign terrain, with no guidance system.
One of the most memorable moments of my white water rafting adventure was during one of the very early parts of the trip where we only had white water to run on this particular day. The rest of the trip had patches of white water to run, but this was going to be a consistent stretch for a couple of hours – if my memory serves me correctly. We had a very narrow canyon between two gigantic cavernous rock formations on either side to paddle through. We had six rafts, 1 guide in the middle of each raft, doing all the rowing/paddling with two oars, one on each side, and we were invited to paddle with our single paddle any time we felt like paddling. During this stretch of rapids, we all had to paddle, without exception. As I had been an avid white water rafter for many years up to this point, my heart started to pound with exhilaration and my soul was on fire with excitement. I was living my passion being out in nature, on the open water and paddling – yeah! This was me reliving one of my previous incarnations as an Indian Princess and am very comfortable paddling on the water. My spirit sings! We went through one huge wave after wave, and although our one allotted duffle bag which stored all our possessions we were allowed on the trip, including our tent, was tied in tightly at the back of the raft, I was sure, at several points as we were being tossed and turned, up and down through the waves, that we were going to lose some of our gear, or food, or people! This was the only time on the river I was ever really scared. We made it through and all of us were hugging each other as we disembarked from our rafts at our rest stop, soaking wet and tired.
I reflected on this leg of my white water rafting adventure and think of how many times I have been lodged between two “Emotional Boulders” and how without my rock-solid belief in Spirit/God, my unwavering faith, my ability to be able to surrender when things really have me pinned against the wall and there is absolutely no other way to turn, my total trust that the Angels are guiding me every step of my journey through the ups and downs and twists and turns, that I unequivocally know that “everything is in divine time” and accept this as my “Spiritual Truth”.
The next point on my white water rafting adventure that was very poignant to me was when we put in to our base camp and set up our tents. We each had to look after ourselves and as I had no idea how to put up a tent as I had never done this before, this was a bit of a challenge. I wasn’t used to asking for help, but eventually I did, and a couple of the guys came over and assisted me with my tent set up and were very patient as they watched me put the wrong ends of poles together and did not know how to secure the tent. We had huge canvas tarps covering the kitchen/cook area and sat on logs or on the ground and the food was out of this world that the guides prepared. We had everything from fresh fruit, fresh veggies, cheese trays, chicken, ribs, pancakes, home-baked muffins, bacon, eggs, and strawberry shortcake with fresh ice-cream the guides made from ice they had collected on our hike up a glacier and churned it in their huge wooden ice-cream machine. We had happy hour every night at 4 or 5 p.m. depending on when we got to camp and the guides had things set up for us in the main kitchen. Our conversations were awesome, mostly about the ride on the river that day, the wildlife we had seen and what we were going through that we wanted to share with the group. I had become the second assistant helping the guides in the kitchen, as I was used to this role from my other white water rafting adventures with REO Rafting in BC up near Boston Bar on the Nahtlach River, where I would assist around camp as a volunteer for a weekend a few times through the summer, to get a free run on the river on the Sunday. It became a thing of pleasure for me to bring beauty to my tent and to the general kitchen camp area. I would pick wild flowers and make beautiful bouquets for the kitchen area, having to use one of our extra dish washing buckets for the vase! I made flower wall plaques for my tent out of popsicle sticks, toothpaste and greenery and flowers from the wilderness. I was in a euphoric state and at my happiest being away from the masses, in the quiet where we could hear the birds chirp, the squirrels run up the tees, and I personally saw 2 grizzlies and 2 black bear, moose, mountain sheep/goats and saw fresh bear fur in the bark of the tree on one of our hikes. The only thing was, it wasn’t quite so euphoric. I had the head guide come and ask if he could speak with me away from the group on about day 6 or 7 and I was told that several ladies had complained I was picking the wildflowers and I should not be disturbing their natural environment. I was devastated, as from my point of view I was trying to make things beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to us out in the wilderness, and there was an overabundance of the wildflowers. I was being made wrong for it and I told him that they were doing this out of jealousy and spite because I got along so well with the guides, as they were all like little brothers to me and we were laughing and joking around all the time. I stopped making the flower arrangements for the kitchen, but kept my own wall plaque in my tent and promptly got pneumonia. We only had 4 dry days out of the 12, and our gear, which was very very limited, was soaked most of the time. We would hang our sleeping bags and our one set of clothes over the clothes lines the guides had rigged in the main kitchen area, but when our second set of clothes got wet and the first set wasn’t yet dry, we would have to wear wet clothes under our rain gear. It was not a fun part of the adventure.
When I reflected back on this part of my white water adventure I was able to see how I love simple things, things that can bring beauty and are very reminiscent of nature, like a dried flower arrangement or fern leaves, or simple wild flowers. I realized that in simplicity there is so much beauty and how my “Spiritual Truth” is one of simplicity – I Am One With God, At All Times, In All Ways. There is no separation between God and Me. I am made of the pure essence of Spirit and this lives in me, as me. I can find pleasure in the simplest of tasks and know that living my true essence as a pure, loving, compassionate, considerate, caring, kind human being is my intrinsic nature and anything I can do to help or bring some encouragement or support to another individual I feel called to do this for, ignites the passion in my soul and lights the fire of my spirit. I realized that even in a remote wilderness setting darkness can be found in others. Jealousy, animosity, pure distaste and dislike for someone who is being “Light” and “Love” can be found. As I was one of the youngest people on the adventure, except for the 6 guides and one other girl who was around 20, most of the other people were in their 60’s to 80’s. I was not able to ascend beyond the negative, toxic environment I found myself in, so I got pneumonia and mostly stayed in my tent for the last 3 days of the trip once we had finished paddling for the day and made camp. This was my “Spiritual Bankruptcy” period. In Louise L. Hay’s book “You Can Heal Your Life” her spiritual definition of Pneumonia is: “Desperate. Tired Of Life. Emotional Wounds that are not Allowed to Heal.”
The next most remarkable part of my adventure was when we made camp on an ice-flow at the bottom of a glacier and could hear the ice calve off the icebergs. We paddled for quite awhile around these icebergs which were majestic, magnificent, and totally unbelievable in their magnitude of height and width. It was the most incredible feeling paddling in our small rafts around these breath-taking, spectacular creations of nature. We all realized just how small we were in God’s kingdom. We climbed a glacier and I had to jump over crevasses. I slipped and slid on the ice and yet was spellbound by the beauty and grandeur of walking on something that has been around for hundreds of years and evolved into this magnificent splendor. We had set up camp at the base of the glacier on the ice flow and an incredible wind storm came up during the evening. Several of the tents came loose from their pegs and were rolling like tumbleweed across the ice. We ran after them, as best as we could on ice, to catch them before they hit the water and disappeared forever. Luckily, mine was not one to leave its hitching post.
As I reflected on this leg of my adventure, I can see how important it is to have a solid foundation firmly implanted, especially when on “thin ice”. My “Spiritual Foundation” is what keeps me glued together. I have been through many windstorms, rainstorms, ice storms and emotional and physical storms, but when I am packing the right “Spiritual Gear” in my “Trusty” backpack, I know I can handle what may become an avalanche. I am not saying there won’t be challenges or difficulties, but I am saying that when I hang on to “Spirit’s Guide Rope” I can weather any storm and pick myself up and dust myself off, as and when I need to. I have been blessed with living in natural environments, with lots of trees and near water to revive my soul with the peace and harmony that is found in these settings. It is my goal to live in a natural setting close to or on the water as soon as I am able, as this is what energizes my inner spirit and helps me stay grounded to my “Spiritual Foundation”.
The last leg of my white water rafting adventure was day 12 and we had to fly out of a tiny little unused fishing camp called Dry Bay in Alaska. The plane was a tiny 30 seater, just big enough to take all of the 6 guides and 24 passengers. The wing tips of the aircraft were within about 6” of the huge trees on either side of the dirt runway. I was excited to be going home, but praying the pilot knew what he was doing, as it was definitely going to be tight to get off the ground, especially with all our gear stowed in the back and when he made his ascent we could hear things rolling around in the back end of the plane. When we arrived at the landing field about an hour from Whitehorse (if my memory serves me correctly), there were taxis there to meet us. I got in the taxi and the first thing that blew my mind was hearing his radio blaring away and the sound of the engine running and I just wanted to put my hands over my ears and block all these interfering noises out of my head. It felt like the most abrasive intrusion into my personal space and I hated it. I just wanted to go back to the silence.
To date, this has been the most impactful experience I have had with respect to my “Spiritual Bliss” being violated. I can remember everything about that period of getting in the taxi and feeling those feelings. I reflect on how many times I have been in a state of bliss or peace and something has interrupted this state of my “Spiritual Bliss”. I find it challenging at times to readily get back in the moment and into my state of “Beingness”. I take my thoughts back to this moment in the summer of 1991 on a grass/dirt field outside of Whitehorse, when I got inside a taxi after 12 days in the wilderness to the noise penetrating my consciousness and nothing to this point in my life has altered my state of “Spiritual Bliss” like this moment in time. This was, for certain, a “Spiritual and Soul Evolution” defining moment for me.
Silence, Peace, Quiet, Stillness, Communing with Nature, Beauty in Simplicity, Respect for Our Wilderness and Wildlife, Love of Ourselves and Others, Comradeship with Like-Minded People, Support, Encouragement, Kindness and Understanding – these are all Free. They cost us nothing to have, to share, to experience, or to pull out from our “Spiritual Supply Kit” to enhance our journey on our “Spiritual Life Adventure”.
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
I was allowed to go on my white water rafting adventure trip in the late July/August of 1991, as it had already been paid for in full by the time I filed bankruptcy. I flew up to Whitehorse, YT by myself and stayed in a quaint hotel in the heart of Whitehorse. I had wanted to go up a couple of days early to get acquainted with the area as I was looking at the possibility of relocating there and wanted to check it out. I did several sightseeing things in Whitehorse, and met a lovely lady (through her boyfriend who had taken a course with me in Vancouver and was still in Vancouver) and she took me on the 9 hour circle tour drive. We instantly bonded and it was wonderful to meet someone so lovely and spend such a special time with. I remember riding in the passenger seat, after I had to climb through the driver’s side window to get into the 4x4, as the door was broken and the windshield was cracked everywhere from rocks being thrown at it from other vehicles. This was the norm for every vehicle no matter how new or old the condition, there were cracks in almost all the vehicle windshields. I remember thinking that I didn’t want my car looking this weather beaten, even if it was an old car at the time. She was still my baby!
As I reflected back on this part of my journey today, I think about my youth, my young adulthood and my later years, about how many rocks have been thrown at my “Spiritual Windshield” and without the soft tissue of God’s hand buffing my heart until the cracks were no longer visible, I may still be travelling on a very desolate road to who-knows-where in very foreign terrain, with no guidance system.
One of the most memorable moments of my white water rafting adventure was during one of the very early parts of the trip where we only had white water to run on this particular day. The rest of the trip had patches of white water to run, but this was going to be a consistent stretch for a couple of hours – if my memory serves me correctly. We had a very narrow canyon between two gigantic cavernous rock formations on either side to paddle through. We had six rafts, 1 guide in the middle of each raft, doing all the rowing/paddling with two oars, one on each side, and we were invited to paddle with our single paddle any time we felt like paddling. During this stretch of rapids, we all had to paddle, without exception. As I had been an avid white water rafter for many years up to this point, my heart started to pound with exhilaration and my soul was on fire with excitement. I was living my passion being out in nature, on the open water and paddling – yeah! This was me reliving one of my previous incarnations as an Indian Princess and am very comfortable paddling on the water. My spirit sings! We went through one huge wave after wave, and although our one allotted duffle bag which stored all our possessions we were allowed on the trip, including our tent, was tied in tightly at the back of the raft, I was sure, at several points as we were being tossed and turned, up and down through the waves, that we were going to lose some of our gear, or food, or people! This was the only time on the river I was ever really scared. We made it through and all of us were hugging each other as we disembarked from our rafts at our rest stop, soaking wet and tired.
I reflected on this leg of my white water rafting adventure and think of how many times I have been lodged between two “Emotional Boulders” and how without my rock-solid belief in Spirit/God, my unwavering faith, my ability to be able to surrender when things really have me pinned against the wall and there is absolutely no other way to turn, my total trust that the Angels are guiding me every step of my journey through the ups and downs and twists and turns, that I unequivocally know that “everything is in divine time” and accept this as my “Spiritual Truth”.
The next point on my white water rafting adventure that was very poignant to me was when we put in to our base camp and set up our tents. We each had to look after ourselves and as I had no idea how to put up a tent as I had never done this before, this was a bit of a challenge. I wasn’t used to asking for help, but eventually I did, and a couple of the guys came over and assisted me with my tent set up and were very patient as they watched me put the wrong ends of poles together and did not know how to secure the tent. We had huge canvas tarps covering the kitchen/cook area and sat on logs or on the ground and the food was out of this world that the guides prepared. We had everything from fresh fruit, fresh veggies, cheese trays, chicken, ribs, pancakes, home-baked muffins, bacon, eggs, and strawberry shortcake with fresh ice-cream the guides made from ice they had collected on our hike up a glacier and churned it in their huge wooden ice-cream machine. We had happy hour every night at 4 or 5 p.m. depending on when we got to camp and the guides had things set up for us in the main kitchen. Our conversations were awesome, mostly about the ride on the river that day, the wildlife we had seen and what we were going through that we wanted to share with the group. I had become the second assistant helping the guides in the kitchen, as I was used to this role from my other white water rafting adventures with REO Rafting in BC up near Boston Bar on the Nahtlach River, where I would assist around camp as a volunteer for a weekend a few times through the summer, to get a free run on the river on the Sunday. It became a thing of pleasure for me to bring beauty to my tent and to the general kitchen camp area. I would pick wild flowers and make beautiful bouquets for the kitchen area, having to use one of our extra dish washing buckets for the vase! I made flower wall plaques for my tent out of popsicle sticks, toothpaste and greenery and flowers from the wilderness. I was in a euphoric state and at my happiest being away from the masses, in the quiet where we could hear the birds chirp, the squirrels run up the tees, and I personally saw 2 grizzlies and 2 black bear, moose, mountain sheep/goats and saw fresh bear fur in the bark of the tree on one of our hikes. The only thing was, it wasn’t quite so euphoric. I had the head guide come and ask if he could speak with me away from the group on about day 6 or 7 and I was told that several ladies had complained I was picking the wildflowers and I should not be disturbing their natural environment. I was devastated, as from my point of view I was trying to make things beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to us out in the wilderness, and there was an overabundance of the wildflowers. I was being made wrong for it and I told him that they were doing this out of jealousy and spite because I got along so well with the guides, as they were all like little brothers to me and we were laughing and joking around all the time. I stopped making the flower arrangements for the kitchen, but kept my own wall plaque in my tent and promptly got pneumonia. We only had 4 dry days out of the 12, and our gear, which was very very limited, was soaked most of the time. We would hang our sleeping bags and our one set of clothes over the clothes lines the guides had rigged in the main kitchen area, but when our second set of clothes got wet and the first set wasn’t yet dry, we would have to wear wet clothes under our rain gear. It was not a fun part of the adventure.
When I reflected back on this part of my white water adventure I was able to see how I love simple things, things that can bring beauty and are very reminiscent of nature, like a dried flower arrangement or fern leaves, or simple wild flowers. I realized that in simplicity there is so much beauty and how my “Spiritual Truth” is one of simplicity – I Am One With God, At All Times, In All Ways. There is no separation between God and Me. I am made of the pure essence of Spirit and this lives in me, as me. I can find pleasure in the simplest of tasks and know that living my true essence as a pure, loving, compassionate, considerate, caring, kind human being is my intrinsic nature and anything I can do to help or bring some encouragement or support to another individual I feel called to do this for, ignites the passion in my soul and lights the fire of my spirit. I realized that even in a remote wilderness setting darkness can be found in others. Jealousy, animosity, pure distaste and dislike for someone who is being “Light” and “Love” can be found. As I was one of the youngest people on the adventure, except for the 6 guides and one other girl who was around 20, most of the other people were in their 60’s to 80’s. I was not able to ascend beyond the negative, toxic environment I found myself in, so I got pneumonia and mostly stayed in my tent for the last 3 days of the trip once we had finished paddling for the day and made camp. This was my “Spiritual Bankruptcy” period. In Louise L. Hay’s book “You Can Heal Your Life” her spiritual definition of Pneumonia is: “Desperate. Tired Of Life. Emotional Wounds that are not Allowed to Heal.”
The next most remarkable part of my adventure was when we made camp on an ice-flow at the bottom of a glacier and could hear the ice calve off the icebergs. We paddled for quite awhile around these icebergs which were majestic, magnificent, and totally unbelievable in their magnitude of height and width. It was the most incredible feeling paddling in our small rafts around these breath-taking, spectacular creations of nature. We all realized just how small we were in God’s kingdom. We climbed a glacier and I had to jump over crevasses. I slipped and slid on the ice and yet was spellbound by the beauty and grandeur of walking on something that has been around for hundreds of years and evolved into this magnificent splendor. We had set up camp at the base of the glacier on the ice flow and an incredible wind storm came up during the evening. Several of the tents came loose from their pegs and were rolling like tumbleweed across the ice. We ran after them, as best as we could on ice, to catch them before they hit the water and disappeared forever. Luckily, mine was not one to leave its hitching post.
As I reflected on this leg of my adventure, I can see how important it is to have a solid foundation firmly implanted, especially when on “thin ice”. My “Spiritual Foundation” is what keeps me glued together. I have been through many windstorms, rainstorms, ice storms and emotional and physical storms, but when I am packing the right “Spiritual Gear” in my “Trusty” backpack, I know I can handle what may become an avalanche. I am not saying there won’t be challenges or difficulties, but I am saying that when I hang on to “Spirit’s Guide Rope” I can weather any storm and pick myself up and dust myself off, as and when I need to. I have been blessed with living in natural environments, with lots of trees and near water to revive my soul with the peace and harmony that is found in these settings. It is my goal to live in a natural setting close to or on the water as soon as I am able, as this is what energizes my inner spirit and helps me stay grounded to my “Spiritual Foundation”.
The last leg of my white water rafting adventure was day 12 and we had to fly out of a tiny little unused fishing camp called Dry Bay in Alaska. The plane was a tiny 30 seater, just big enough to take all of the 6 guides and 24 passengers. The wing tips of the aircraft were within about 6” of the huge trees on either side of the dirt runway. I was excited to be going home, but praying the pilot knew what he was doing, as it was definitely going to be tight to get off the ground, especially with all our gear stowed in the back and when he made his ascent we could hear things rolling around in the back end of the plane. When we arrived at the landing field about an hour from Whitehorse (if my memory serves me correctly), there were taxis there to meet us. I got in the taxi and the first thing that blew my mind was hearing his radio blaring away and the sound of the engine running and I just wanted to put my hands over my ears and block all these interfering noises out of my head. It felt like the most abrasive intrusion into my personal space and I hated it. I just wanted to go back to the silence.
To date, this has been the most impactful experience I have had with respect to my “Spiritual Bliss” being violated. I can remember everything about that period of getting in the taxi and feeling those feelings. I reflect on how many times I have been in a state of bliss or peace and something has interrupted this state of my “Spiritual Bliss”. I find it challenging at times to readily get back in the moment and into my state of “Beingness”. I take my thoughts back to this moment in the summer of 1991 on a grass/dirt field outside of Whitehorse, when I got inside a taxi after 12 days in the wilderness to the noise penetrating my consciousness and nothing to this point in my life has altered my state of “Spiritual Bliss” like this moment in time. This was, for certain, a “Spiritual and Soul Evolution” defining moment for me.
Silence, Peace, Quiet, Stillness, Communing with Nature, Beauty in Simplicity, Respect for Our Wilderness and Wildlife, Love of Ourselves and Others, Comradeship with Like-Minded People, Support, Encouragement, Kindness and Understanding – these are all Free. They cost us nothing to have, to share, to experience, or to pull out from our “Spiritual Supply Kit” to enhance our journey on our “Spiritual Life Adventure”.
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
The topic of “Enchantment” is the subject of this article and I like to begin my articles by providing the online free dictionary definition, which is:
“We can Become Enchanted with the Spiritual Principle of “Enlightenment” by Allowing Our Spirit to Realize its Highest Pinnacle of Enchantment with the Belief that “To Be an Expression of Love” is Our Sole Purpose for Walking Our Spiritual Path, so Our Soul Can Reflect its Enchanting Inner Light to Guide Us Safely Through Our Enchanted Spiritual Forest and Others can be Drawn to Our Spiritual Light”
When I was a young girl up until the age of 10 or so, I believed in the idea that an enchanting, magical place existed somewhere in this universe that allowed me to go to in my “day dreams”. Through various difficult and challenging situations in my childhood, the idea that this “Enchanted Forest” existed dissipated, as my physical reality did not correlate with my imagination to be able to wander off to these enchanting interludes. My Mom tried to commit suicide 5 times during my ages of 10-15 and during the last attempt she was taken to a mental hospital where she received the help she needed and was finally diagnosed properly. She went on to graduate high school in her 40’s and crossed the stage at her graduation ceremonies with her son, my brother, who was graduating the same year. I had my first emotional breakdown when I was 13 and remember running out into the school track and field area lying under a bush, sobbing and begging God to please let me die. At 15, I had my second emotional breakdown and went hysterical on my Mom after school one day while watching a toothpaste commercial. She phoned the doctor and I was put to bed and told to rest. I don’t remember if anything else was done but I do know that these were two major emotional traumatic breakdowns I went through due to the emotional toll I was under. I was a teenager in emotional trouble as I felt I was the reason my Mom didn’t wanted to live, yet I did not know what I had done to cause this or how I could fix it. This was a heavy emotional burden for me to bear. I attended our Baptist church and taught Sunday School all my teen years until I graduated at the age of 17 and left home. I was the only one in my family who went to church during this time, although as a baby, until my early youth, we all attended church as a family.
During the age of 5 until present day, I have always had a very close relationship with God/Spirit and knew about and believed in the power of prayer. I did experience some relief when I said my prayers and prayed regularly so this was definitely the beginning of My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I had been the main cook for my family of 6 from age 10 and had household chores to do every weekend as long as I can remember, which I did get a monthly allowance for in my later teen years but not the early years. I had no childhood to speak of, as I had to become very responsible for the “mothering” role to my three siblings in my family during this time. My parents fought all the time and there was very little “free time” for me to escape to My Enchanted “Spiritual” Forest. Consequently, I made a conscious decision never to fight or argue in my relationships, so carried this decision through to present day. I have only raised my voice 3 times in my life. There is no right or wrong in this decision, it is just what happened along my path.
I started My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, which became my refuge during my later 20’s when my marriage dissolved and I was divorced at age 32. I had been in this relationship for 12 years, from age 20, and got married at age 28. I left the marriage 2 months before the 4th anniversary date. This had been a relationship involving an active alcoholic who was 25 years older than me, who drank from morning until evening when he was at home and when he was at work, he would drink at lunch and then stop at the pub or bar on the way home almost every evening and drink until he passed out, but if he did not stop along his route home, he drank the whole night at home until he passed out. I had no self-esteem, self-worth or self-love, no purpose in life, direction, or family support (as none of my siblings, mother or father lived near me). What I did have was my faith and trust in God and the reason I stayed so long in this 12 year relationship was because I truly thought that if I “Unconditionally Loved” my husband so much by accepting him with all his character defects, (as I was supposed to be the more spiritually evolved person and a devout Christian, and would knowingly have died for this man), was that “HE WOULD CHANGE”, find help and stop drinking. This did not happen until I left him and then he proceeded on his own path to recovery, on his enchanting spiritual journey. We were able to meet once after he found sobriety and had remarried and we forgave each other. It was a beautiful completion and I have never seen or heard about him since.
Along My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, I was introduced to Al-Anon, my lifeline to serenity and was actively involved for many years speaking at both Al-Anon and AA meetings. I was introduced to a new thought principled church, Science of Mind and/or Church of Religious Science, took countless numbers of self-help, self-growth, self-awareness courses and attended numerous spiritual and motivational seminars and conferences to keep me on my “Enchanted Path to Enlightenment”. I read hundreds of books and studied to become a minister in this spiritually principled church. I attended classes leading up to ministerial training over a period of about 5 years, loving every minute being enchanted by my spiritual teachings and watching the unfoldment of my spiritual growth. I felt like I was being “reborn”. I attended my 1st year of Practitioner training two times, but I dropped out both times and did not receive my Practitioner’s License. I then decided not to pursue my ministerial training as I was working full-time in the corporate world and had no time or extra money to devote to my extra-curricular studies.
My “Enchantment” with my “Spiritual Lessons” was insurmountable. I cannot begin to emphasize enough how there was NO CAP on my excitement of my “Soul’s Evolution” to reaching its pinnacle of euphoria from the realization and manifestation of my “Spiritual “Growth”. This part of my journey on My Walk Through My Spiritual Enchanted Forest lasted until the early 2000’s.
In 2004, I became debilitated for several months with bi-lateral plantar fasciitis, which for those of you who do not know what that is, it is the lining in the feet are inflamed and my inflammation went from the heel to the toes, in several areas, so not in one contained area, and mine was in both feet. I was off work for 4 months and was laid up not being able to walk for many weeks. I would lay on the couch and ask the Angels “What lesson do you want me to learn from this experience?”, “How can I serve you?” and “What message do you want me to bring to others?” I had become very involved with the Angels by having a very intimate relationship with them during this period, after my sister sent me a book by Doreen Virtue entitled “Healing With The Angels”, which I could not put down. I then went on to read many of Doreen Virtue’s books and my relationship today with My Angels is solidified as part of my Spiritual DNA and cannot be challenged. I have been chosen by the Angels and accepted the commitment to be a messenger for them to bring inspiration to those who come across my path and introduce them to the unconditional love the Angels have for us. I was guided over the next 2 years from 2004-2006 by the Angels, who started channeling music and lyrics to me, to have a CD of my 6 songs professionally recorded, which I did do, but did not go public with the CD, only gave away or sold a few to people I knew, but the CDs sat on my closet shelf for years. This was the next leg of my journey on My Walk Through My Spiritual Enchanted Forest to reach “Enchantment” and help my feet to heal.
Continuing on my “Enchanting” Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, I became disabled with excruciating back pain and was having spinal decompression treatments for 12 weeks from September –November, 2014. I then started an extensive rehab program for 5 months from November 2014 to April 2015. During the September to November 2014 period, I was at the lowest of my lowest EVER period, so in a not very enchanting place in my life. I truly did not want to live anymore and pleaded with the Angels to “Take Me Home if There is Nothing Else You Want Me to Do for You on the Planet”. I wanted to DIE. I again asked them my same three questions I had asked them in 2004, “What lesson do you want me to learn from this experience?”, “How can I serve you?” and “What message do you want me to bring to others?” I was again guided by the Angels, through my Mom, who is deceased, coming to me on October 29, 2014 at one of my spinal decompression treatments who said very succinctly, “You have to get your music on iTunes, Brenny”. I started this unknown process of digitally marketing music the minute I got home from my appointment.
As of December 2, 2014 my inspirational/spiritual EP entitled “In This Moment” is on Amazon, iTunes and Spotify. In November 2014, the Angels began giving me quotes every day for months and in May 2015, I began the self-publishing process to have these quotes published into a book. As of September 24, 2015, my new book entitled “In This Moment Angel’s Sweet Reflections” has been published and launched to the public and is available through Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest has taken many twists and turns, ups and downs, has had smooth and rough patches, and has been a “solo” journey for the past 30 years. I now want to include my spiritual partner, whenever we choose to meet one another in this lifetime, to come and join me on My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest so, together, we can become “Bright Lights” to help guide others on their Journey of Spiritual Enchantment to Walk Through Their “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I do know that for every one of us who has been through some trauma, tragedy, tumultuous turmoil, devastating physical or emotional experience, lost faith entirely in anything spiritual, given up on life in general, felt unsupported, wanted to die, been unable to forgive themselves for unhealthy situations they knew they caused or contributed to, turned down people’s love and caring, but most importantly gave up on loving themselves, like me, who gave up on loving myself, to tell you loud and clear, that the Angels Love us Unconditionally.
I am here as a messenger for the Angels to say that there is Help available from them, at any time, for anything, for anyone – no matter what you have done or not done. ASK the Angels and they WILL help you. I have almost died twice during my lifetime, once in 1994 when I unknowingly overdosed on mixing various kinds of cold medications and actually heard the Angels’ singing, and again by my own knowledge and choice in trying to commit suicide on May 23, 1996 when I was in the pangs of despair from my physical affliction with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and was diagnosed at the age of 42 that I would likely end up in a wheel chair for the rest of my life and which, for me, was not a way of life I wanted to participate in. But, for the Grace of God, Divine Intervention by the Angels and, it not being my time to depart this earth, I am still here today.
It is my desire to bring you hope, encouragement, love and support, knowing ultimately, it is your choice for you to make, how you Walk Through Your “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I know for myself, that this is a walk I will continue to make as it is the only path that feels right for me to be on and will, as the Angels state above lead me to “Become Enchanted with the Spiritual Principle of “Enlightenment” by Allowing My Spirit to Realize its Highest Pinnacle of Enchantment with the Belief that “To Be an Expression of Love” is My Sole Purpose for Walking My Spiritual Path so My Soul Can Reflect its Enchanting Inner Light to Guide Others Safely Through Their Enchanted Spiritual Forest and They can be Drawn to My Spiritual Light”.
In “Love” and “Light”
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings
Brenda Rachel
The topic of “Enchantment” is the subject of this article and I like to begin my articles by providing the online free dictionary definition, which is:
- the act of enchanting or state of being enchanted
- great charm or fascination
“We can Become Enchanted with the Spiritual Principle of “Enlightenment” by Allowing Our Spirit to Realize its Highest Pinnacle of Enchantment with the Belief that “To Be an Expression of Love” is Our Sole Purpose for Walking Our Spiritual Path, so Our Soul Can Reflect its Enchanting Inner Light to Guide Us Safely Through Our Enchanted Spiritual Forest and Others can be Drawn to Our Spiritual Light”
When I was a young girl up until the age of 10 or so, I believed in the idea that an enchanting, magical place existed somewhere in this universe that allowed me to go to in my “day dreams”. Through various difficult and challenging situations in my childhood, the idea that this “Enchanted Forest” existed dissipated, as my physical reality did not correlate with my imagination to be able to wander off to these enchanting interludes. My Mom tried to commit suicide 5 times during my ages of 10-15 and during the last attempt she was taken to a mental hospital where she received the help she needed and was finally diagnosed properly. She went on to graduate high school in her 40’s and crossed the stage at her graduation ceremonies with her son, my brother, who was graduating the same year. I had my first emotional breakdown when I was 13 and remember running out into the school track and field area lying under a bush, sobbing and begging God to please let me die. At 15, I had my second emotional breakdown and went hysterical on my Mom after school one day while watching a toothpaste commercial. She phoned the doctor and I was put to bed and told to rest. I don’t remember if anything else was done but I do know that these were two major emotional traumatic breakdowns I went through due to the emotional toll I was under. I was a teenager in emotional trouble as I felt I was the reason my Mom didn’t wanted to live, yet I did not know what I had done to cause this or how I could fix it. This was a heavy emotional burden for me to bear. I attended our Baptist church and taught Sunday School all my teen years until I graduated at the age of 17 and left home. I was the only one in my family who went to church during this time, although as a baby, until my early youth, we all attended church as a family.
During the age of 5 until present day, I have always had a very close relationship with God/Spirit and knew about and believed in the power of prayer. I did experience some relief when I said my prayers and prayed regularly so this was definitely the beginning of My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I had been the main cook for my family of 6 from age 10 and had household chores to do every weekend as long as I can remember, which I did get a monthly allowance for in my later teen years but not the early years. I had no childhood to speak of, as I had to become very responsible for the “mothering” role to my three siblings in my family during this time. My parents fought all the time and there was very little “free time” for me to escape to My Enchanted “Spiritual” Forest. Consequently, I made a conscious decision never to fight or argue in my relationships, so carried this decision through to present day. I have only raised my voice 3 times in my life. There is no right or wrong in this decision, it is just what happened along my path.
I started My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, which became my refuge during my later 20’s when my marriage dissolved and I was divorced at age 32. I had been in this relationship for 12 years, from age 20, and got married at age 28. I left the marriage 2 months before the 4th anniversary date. This had been a relationship involving an active alcoholic who was 25 years older than me, who drank from morning until evening when he was at home and when he was at work, he would drink at lunch and then stop at the pub or bar on the way home almost every evening and drink until he passed out, but if he did not stop along his route home, he drank the whole night at home until he passed out. I had no self-esteem, self-worth or self-love, no purpose in life, direction, or family support (as none of my siblings, mother or father lived near me). What I did have was my faith and trust in God and the reason I stayed so long in this 12 year relationship was because I truly thought that if I “Unconditionally Loved” my husband so much by accepting him with all his character defects, (as I was supposed to be the more spiritually evolved person and a devout Christian, and would knowingly have died for this man), was that “HE WOULD CHANGE”, find help and stop drinking. This did not happen until I left him and then he proceeded on his own path to recovery, on his enchanting spiritual journey. We were able to meet once after he found sobriety and had remarried and we forgave each other. It was a beautiful completion and I have never seen or heard about him since.
Along My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, I was introduced to Al-Anon, my lifeline to serenity and was actively involved for many years speaking at both Al-Anon and AA meetings. I was introduced to a new thought principled church, Science of Mind and/or Church of Religious Science, took countless numbers of self-help, self-growth, self-awareness courses and attended numerous spiritual and motivational seminars and conferences to keep me on my “Enchanted Path to Enlightenment”. I read hundreds of books and studied to become a minister in this spiritually principled church. I attended classes leading up to ministerial training over a period of about 5 years, loving every minute being enchanted by my spiritual teachings and watching the unfoldment of my spiritual growth. I felt like I was being “reborn”. I attended my 1st year of Practitioner training two times, but I dropped out both times and did not receive my Practitioner’s License. I then decided not to pursue my ministerial training as I was working full-time in the corporate world and had no time or extra money to devote to my extra-curricular studies.
My “Enchantment” with my “Spiritual Lessons” was insurmountable. I cannot begin to emphasize enough how there was NO CAP on my excitement of my “Soul’s Evolution” to reaching its pinnacle of euphoria from the realization and manifestation of my “Spiritual “Growth”. This part of my journey on My Walk Through My Spiritual Enchanted Forest lasted until the early 2000’s.
In 2004, I became debilitated for several months with bi-lateral plantar fasciitis, which for those of you who do not know what that is, it is the lining in the feet are inflamed and my inflammation went from the heel to the toes, in several areas, so not in one contained area, and mine was in both feet. I was off work for 4 months and was laid up not being able to walk for many weeks. I would lay on the couch and ask the Angels “What lesson do you want me to learn from this experience?”, “How can I serve you?” and “What message do you want me to bring to others?” I had become very involved with the Angels by having a very intimate relationship with them during this period, after my sister sent me a book by Doreen Virtue entitled “Healing With The Angels”, which I could not put down. I then went on to read many of Doreen Virtue’s books and my relationship today with My Angels is solidified as part of my Spiritual DNA and cannot be challenged. I have been chosen by the Angels and accepted the commitment to be a messenger for them to bring inspiration to those who come across my path and introduce them to the unconditional love the Angels have for us. I was guided over the next 2 years from 2004-2006 by the Angels, who started channeling music and lyrics to me, to have a CD of my 6 songs professionally recorded, which I did do, but did not go public with the CD, only gave away or sold a few to people I knew, but the CDs sat on my closet shelf for years. This was the next leg of my journey on My Walk Through My Spiritual Enchanted Forest to reach “Enchantment” and help my feet to heal.
Continuing on my “Enchanting” Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, I became disabled with excruciating back pain and was having spinal decompression treatments for 12 weeks from September –November, 2014. I then started an extensive rehab program for 5 months from November 2014 to April 2015. During the September to November 2014 period, I was at the lowest of my lowest EVER period, so in a not very enchanting place in my life. I truly did not want to live anymore and pleaded with the Angels to “Take Me Home if There is Nothing Else You Want Me to Do for You on the Planet”. I wanted to DIE. I again asked them my same three questions I had asked them in 2004, “What lesson do you want me to learn from this experience?”, “How can I serve you?” and “What message do you want me to bring to others?” I was again guided by the Angels, through my Mom, who is deceased, coming to me on October 29, 2014 at one of my spinal decompression treatments who said very succinctly, “You have to get your music on iTunes, Brenny”. I started this unknown process of digitally marketing music the minute I got home from my appointment.
As of December 2, 2014 my inspirational/spiritual EP entitled “In This Moment” is on Amazon, iTunes and Spotify. In November 2014, the Angels began giving me quotes every day for months and in May 2015, I began the self-publishing process to have these quotes published into a book. As of September 24, 2015, my new book entitled “In This Moment Angel’s Sweet Reflections” has been published and launched to the public and is available through Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest has taken many twists and turns, ups and downs, has had smooth and rough patches, and has been a “solo” journey for the past 30 years. I now want to include my spiritual partner, whenever we choose to meet one another in this lifetime, to come and join me on My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest so, together, we can become “Bright Lights” to help guide others on their Journey of Spiritual Enchantment to Walk Through Their “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I do know that for every one of us who has been through some trauma, tragedy, tumultuous turmoil, devastating physical or emotional experience, lost faith entirely in anything spiritual, given up on life in general, felt unsupported, wanted to die, been unable to forgive themselves for unhealthy situations they knew they caused or contributed to, turned down people’s love and caring, but most importantly gave up on loving themselves, like me, who gave up on loving myself, to tell you loud and clear, that the Angels Love us Unconditionally.
I am here as a messenger for the Angels to say that there is Help available from them, at any time, for anything, for anyone – no matter what you have done or not done. ASK the Angels and they WILL help you. I have almost died twice during my lifetime, once in 1994 when I unknowingly overdosed on mixing various kinds of cold medications and actually heard the Angels’ singing, and again by my own knowledge and choice in trying to commit suicide on May 23, 1996 when I was in the pangs of despair from my physical affliction with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and was diagnosed at the age of 42 that I would likely end up in a wheel chair for the rest of my life and which, for me, was not a way of life I wanted to participate in. But, for the Grace of God, Divine Intervention by the Angels and, it not being my time to depart this earth, I am still here today.
It is my desire to bring you hope, encouragement, love and support, knowing ultimately, it is your choice for you to make, how you Walk Through Your “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I know for myself, that this is a walk I will continue to make as it is the only path that feels right for me to be on and will, as the Angels state above lead me to “Become Enchanted with the Spiritual Principle of “Enlightenment” by Allowing My Spirit to Realize its Highest Pinnacle of Enchantment with the Belief that “To Be an Expression of Love” is My Sole Purpose for Walking My Spiritual Path so My Soul Can Reflect its Enchanting Inner Light to Guide Others Safely Through Their Enchanted Spiritual Forest and They can be Drawn to My Spiritual Light”.
In “Love” and “Light”
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings
Brenda Rachel
Recently I experienced an earthquake during the night in my home. I realized that as I started to organize my “Earthquake Survival Kit”, as I did not have one, that the Angels were nudging me to write a message about the need for me to have a “Spiritual Enlightenment Earthquake Kit”. Many of us go through periods of being really on track with our spiritual growth and then, out of nowhere, something happens to create a “Spiritual Enlightenment Earthquake” and we are thrown off balance and unprepared for the fallout. Here are some of the things I am going to stow away in my “Spiritual Enlightenment Earthquake Kit”, that I want to share with you, in preparation for the next big tremor that happens in my Life.
1, “E” – Encourage Others. It is when we provide encouragement to others that we can become our own cheerleaders and find the courage to move forward with something that has been impeding our own progress. We know that Spirit, as our coach, is encouraging us every step of our journey, and as we encourage others we are being “Spiritual Coaches”.
2. “A” – Anger. Let it Go! Anger is debilitating and can hold us back from making positive responses instead of choosing negative reactions. The only person we are restraining from spiritual growth is ourselves. We may also hurt the recipient of our anger if there is another person involved in the altercation, but if this is an independent explosive “Anger” situation between our physical selves and our emotional selves, we definitely will stunt our spiritual progress by holding on to it. Letting Go of Anger towards another or ourselves will result in a “Spiritual Cleansing Spa”.
3. “R” – Release. Release any thoughts that no longer work in a healthy manner for ourselves. To allow ourselves to be chained to a “Turmoil Treadmill” is detrimental for our Spiritual Evolvement. Once we release these chains of negative thinking and allow the positive thoughts in as their replacements, Life will become more synchronized and we will be aligned more harmoniously with our “Spiritual Evolvement”.
4. “T” – “Trust”. Trust that we are being led by Spirit to be in exactly the right place and at exactly the right time. It is when we fight against the “Flow of Life” that we can end up in the current of the “River of Life” without our Spiritual Lifejacket and need rescuing. Spirit is steering our raft and when we follow his directions down the “River of Life”, we will have a peaceful “Spiritual Journey”.
5. “H” – “Happiness”. Be Happy. I know from experience that to be an intrinsically happy person is within our DNA, not learned, but everyone can learn to experience happiness and share that happiness with others. It is when we compare our “green grass” with another person’s “green grass” and have negative thoughts and feelings stem from this comparison that our happiness is stilted and we lose the effervescence for life that we came to this planet to enjoy. When we give ourselves permission to “Be Happy” we are emitting outwardly the internal “Spiritual Light” that we intrinsically are. This is within each of our DNA.
6. “Q” – “Quiet”. Quiet the Mind so that we can listen to Spirit’s Wisdom. It is in the hustle and bustle of everyday life with its distractions and unexpected turns in the road that we relinquish those moments of quiet that are essential to staying balanced and connected to “Spirit’s Wisdom” and Guidance. When we let go of Spirit’s Anchor to our vessel we float away into dark waters. When we regain control of our Mind and re-attach ourselves to Spirit’s Anchor, our vessel is once again under the dominion of “Spirit’s Wisdom”.
7. “U” – “Understanding”. Understanding starts in the Mind and ends in the Heart. It is a cognitive exercise to understand something logically, which can then become a physical response which comes from our heart center. It is when “knowing” meets “feeling” that we have “Spiritual Understanding”.
8. “A” – “Attitude”. Everything starts with a positive attitude. When we get out of bed at the beginning of our day and affirm how we want our day to go, this sets the tone for the rest of the day. Now this is not to say there aren’t surprises along the way, but if we stay cognizant of what we stated as our affirmation at the start of our day, we can, with “Spirit’s Assistance” get back on track, regroup and reaffirm our commitment of attitude for the day. Ask for “Spirit’s Assistance” – it is only a prayer away.
9. “K” – “Kindness”. Kindness collapses conflict. To extend Kindness to another is one of the most selfless acts of Love there is. People with hardened hearts will melt when they come into contact with Kindness. The gift of extending Kindness to others is shown through “Spirit’s Unconditional Love” for us.
10. “E” – “Enlightenment”. Once we have chosen our path to find “Spiritual Enlightenment”, we are always on it. We can take detours, switch sides, turn back, change direction or decide to stop walking, but we will always be on it, for the rest of the “Journey of Our Soul” on this planet, at this moment. “Spiritual Enlightenment” is when our Spiritual Mission of Enlightenment aligns with our Soul’s Purpose of Evolution.
I know I am now better prepared for my inevitable “Spiritual Enlightenment Earthquake”!
From My Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Recently I experienced an earthquake during the night in my home. I realized that as I started to organize my “Earthquake Survival Kit”, as I did not have one, that the Angels were nudging me to write a message about the need for me to have a “Spiritual Enlightenment Earthquake Kit”. Many of us go through periods of being really on track with our spiritual growth and then, out of nowhere, something happens to create a “Spiritual Enlightenment Earthquake” and we are thrown off balance and unprepared for the fallout. Here are some of the things I am going to stow away in my “Spiritual Enlightenment Earthquake Kit”, that I want to share with you, in preparation for the next big tremor that happens in my Life.
1, “E” – Encourage Others. It is when we provide encouragement to others that we can become our own cheerleaders and find the courage to move forward with something that has been impeding our own progress. We know that Spirit, as our coach, is encouraging us every step of our journey, and as we encourage others we are being “Spiritual Coaches”.
2. “A” – Anger. Let it Go! Anger is debilitating and can hold us back from making positive responses instead of choosing negative reactions. The only person we are restraining from spiritual growth is ourselves. We may also hurt the recipient of our anger if there is another person involved in the altercation, but if this is an independent explosive “Anger” situation between our physical selves and our emotional selves, we definitely will stunt our spiritual progress by holding on to it. Letting Go of Anger towards another or ourselves will result in a “Spiritual Cleansing Spa”.
3. “R” – Release. Release any thoughts that no longer work in a healthy manner for ourselves. To allow ourselves to be chained to a “Turmoil Treadmill” is detrimental for our Spiritual Evolvement. Once we release these chains of negative thinking and allow the positive thoughts in as their replacements, Life will become more synchronized and we will be aligned more harmoniously with our “Spiritual Evolvement”.
4. “T” – “Trust”. Trust that we are being led by Spirit to be in exactly the right place and at exactly the right time. It is when we fight against the “Flow of Life” that we can end up in the current of the “River of Life” without our Spiritual Lifejacket and need rescuing. Spirit is steering our raft and when we follow his directions down the “River of Life”, we will have a peaceful “Spiritual Journey”.
5. “H” – “Happiness”. Be Happy. I know from experience that to be an intrinsically happy person is within our DNA, not learned, but everyone can learn to experience happiness and share that happiness with others. It is when we compare our “green grass” with another person’s “green grass” and have negative thoughts and feelings stem from this comparison that our happiness is stilted and we lose the effervescence for life that we came to this planet to enjoy. When we give ourselves permission to “Be Happy” we are emitting outwardly the internal “Spiritual Light” that we intrinsically are. This is within each of our DNA.
6. “Q” – “Quiet”. Quiet the Mind so that we can listen to Spirit’s Wisdom. It is in the hustle and bustle of everyday life with its distractions and unexpected turns in the road that we relinquish those moments of quiet that are essential to staying balanced and connected to “Spirit’s Wisdom” and Guidance. When we let go of Spirit’s Anchor to our vessel we float away into dark waters. When we regain control of our Mind and re-attach ourselves to Spirit’s Anchor, our vessel is once again under the dominion of “Spirit’s Wisdom”.
7. “U” – “Understanding”. Understanding starts in the Mind and ends in the Heart. It is a cognitive exercise to understand something logically, which can then become a physical response which comes from our heart center. It is when “knowing” meets “feeling” that we have “Spiritual Understanding”.
8. “A” – “Attitude”. Everything starts with a positive attitude. When we get out of bed at the beginning of our day and affirm how we want our day to go, this sets the tone for the rest of the day. Now this is not to say there aren’t surprises along the way, but if we stay cognizant of what we stated as our affirmation at the start of our day, we can, with “Spirit’s Assistance” get back on track, regroup and reaffirm our commitment of attitude for the day. Ask for “Spirit’s Assistance” – it is only a prayer away.
9. “K” – “Kindness”. Kindness collapses conflict. To extend Kindness to another is one of the most selfless acts of Love there is. People with hardened hearts will melt when they come into contact with Kindness. The gift of extending Kindness to others is shown through “Spirit’s Unconditional Love” for us.
10. “E” – “Enlightenment”. Once we have chosen our path to find “Spiritual Enlightenment”, we are always on it. We can take detours, switch sides, turn back, change direction or decide to stop walking, but we will always be on it, for the rest of the “Journey of Our Soul” on this planet, at this moment. “Spiritual Enlightenment” is when our Spiritual Mission of Enlightenment aligns with our Soul’s Purpose of Evolution.
I know I am now better prepared for my inevitable “Spiritual Enlightenment Earthquake”!
From My Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
As I start my message to you today, I want to wish Everyone a Very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holiday Seasons. I have been contemplating what my topic would be for my Christmas message the Angels want me to share with you and have been guided to use the beautiful Cardinal bird as my source for my creative analogy. I love Cardinals and learned a lot when I researched them.
The quote the Angels are giving me to use to accompany this message is:
“When We Stand In Our Own Power, It Is Powerful!”
According to, “the cardinal is often associated with Christmas and the winter season because of its beautiful red colour and its name “is derived from the high-ranking clerics of the Catholic Church who wear rich red robes. The term cardinal is used to denote something with primary or essential qualities, such as a cardinal direction. The word comes from the Latin cardo, meaning hinge. Something that has cardinal qualities is so important that it functions as a keystone or axle; other things hinge around it.”
I started to reflect on my life, especially since October 29, 2014 up until December 24, 2015 and saw how the qualities of the Cardinal have been a parallel to my own “Life’s Journey”. I was, and still am, a center point for the Angels to use me as their “Axle”, as a messenger to circulate their messages everywhere around the world, for everyone to read and receive their inspiration. The analogy being: I am the axle rod of the wheel, the Angels’ messages are the spokes attached to the axle rod and the wheel is the world where their messages are going round and round and reaching each person at just the right time in their life for their inspirational “boost”. I will call this the “Angels’ Wheel of Synchronicity”.
Upon reading further about the Cardinal, the following was stated:
“Omens and divinatory meaning: Examine the areas of your life in which you are, or should be, a leader. Is your confidence shaky? The cardinal tells you that you can handle it, and to believe in yourself. It is important to be proud of yourself for your abilities or for the things you have achieved. “The cardinal’s bright red feathers and cheerful song call attention to him wherever he goes. If you see a cardinal, it may be telling you to stand up, lift your head high, and take pride in yourself.”
I immediately knew why the Angels have been bringing me an image of a Cardinal for weeks and nudging me to write this message correlating my life with the Cardinal’s qualities.
I released my music EP “In This Moment” on December 2, 2014 on iTunes and amazon, after a very debilitating period with excruciating back pain, which continued into the late Spring of 2015 and for which I attended months of very intense rehab. The period from September to October 29, 2014 was one of the lowest points ever in my life. I was in a back brace and using an ice pack full time to keep the inflammation down. I did not want to live and asked God and the Angels to “Take Me Home” if they had no more need for me to be here on the planet. I asked them what they wanted me to learn from this experience, how could I serve them and what message did they want me to bring to others. The Angels blessed me with channeling quotes to me starting on November 2, 2014 and which I put out on social media every day to inspire others, as this is my deepest desire to be an inspiration to others. I was guided by the Angels during this period from November 2014 to May 2015 to compile these beautiful Angel quotes and put them into book form. My new inspirational/spiritual book “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections” was published by Balboa Press and launched on September 24, 2015 which is for sale on Amazon, Balboa Press and Barnes & Noble. During some of this period, I was on disability from my regular office job, and then started returning to work on a graduated return-to-work program, going back full-time in late April 2015. Many, many times throughout this process I went from extreme highs to intense lows. I taught myself every single thing I had to do to get these Angel messages out there. I learned all about writing, editing, social media, website design, marketing, publishing, promotion, and communicating with all kinds of people along my journey.
I, like the statement about the “Omens and divinatory meaning for the Cardinal”, knew I came here to this world to make a difference to people, to be an inspirational/spiritual/motivational leader where I could be a ray of sunshine that would bring another person hope, provide them with encouragement and support, and show love and compassion where it was most needed.
The hardest challenge for me through this process and for most of my life has been believing in myself, knowing that I am good enough, that I am gifted and talented (without any kind of formal training or university education), that I am proud of myself for what I have achieved, and that I Deserve Blessings of Peace, Love, Joy and Happiness, just like I wish for everyone else.
I do know that when I am living in My “Angels’ Wheel of Synchronicity”, I am balanced and centered in God’s/Spirit’s Love and KNOW this is my Truth. It is when my spokes in the wheel have come loose or one has broken, that my balance is shaky and I fall off this wheel. I do know that the quote the Angels gave me a couple of days ago “When We Stand In Our Own Power, It Is Powerful!” is what I needed to hear from them and use it as my focal and inspirational point of this message.
Another statement about the cardinal is:
“Accept compliments that come your way, and acknowledge your achievements. The Cardinal’s bright red plumage also calls you to open yourself to creative energy. Have you been feeling blocked or dull lately? Are you looking for a new way to express yourself? Call on the Cardinal to help you open up and get your creativity flowing again. The red feathers link it with fire, the element of activity, vitality, and passion. If you are feeling lethargic, the Cardinal may lend you its energy to help you get back on your feet. Likewise, it can be a good bird with whom to work if you are struggling to handle depression. If you are having difficulty dealing with anger, however, seeing a Cardinal may remind you to take a step or two back.”
I am allowing myself to be an open channel/vessel/messenger for the Angels to be a recipient of their messages and be the creator of this unique creativity source that is flowing through me. I am allowing myself to be the recipient of compliments for my inspirational/spiritual work without attaching any EGO to it, as this is the acknowledgement to me for the Angels that their messages are being heard and appreciated. I am allowing myself to receive God and the Angels’ Love which is so empowering and fills my Soul and Spirit with Passion, Vitality and Creativity.
So, to encapsulate this message with a concluding statement, I would say that “My Cardinal Rule for Christmas” is to use “Love” as the Mechanism that is the “Life Force” of My “Angels’ Wheel of Synchronicity”. If any of you are going through a difficult time or challenge right now, I encourage you to use “Love” as Your Cardinal Rule for Christmas. Love Yourself. Believe in Yourself. Know that You Deserve all the Goodness There is. Take Your Power Back. Allow Your Creativity/Passion/Vitality to Flow Through You. Ask Your Angels to Assist You With Any Issue You May Be Dealing With. The Angels are Always With You. They Are Only a Breath Away!
Angel Blessings to You All for a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.
From My Heart to Yours!
In "Light" and "Love",
Brenda Rachel
As I start my message to you today, I want to wish Everyone a Very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holiday Seasons. I have been contemplating what my topic would be for my Christmas message the Angels want me to share with you and have been guided to use the beautiful Cardinal bird as my source for my creative analogy. I love Cardinals and learned a lot when I researched them.
The quote the Angels are giving me to use to accompany this message is:
“When We Stand In Our Own Power, It Is Powerful!”
According to, “the cardinal is often associated with Christmas and the winter season because of its beautiful red colour and its name “is derived from the high-ranking clerics of the Catholic Church who wear rich red robes. The term cardinal is used to denote something with primary or essential qualities, such as a cardinal direction. The word comes from the Latin cardo, meaning hinge. Something that has cardinal qualities is so important that it functions as a keystone or axle; other things hinge around it.”
I started to reflect on my life, especially since October 29, 2014 up until December 24, 2015 and saw how the qualities of the Cardinal have been a parallel to my own “Life’s Journey”. I was, and still am, a center point for the Angels to use me as their “Axle”, as a messenger to circulate their messages everywhere around the world, for everyone to read and receive their inspiration. The analogy being: I am the axle rod of the wheel, the Angels’ messages are the spokes attached to the axle rod and the wheel is the world where their messages are going round and round and reaching each person at just the right time in their life for their inspirational “boost”. I will call this the “Angels’ Wheel of Synchronicity”.
Upon reading further about the Cardinal, the following was stated:
“Omens and divinatory meaning: Examine the areas of your life in which you are, or should be, a leader. Is your confidence shaky? The cardinal tells you that you can handle it, and to believe in yourself. It is important to be proud of yourself for your abilities or for the things you have achieved. “The cardinal’s bright red feathers and cheerful song call attention to him wherever he goes. If you see a cardinal, it may be telling you to stand up, lift your head high, and take pride in yourself.”
I immediately knew why the Angels have been bringing me an image of a Cardinal for weeks and nudging me to write this message correlating my life with the Cardinal’s qualities.
I released my music EP “In This Moment” on December 2, 2014 on iTunes and amazon, after a very debilitating period with excruciating back pain, which continued into the late Spring of 2015 and for which I attended months of very intense rehab. The period from September to October 29, 2014 was one of the lowest points ever in my life. I was in a back brace and using an ice pack full time to keep the inflammation down. I did not want to live and asked God and the Angels to “Take Me Home” if they had no more need for me to be here on the planet. I asked them what they wanted me to learn from this experience, how could I serve them and what message did they want me to bring to others. The Angels blessed me with channeling quotes to me starting on November 2, 2014 and which I put out on social media every day to inspire others, as this is my deepest desire to be an inspiration to others. I was guided by the Angels during this period from November 2014 to May 2015 to compile these beautiful Angel quotes and put them into book form. My new inspirational/spiritual book “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections” was published by Balboa Press and launched on September 24, 2015 which is for sale on Amazon, Balboa Press and Barnes & Noble. During some of this period, I was on disability from my regular office job, and then started returning to work on a graduated return-to-work program, going back full-time in late April 2015. Many, many times throughout this process I went from extreme highs to intense lows. I taught myself every single thing I had to do to get these Angel messages out there. I learned all about writing, editing, social media, website design, marketing, publishing, promotion, and communicating with all kinds of people along my journey.
I, like the statement about the “Omens and divinatory meaning for the Cardinal”, knew I came here to this world to make a difference to people, to be an inspirational/spiritual/motivational leader where I could be a ray of sunshine that would bring another person hope, provide them with encouragement and support, and show love and compassion where it was most needed.
The hardest challenge for me through this process and for most of my life has been believing in myself, knowing that I am good enough, that I am gifted and talented (without any kind of formal training or university education), that I am proud of myself for what I have achieved, and that I Deserve Blessings of Peace, Love, Joy and Happiness, just like I wish for everyone else.
I do know that when I am living in My “Angels’ Wheel of Synchronicity”, I am balanced and centered in God’s/Spirit’s Love and KNOW this is my Truth. It is when my spokes in the wheel have come loose or one has broken, that my balance is shaky and I fall off this wheel. I do know that the quote the Angels gave me a couple of days ago “When We Stand In Our Own Power, It Is Powerful!” is what I needed to hear from them and use it as my focal and inspirational point of this message.
Another statement about the cardinal is:
“Accept compliments that come your way, and acknowledge your achievements. The Cardinal’s bright red plumage also calls you to open yourself to creative energy. Have you been feeling blocked or dull lately? Are you looking for a new way to express yourself? Call on the Cardinal to help you open up and get your creativity flowing again. The red feathers link it with fire, the element of activity, vitality, and passion. If you are feeling lethargic, the Cardinal may lend you its energy to help you get back on your feet. Likewise, it can be a good bird with whom to work if you are struggling to handle depression. If you are having difficulty dealing with anger, however, seeing a Cardinal may remind you to take a step or two back.”
I am allowing myself to be an open channel/vessel/messenger for the Angels to be a recipient of their messages and be the creator of this unique creativity source that is flowing through me. I am allowing myself to be the recipient of compliments for my inspirational/spiritual work without attaching any EGO to it, as this is the acknowledgement to me for the Angels that their messages are being heard and appreciated. I am allowing myself to receive God and the Angels’ Love which is so empowering and fills my Soul and Spirit with Passion, Vitality and Creativity.
So, to encapsulate this message with a concluding statement, I would say that “My Cardinal Rule for Christmas” is to use “Love” as the Mechanism that is the “Life Force” of My “Angels’ Wheel of Synchronicity”. If any of you are going through a difficult time or challenge right now, I encourage you to use “Love” as Your Cardinal Rule for Christmas. Love Yourself. Believe in Yourself. Know that You Deserve all the Goodness There is. Take Your Power Back. Allow Your Creativity/Passion/Vitality to Flow Through You. Ask Your Angels to Assist You With Any Issue You May Be Dealing With. The Angels are Always With You. They Are Only a Breath Away!
Angel Blessings to You All for a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.
From My Heart to Yours!
In "Light" and "Love",
Brenda Rachel
Recently, the Angels channeled to me an inspirational quote about HOPE, which is one of the quotes that is in my new inspirational/spiritual quote book, In This Moment Angels' Sweet Reflections" published by Balboa Press.
One of the definitions of “Hope” found in the website is:
“To wish for a particular event that one considers possible: We are hoping for more financial support.
2. Archaic To have confidence; trust.”
Hope is positive encouragement, a promise that something better will unfold, an unspoken anticipation and unexplained excitement that goodness is coming, that a possibility is emerging from something we thought was not possible, all of these creating in us a feeling of overwhelming peace that things are in “divine order” and having an inner “trusting” that we are being led to take the next steps, and the next steps we take are the exact right steps to take on our journey.
A lot of my life has been centered on the belief of “HOPE” so I was compelled to write something to “hopefully” inspire and motivate others.
One of the most tangible experiences I have had with “Hope” began in April, 2014. I had been a part of my office dragon boat paddling team for the last 5 out of 7 years, but somehow without my knowledge, hurt my back at our first practice on April 5, 2014. I knew something was terribly wrong, but continued to attend Saturday practices throughout April. I could hardly turn my neck for six weeks and had to lay on the couch the minute I walked in the door from paddling practice to regroup for several hours before I continued on with my regular weekend chores, laundry, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, walking my dog, etc. I was unable to paddle through the month of May, paddled in several races which took place over two weekends in early and late June, and then was unable to paddle for our final race weekend in July, but attended as a cheerleader for my team. I had gone to a physiotherapist near my office 4 times as an emergency patient in June, as I was having excruciating back pain all the time, and those sessions helped me up to about 20 minutes afterward to relieve the pain, but then I would be back to absolutely intolerable pain levels. It was determined at that time by the physiotherapist that my sacroiliac joint in my lower spine was seized.
I was on a week’s holiday at the time, which went from the end of July into the beginning of August. My back and neck were now totally inflamed, so I went to my doctor to see what was happening, as I had never experienced back issues before this period. I have had many health issues, but this was all new to me so I was very concerned, as I knew I could not return to work in this condition. My doctor sent me for x-rays and I was off work for the rest of the month of August. My x-rays showed decompression of several discs in my neck and spine, and moderate arthritis, so this gave me an idea of what I was dealing with. I returned to work at the beginning of September and left work on the morning of September 16, 2014 as I could hardly walk or sit at my desk. I began spinal decompression treatments on September 17, 2014 at a cost of several thousand dollars, which used up all my savings, and this helped to some extent to relieve the pain, but not a lot. I was grateful for any relief by this time. I mostly laid flat on my bed to get some relief and could not walk my dog at all, do any housework and had to give up all outside yard work.
Over the next 6 weeks I prayed to God and the Angels to “take me home” as I had lost all “Hope” of recovery and having some normalcy back in my life. I told God and the Angels that if my “service work” for them was complete and they no longer needed me to be a messenger for them, then I was ready to go Home. I pleaded with them to “just let me die in my sleep tonight as I want to be back Home with my brothers and sisters, the Angels”. Life had lost all meaning for me and I truly did not want to live, if my work on Earth was done. Lying flat on my back for the rest of my life was not something I wanted to consciously experience - this was no quality of life for me from my perspective.
On October 29, 2014 (after being almost completely bedridden since September 17, 2014, attending 3 laser therapy and spinal decompression treatments a week for one hour each session, wearing a back brace full-time, and not knowing if, or when, I would ever get some relief from the pain), during this session, I was lying on the spinal decompression bed when my Mom, who is deceased, came to me with a message she had for me from the Angels. Mom told me directly “You need to get your music on itunes”. That is all she said. I did not know how to do this, but this was all I needed to know from her - that I was still going to be used by the Angels, as their Messenger, to do their work. I now had HOPE that something positive was going to happen in my life, trusted that I was going to be directed as to how to do this, and knew that I now had a purpose once again. I did not question the Angels’ message.
I attended a rehab clinic from November 2014 to April 2015 3 to 4 times a week for 3-4 hours per session, (after the first couple of weeks of going for 2 hours a session), and it turned out that my femoral nerve in my hip was damaged, so I was now living with another new health issue. I returned to work on a graduated return to work program on February 2, 2015 and returned full-time on April 27, 2015. I had to live on 60% of my salary and this was not an easy task, but all through this time I did not lose Hope. I accepted that this was my life purpose and needed to continue with my inspirational/spiritual work for God and the Angels.
Fast forward to today, May, 2015. I was guided every step of the way by the Angels to have my new inspirational/spiritual EP “In This Moment” released by MondoTunes on December 2, 2014. I composed both the music and lyrics between 2004 and 2006 when I was on disability with severe plantar fasciitis in 2004-2005 and could not walk for several months. The Angels channeled all the songs to me and I have no musical background. During the EP release process, I learned everything I needed to know about digitally marketing my own music and promoting my EP myself through social media. I had no desire up to this point in my life to ever be on social media or learn about it. At the time of writing this article, I now am blessed to be connected with several thousand people between Linkedin, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook.
Without the Angels using my Mom as their Messenger of Hope, I cannot be sure what direction my life would have taken. I do know that I am now sharing my story with you with the Hope that it inspires and motivates at least one person who feels lost, depressed, and/or directionless, or feels they have lost their purpose or have no purpose in life. Please, take it from my experience, never ever lose Hope. The Angels are only a breath away and will intervene when they are asked to. Ask your Angels for guidance, but be ready for what they ask of you. We have to be open to receive their messages and listen to what they ask us to do. Hope will be given to you if you ask the Angels directly for it.
Have a wonderfully blessed day filled with Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness and Hope.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Recently, the Angels channeled to me an inspirational quote about HOPE, which is one of the quotes that is in my new inspirational/spiritual quote book, In This Moment Angels' Sweet Reflections" published by Balboa Press.
One of the definitions of “Hope” found in the website is:
“To wish for a particular event that one considers possible: We are hoping for more financial support.
2. Archaic To have confidence; trust.”
Hope is positive encouragement, a promise that something better will unfold, an unspoken anticipation and unexplained excitement that goodness is coming, that a possibility is emerging from something we thought was not possible, all of these creating in us a feeling of overwhelming peace that things are in “divine order” and having an inner “trusting” that we are being led to take the next steps, and the next steps we take are the exact right steps to take on our journey.
A lot of my life has been centered on the belief of “HOPE” so I was compelled to write something to “hopefully” inspire and motivate others.
One of the most tangible experiences I have had with “Hope” began in April, 2014. I had been a part of my office dragon boat paddling team for the last 5 out of 7 years, but somehow without my knowledge, hurt my back at our first practice on April 5, 2014. I knew something was terribly wrong, but continued to attend Saturday practices throughout April. I could hardly turn my neck for six weeks and had to lay on the couch the minute I walked in the door from paddling practice to regroup for several hours before I continued on with my regular weekend chores, laundry, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, walking my dog, etc. I was unable to paddle through the month of May, paddled in several races which took place over two weekends in early and late June, and then was unable to paddle for our final race weekend in July, but attended as a cheerleader for my team. I had gone to a physiotherapist near my office 4 times as an emergency patient in June, as I was having excruciating back pain all the time, and those sessions helped me up to about 20 minutes afterward to relieve the pain, but then I would be back to absolutely intolerable pain levels. It was determined at that time by the physiotherapist that my sacroiliac joint in my lower spine was seized.
I was on a week’s holiday at the time, which went from the end of July into the beginning of August. My back and neck were now totally inflamed, so I went to my doctor to see what was happening, as I had never experienced back issues before this period. I have had many health issues, but this was all new to me so I was very concerned, as I knew I could not return to work in this condition. My doctor sent me for x-rays and I was off work for the rest of the month of August. My x-rays showed decompression of several discs in my neck and spine, and moderate arthritis, so this gave me an idea of what I was dealing with. I returned to work at the beginning of September and left work on the morning of September 16, 2014 as I could hardly walk or sit at my desk. I began spinal decompression treatments on September 17, 2014 at a cost of several thousand dollars, which used up all my savings, and this helped to some extent to relieve the pain, but not a lot. I was grateful for any relief by this time. I mostly laid flat on my bed to get some relief and could not walk my dog at all, do any housework and had to give up all outside yard work.
Over the next 6 weeks I prayed to God and the Angels to “take me home” as I had lost all “Hope” of recovery and having some normalcy back in my life. I told God and the Angels that if my “service work” for them was complete and they no longer needed me to be a messenger for them, then I was ready to go Home. I pleaded with them to “just let me die in my sleep tonight as I want to be back Home with my brothers and sisters, the Angels”. Life had lost all meaning for me and I truly did not want to live, if my work on Earth was done. Lying flat on my back for the rest of my life was not something I wanted to consciously experience - this was no quality of life for me from my perspective.
On October 29, 2014 (after being almost completely bedridden since September 17, 2014, attending 3 laser therapy and spinal decompression treatments a week for one hour each session, wearing a back brace full-time, and not knowing if, or when, I would ever get some relief from the pain), during this session, I was lying on the spinal decompression bed when my Mom, who is deceased, came to me with a message she had for me from the Angels. Mom told me directly “You need to get your music on itunes”. That is all she said. I did not know how to do this, but this was all I needed to know from her - that I was still going to be used by the Angels, as their Messenger, to do their work. I now had HOPE that something positive was going to happen in my life, trusted that I was going to be directed as to how to do this, and knew that I now had a purpose once again. I did not question the Angels’ message.
I attended a rehab clinic from November 2014 to April 2015 3 to 4 times a week for 3-4 hours per session, (after the first couple of weeks of going for 2 hours a session), and it turned out that my femoral nerve in my hip was damaged, so I was now living with another new health issue. I returned to work on a graduated return to work program on February 2, 2015 and returned full-time on April 27, 2015. I had to live on 60% of my salary and this was not an easy task, but all through this time I did not lose Hope. I accepted that this was my life purpose and needed to continue with my inspirational/spiritual work for God and the Angels.
Fast forward to today, May, 2015. I was guided every step of the way by the Angels to have my new inspirational/spiritual EP “In This Moment” released by MondoTunes on December 2, 2014. I composed both the music and lyrics between 2004 and 2006 when I was on disability with severe plantar fasciitis in 2004-2005 and could not walk for several months. The Angels channeled all the songs to me and I have no musical background. During the EP release process, I learned everything I needed to know about digitally marketing my own music and promoting my EP myself through social media. I had no desire up to this point in my life to ever be on social media or learn about it. At the time of writing this article, I now am blessed to be connected with several thousand people between Linkedin, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook.
Without the Angels using my Mom as their Messenger of Hope, I cannot be sure what direction my life would have taken. I do know that I am now sharing my story with you with the Hope that it inspires and motivates at least one person who feels lost, depressed, and/or directionless, or feels they have lost their purpose or have no purpose in life. Please, take it from my experience, never ever lose Hope. The Angels are only a breath away and will intervene when they are asked to. Ask your Angels for guidance, but be ready for what they ask of you. We have to be open to receive their messages and listen to what they ask us to do. Hope will be given to you if you ask the Angels directly for it.
Have a wonderfully blessed day filled with Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness and Hope.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Definition of Value according to the Free Dictionary at
numerical quantity - a quantity expressed as a number
invaluableness, pricelessness, valuableness, preciousness - the positive quality of being precious and beyond value
I have decided to use my own interpretation of the word “Value” and its context as it relates to me personally. I like to begin my articles with a quote from the Angels to bring congruency to their message and what they would like me to impart on their behalf.
The Angels’ quote is, (especially for all you Excel Lovers!):
The Angels’ Formula for the Equation of the Infinity of Love
I was in a very reflective, introspective period of my life when I received this quote from the Angels, as I had recently returned to work after a long disability with my back and hip, and during this time off work, was able to reassess what my inspirational and spiritual purpose was.
I was very blessed to work with wonderful medical professionals throughout my recovery process of eight months, who supported me wholly in my inspirational and spiritual work. The last five months of my rehabilitation included me working with a team of four medical professionals: two kinesiologists and two physiotherapists. They had, as a team (who were all extremely busy individuals), sat down and listened to my 2 hour radio interview on how my new EP “In This Moment” had been ”borne”, by being channeled to me by the Angels with both the melodies and lyrics between 2004-2006.
During this current period of disability in 2014, I lost all hope of making any kind of valuable contribution to this planet before leaving it, I had absolutely no sense of value for myself and I had no direction or purpose to inspire or motivate me into action. I prayed countless times to God and the Angels to “take me home to be with my brothers and sisters“, if my journey was complete here on earth, otherwise I pleaded with them to please open the door for me to be of some value to myself and others.
This is when Divine Intervention stepped in. My Mother (who is deceased) came to me in audible form, as I was lying on the spinal decompression table for my treatment on October 29, 2014, to bring me a direct message from the Angels - “You have to get your music on itunes”. I did not question how I was going to do this, as I knew nothing about the digital music marketing industry, but started the process that morning as soon as I got home, and have never looked back. Today, I have now had my EP “In This Moment” released through MondoTunes (as of December 2, 2014) which is on itunes and amazon. I achieved this solely by myself, with the help of the Angels.
I mention this part of my life story again, for those of you who have already heard it, because when I got to the point of feeling valueless, believing I had no value at all for being on this planet, and also feeling extremely undervalued by many people in my immediate circle of acquaintances and colleagues, I realized that my situation would only alter course when I chose to value myself and change my belief in my perception of myself. I asked the Angels daily, hourly (sometimes every ½ hour) to PLEASE show me the way, PLEASE give me the strength to go on (as I was in intolerable pain most of this time), PLEASE give me the confidence to go on with the project, but most of all, to PLEASE ALLOW ME TO BELIEVE IN ME. I am capitalizing these words as I was shouting at the top of my lungs so the Angels would hear me, although I knew I didn’t need to speak out loud at all. The Angels always hear us, even through our thoughts - they don't need us to say the words out loud!
Once my EP “In This Moment” was in process, which took from October 29, 2014 to December 2, 2014, I asked the Angels to show me what my next project was, as I was so excited and passionate about being their messenger. Now I could feel myself inwardly start to change towards how I perceived myself. As I was inspiring others, I was inspiring myself, and therefore, valuing myself. I had a sense of purpose and longing to continue being of service to others, which, in turn, brought me the gift of feeling I was of value to others. Ultimately, I realized that LOVE was the infinite blessing from me valuing myself. I now feel validated and valued by the Angels with them gifting me with their inspirational and spiritual quotes. I send out one quote daily on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin, and have done so since the beginning of November, 2014 and this brings me great joy and happiness. I realize the more I allow myself to be the Angels’ messenger, the more value I place on my inspirational and spiritual work, as I know the Angels are validating me through their value of “Unconditional Love”. My new book of inspirational/spiritual angelic quotes In This Moment Angels' Sweet Reflections has now been published by Balboa Press and released to the universe as of September 24, 2015.
My wish for everyone is that you come to believe (if you don’t already) that the Angels can hear everything you ask them, but please remember to ask them. If you are feeling undervalued, that you have no sense of value for yourself, that you are directionless or have no purpose, the Angels can help you with this. The Angels can validate you and show you how to bring value into your life and value yourself through their “Unconditional Love” for you. Love is all there is and with the Angels’ validation of who I came here to be as a loving human being with so much Love to give others, I now have a sense of Value and Love for myself. I am still on the planet today and happy that I am able to be a Messenger of Hope for the Angels!
Have a wonderfully blessed day filled with Peace, Love, Joy and Hope.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
I like to start my articles with the definition of the topic I am writing about from The topic of this article is “mosaic” and the definition given here for mosaic, in part, is:
1. Also called photomosaic. an assembly of aerial photographs matched to
show a continuous photographic representation of an area.
2. composed of a combination of diverse elements.
The inspirational quote the Angels have given me regarding the concept of “mosaic”, which is found in my new book, In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections, currently being published by Balboa Press is:
God’s Masterpiece entitled “The Perfection of Humanity” is now being displayed in “Harmony Hall”. This Brilliant Mosaic is formed by the Connection of Individual “Diamonds” Sparkling from the Brilliance of their “Light and Love”.
I have been following a “fellow spiritual traveler”, Robert DeLaurentis, Zen Pilot,, who is flying on his around-the-world record breaking flight, on a not-for-profit and “For Purpose” trip raising money for aspiring pilots, promoting innovation in aviation and helping pilots be better decision makers, more prepared and better trained. Along his way, he is showing that “flying between 22 countries and over oceans can be fun and safe, and it’s never too late to follow your dreams”.
Recently, Robert shared photos with his connections online that he took of Dubai and as soon as I saw this photograph, it immediately reminded me of a mosaic and how much “My Life is a Mosaic”, which is reflected by this photograph.
I initially saw the “combination of diverse elements” including the height of the buildings with their immense, unassuming power, strength and steadfast stature; the width showing the spatial distance between the structures to allow for other elements to have their own positions, yet support and balance each other; and the depth of the photograph, reflecting the vast array of texture and composition in the contrast of the structures and the diversity of the elements.
I began to reflect on my own life and assimilate between the photograph and my life. The reflections that came to me were not earth shattering, but created a retrospective dissection of several experiences I was able to come to terms with and wanted to share with you.
As with the height of the buildings, I, too, have immense, unassuming power, but have chosen to let this lie dormant for many years. During this recent “metamorphosis” period I have been going through since October 29th, 2014, the “Divine Design” for “My Mosaic of Life” began to unfold and allowed me to project my immense, unassuming power and strength, while standing steadfast in my stature, reflecting the confidence I have in remaining committed to achieving my dream. My dream is “I Desire to Inspire Everyone!” through my music and words, all of which have been gifted to me from the Angels.
I was on disability with serious back and hip pain and not able to work for several months in 2014 and the only dream I had during this time was to “return home to God”. I did not want to live. I pleaded with the Angels every night to “please let me die in my sleep if you are finished with me being your messenger on the planet”. I had no purpose, joy, will or stamina to do anything. I was in a back brace 24/7 and wore an ice pack all the time to keep the inflammation subdued. The Angels intervened by sending my Mom, (who is deceased) as their messenger and while I was on the spinal decompression table she said, “You have to get your music on iTunes”.
In a previous period of disability between 2004-2006, when I had severe bilateral plantar fasciitis in both feet and could not walk for 4 months, the Angels had gifted me with beautiful inspirational/spiritual music and lyrics. According to the “Divine Plan” of “My Mosaic of Life”, My EP “In This Moment” was released in December, 2014 through MondoTunes. Currently, and in balance and harmony with my EP, my first book of inspirational/spiritual quotes, In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections, is being published through Balboa Press. All the inspirational/spiritual quotes have been gifted to me by the Angels during this most recent period of disability in 2014.
Reflecting on this beautiful photograph, I saw the expansiveness of space between the buildings, allowing for other elements such as waterways, bridges and green spaces to be positioned. I thought how congruently this reflected my own chasm of space I have allowed to flourish (not in a positive, healthy way) between myself and people in general, but especially men. I have allowed my mistrust and extremely painful dissolution of my marriage many years ago to influence my living a “distant and separate from society” lifestyle, for fear of being hurt so deeply again and failing at something so sacred as a marriage, taking vows before God and not being able to honour this commitment. As I look closer at the photograph, I see the symmetry of the relationship between each of the structures positioned in the expansive space between the elements, and see how together they all balance each other perfectly. I recognized that it is time for me to adopt a closer relationship to my human connections, so that I am able to trust myself in creating a loving, healthy, supportive relationship which will balance me in every way. I want to believe from the core of my being that I deserve to have love, peace and harmony with my “soul” partner, when he arrives and that God will orchestrate this for me, as he is my “conductor”.
I look at the depth of the photograph and see the “vast array of texture and composition in the contrast of the structures and the diversity of the elements”, and identify within myself just how many layers of emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual characteristics make me the person I am today. From the lowest of the low feelings of “the absolute bottom of the barrel pit of despair” to the elation of being on top of the “mountain of momentum”, every emotion, positive and negative, has been experienced in each crevasse as I climb back up to my “pinnacle of empowerment”. I am using God’s guide ropes and asking the Angels to carry me as I make my climb back up my mountain.
The Angels’ quote in summary states:
“The Perfection of Humanity” is a Brilliant Mosaic formed by the Connection of Individual “Diamonds” Sparkling from the Brilliance of their “Light and Love”.
Everyone I have in my immediate and peripheral life is a part of “My Mosaic of Life”. Each one that I am connected with physically and/or virtually is a part of “My Mosaic of Life”. Together, we are all “Diamonds” in this “Brilliant Mosaic” called “The Perfection of Humanity”, sparkling with our “Brilliance of Light and Love”. We are here to encourage, support, inspire, motivate and unite as one “Brilliant Mosaic” called “The Perfection of Humanity”. The congruency of our planet’s healing and unification in “Harmony Hall” is completely dependent on each of us standing strong beside each other, living peacefully together with our own immense, unassuming power and allowing for enough space between us to enhance and support our own diverse compositions.
I am deeply grateful to the Angels for intervening in “My Mosaic of Life” on October 29, 2014. Without them, I am not sure where I would be today, but I do know that with them, this is where I am meant to be.
From My Heart to Yours.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
I like to start my article with the definition of what the topic is that I am writing about. This article is about “Mindfulness” and I really had to take some time and “dig deep within myself” to decide which approach would be the most insightful for me to share with you.
Free Dictionary Definitions:
MINDFULNESS - the trait of staying aware of (paying close attention to) your Responsibilities, heedfulness, attentiveness - the trait of being observant and paying attention
MIND - 1. The part or faculty of a person by which one feels, perceives, thinks, remembers, desires, and imagines: studying the relation between the brain and the mind.
The Angels’ Quote that they channeled to me about Mindfulness is:
Minds are Powerful. Prayers are Healing. Through Mindful Prayer We can Receive a Powerful Healing.
There are many instances in my life that I have consciously chosen to be in “that place of stillness and uninterrupted silence”, either while meditating or “just being”, what I call my state of “Just Being”, where I am neither meditating nor focused on one particular thing or another. I am quiet, still, conscious of my breathing and listening to hear the Angels channel whatever message they have for me at that moment. This is what I define for myself as being in a state of “Mindfulness”. This is when all the “Ego Chatter” ceases and the “Mind Recognizing Intelligence” (“MRI”) is at its most heightened awareness. I tune into the magnetic field of Intelligence (“God, Spirit, The Divine, Creator, Source”) to receive the messages necessary for me to carry out my responsibilities I have chosen to undertake as a “Messenger for the Angels”. This is what I call having a “Spiritual MRI”.
I will share an experience I recently had, which will allow me to explain in greater detail the transformation that took place during my “Spiritual MRI”. I had been waiting a year, since August 2014, for a double MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan for my back, and finally had this done at the end of July, 2015. The MRI is used to detect structural abnormalities in the body. For those of you who are not familiar with this procedure, this is where a person lays on a flat surface which is inside a huge tubular container, open at both ends, and the flat surface can move back and forth inside the tube by the attendant using controls in their control room.. For my lumbar and thoracic spine scans which were back-to-back, I had to be put all the way into this tube, and for someone like myself who is very claustrophobic, (for me in small covered spaces - not a tent or plane!), I knew this was going to be challenging. As I heard the machine start to make all its electronic screeching noises as it magnetically scanned my back I felt my heart start to race, my breathing start to become rapid, I started to shake and kept looking up at the lights in the ceiling of the tube, projecting all kinds of bizarre things – like what if the ceiling lights came crashing down on me or what it they tube collapsed on me – how would I get out, etc. I became very aware through my very erratic thoughts that I needed to center myself immediately, as this was going to be a long haul for me, about 50 minutes, and I had consciously chosen to have this procedure. I didn’t feel my departure from earth would end by me having a heart attack during a very simple MRI procedure. I believed I still had more work to do for the Angels!
I immediately asked God and the Angels to quiet my mind, to get me into my place of “Just Being” in my Mind, and became very aware of my intention to be calm, peaceful, relaxed and mindful of my presence inside the tube, knowing that Divine Intelligence was taking care of me and all was in order. I would say I went through this process about 4 or 5 times over the 50 minutes, but was so affected by the immediate change in my energy field when I allowed myself to be in the state of “Just Being”. I had absolute confirmation of how, when my magnetic energy field allows itself to be transported to another dimension by the Mind Recognizing Intelligence, and I slow my breathing down, allow my heart rate to stabilize and relax into the experience, that the state of Mindfulness I call “Just Being” takes over in such a complete and uncomplicated manner. There is no screeching sound like the physical MRI, just a beautiful, easy and peaceful transitioning from “Ego Chatter” to “Mindfulness”, during my “Spiritual MRI”.
My desire now is to use my “Spiritual MRI” whenever I become challenged in a physical situation. God and the Angels are in their “control room” and I ask them daily to help me remain in a state of “Just Being”. I can tap into my “Spiritual MRI” at any time and this is not a procedure I have to wait a year for - it is here NOW, ready and waiting to for me to access! As the Angels said in their quote which they channeled to me “Minds are Powerful. Prayers are Healing. Through Mindful Prayer We can Receive a Powerful Healing.” While I was going through my “Spiritual MRI”, being in a complete state of “Mindfulness”, I did receive a powerful healing! Thank you God! Thank you Angels!
We are all able to access our “Spiritual MRI” at anytime, anywhere. No need for hospital gowns or slippers!
Have a Wonderfully Blessed Day.
Angel Blessings,
Brenda Rachel
Definition of Charity from the free online dictionary:
1. Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity.
2. Often Charity Christianity the theological virtue defined as love directed first toward God
but also toward oneself and one's neighbors as objects of God's love.
1. Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity.
2. Often Charity Christianity the theological virtue defined as love directed first toward God
but also toward oneself and one's neighbors as objects of God's love.