The topic of “Enchantment” is the subject of this article and I like to begin my articles by providing the online free dictionary definition, which is:
The message the Angels channeled to me about “Enchantment” is:
“We can Become Enchanted with the Spiritual Principle of “Enlightenment” by Allowing Our Spirit to Realize its Highest Pinnacle of Enchantment with the Belief that “To Be an Expression of Love” is Our Sole Purpose for Walking Our Spiritual Path, so Our Soul Can Reflect its Enchanting Inner Light to Guide Us Safely Through Our Enchanted Spiritual Forest and Others can be Drawn to Our Spiritual Light”
When I was a young girl up until the age of 10 or so, I believed in the idea that an enchanting, magical place existed somewhere in this universe that allowed me to go to in my “day dreams”. Through various difficult and challenging situations in my childhood, the idea that this “Enchanted Forest” existed dissipated, as my physical reality did not correlate with my imagination to be able to wander off to these enchanting interludes. My Mom tried to commit suicide 5 times during my ages of 10-15 and during the last attempt she was taken to a mental hospital where she received the help she needed and was finally diagnosed properly. She went on to graduate high school in her 40’s and crossed the stage at her graduation ceremonies with her son, my brother, who was graduating the same year. I had my first emotional breakdown when I was 13 and remember running out into the school track and field area lying under a bush, sobbing and begging God to please let me die. At 15, I had my second emotional breakdown and went hysterical on my Mom after school one day while watching a toothpaste commercial. She phoned the doctor and I was put to bed and told to rest. I don’t remember if anything else was done but I do know that these were two major emotional traumatic breakdowns I went through due to the emotional toll I was under. I was a teenager in emotional trouble as I felt I was the reason my Mom didn’t want to live, yet I did not know what I had done to cause this or how I could fix it. This was a heavy emotional burden for me to bear. I attended our Baptist church and taught Sunday School all my teen years until I graduated at the age of 17 and left home. I was the only one in my family who went to church during this time, although as a baby, until my early youth, we all attended church as a family.
During the age of 5 until present day, I have always had a very close relationship with God/Spirit and knew about and believed in the power of prayer. I did experience some relief when I said my prayers and prayed regularly so this was definitely the beginning of My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I had been the main cook for my family of 6 from age 10 and had household chores to do every weekend as long as I can remember, which I did get a monthly allowance for in my later teen years but not the early years. I had no childhood to speak of, as I had to become very responsible for the “mothering” role to my three siblings in my family during this time. My parents fought all the time and there was very little “free time” for me to escape to My Enchanted “Spiritual” Forest. Consequently, I made a conscious decision never to fight or argue in my relationships, so carried this decision through to present day. I have only raised my voice 3 times in my life. There is no right or wrong in this decision, it is just what happened along my path.
I started My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, which became my refuge during my later 20’s when my marriage dissolved and I was divorced at age 32. I had been in this relationship for 12 years, from age 20, and got married at age 28. I left the marriage 2 months before the 4th anniversary date. This had been a relationship involving an active alcoholic who was 25 years older than me, who drank from morning until evening when he was at home and when he was at work, he would drink at lunch and then stop at the pub or bar on the way home almost every evening and drink until he passed out, but if he did not stop along his route home, he drank the whole night at home until he passed out. I had no self-esteem, self-worth or self-love, no purpose in life, direction, or family support (as none of my siblings, mother or father lived near me). What I did have was my faith and trust in God and the reason I stayed so long in this 12 year relationship was because I truly thought that if I “Unconditionally Loved” my husband so much by accepting him with all his character defects, (as I was supposed to be the more spiritually evolved person and a devout Christian, and would knowingly have died for this man), was that “HE WOULD CHANGE”, find help and stop drinking. This did not happen until I left him and then he proceeded on his own path to recovery, on his enchanting spiritual journey. We were able to meet once after he found sobriety and had remarried and we forgave each other. It was a beautiful completion and I have never seen or heard about him since.
Along My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, I was introduced to Al-Anon, my lifeline to serenity and was actively involved for many years speaking at both Al-Anon and AA meetings. I was introduced to a new thought principled church, Science of Mind and/or Church of Religious Science, took countless numbers of self-help, self-growth, self-awareness courses and attended numerous spiritual and motivational seminars and conferences to keep me on my “Enchanted Path to Enlightenment”. I read hundreds of books and studied to become a minister in this spiritually principled church. I attended classes leading up to ministerial training over a period of about 5 years, loving every minute being enchanted by my spiritual teachings and watching the unfoldment of my spiritual growth. I felt like I was being “reborn”. I attended my 1st year of Practitioner training two times, but I dropped out both times and did not receive my Practitioner’s License. I then decided not to pursue my ministerial training as I was working full-time in the corporate world and had no time or extra money to devote to my extra-curricular studies.
My “Enchantment” with my “Spiritual Lessons” was insurmountable. I cannot begin to emphasize enough how there was NO CAP on my excitement of my “Soul’s Evolution” to reaching its pinnacle of euphoria from the realization and manifestation of my “Spiritual “Growth”. This part of my journey on My Walk Through My "Spiritual" Enchanted Forest lasted until the early 2000’s.
In 2004, I became debilitated for several months with bi-lateral plantar fasciitis, which for those of you who do not know what that is, it is the lining in the feet are inflamed and my inflammation went from the heel to the toes, in several areas, so not in one contained area, and mine was in both feet. I was off work for 4 months and was laid up not being able to walk for many weeks. I would lay on the couch and ask the Angels “What lesson do you want me to learn from this experience?”, “How can I serve you?” and “What message do you want me to bring to others?” I had become very involved with the Angels by having a very intimate relationship with them during this period, after my sister sent me a book by Doreen Virtue entitled “Healing With The Angels”, which I could not put down. I then went on to read many of Doreen Virtue’s books and my relationship today with My Angels is solidified as part of my Spiritual DNA and cannot be challenged. I have been chosen by the Angels and accepted the commitment to be a messenger for them to bring inspiration to those who come across my path and introduce them to the unconditional love the Angels have for us. I was guided over the next 2 years from 2004-2006 by the Angels, who started channeling music and lyrics to me, to have a CD of my 6 songs professionally recorded, which I did do, but did not go public with the CD, only gave away or sold a few to people I knew, and the CDs sat on my closet shelf for years. This was the next leg of my journey on My Walk Through My "Spiritual" Enchanted Forest to reach “Enchantment” and help my feet to heal.
Continuing on my “Enchanting” Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, I became disabled with excruciating back pain and was having spinal decompression treatments for 12 weeks from September –November, 2014. I then started an extensive rehab program for 5 months from November 2014 to April 2015. During the September to November 2014 period, I was at the lowest of my lowest EVER period, so in a not very enchanting place in my life. I truly did not want to live anymore and pleaded with the Angels to “Take Me Home if There is Nothing Else You Want Me to Do for You on the Planet”. I wanted to DIE. I again asked them my same three questions I had asked them in 2004, “What lesson do you want me to learn from this experience?”, “How can I serve you?” and “What message do you want me to bring to others?” I was again guided by the Angels, through my Mom, who is deceased, coming to me on October 29, 2014 at one of my spinal decompression treatments who said very succinctly, “You have to get your music on iTunes, Brenny”. I started this unknown process of digitally marketing music the minute I got home from my appointment.
As of December 2, 2014 my inspirational/spiritual EP entitled “In This Moment” is on Amazon, iTunes and Spotify. In November 2014, the Angels began giving me quotes every day for months and in May 2015, I began the self-publishing process to have these quotes published into a book. As of September 24, 2015, my new book entitled “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections” has been published and launched to the public and is available through Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest has taken many twists and turns, ups and downs, has had smooth and rough patches, and has been a “solo” journey for the past 30 years. I now want to include my spiritual partner, whenever we choose to meet one another in this lifetime, to come and join me on My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest so, together, we can become “Bright Lights” to help guide others on their Journey of Enlightenment to Walk Through Their “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I do know that for every one of us who has been through some trauma, tragedy, tumultuous turmoil, devastating physical or emotional experience, lost faith entirely in anything spiritual, given up on life in general, felt unsupported, wanted to die, been unable to forgive themselves for unhealthy situations they knew they caused or contributed to, turned down people’s love and caring, but most importantly gave up on loving themselves, like me, who gave up on loving myself, to tell you loud and clear, that the Angels Unequivocally Love us Unconditionally.
I am here as a messenger for the Angels to say that there is Help available from them, at any time, for anything, for anyone – no matter what you have done or not done. ASK the Angels and they WILL help you. I have almost died twice during my lifetime, once in 1994 when I unknowingly overdosed on mixing various kinds of cold medications and actually heard the Angels’ singing, and again by my own knowledge and choice in trying to commit suicide on May 23, 1996 when I was in the pangs of despair from my physical affliction with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and was diagnosed at the age of 42 that I would likely end up in a wheelchair for the rest of my life and which, for me, was not a way of life I wanted to participate in. But, for the Grace of God, Divine Intervention by the Angels and, it not being my time to depart this earth, I am still here today.
It is my desire to bring you hope, encouragement, love and support, knowing ultimately, it is your choice for you to make, how you Walk Through Your “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I know for myself, that this is a walk I will continue to make as it is the only path that feels right for me to be on and will, as the Angels state above lead me to “Become Enchanted with the Spiritual Principle of “Enlightenment” by Allowing My Spirit to Realize its Highest Pinnacle of Enchantment with the Belief that “To Be an Expression of Love” is My Sole Purpose for Walking My Spiritual Path so My Soul Can Reflect its Enchanting Inner Light to Guide Others Safely Through Their Enchanted Spiritual Forest and They can be Drawn to My Spiritual Light”.
In “Love” and “Light”
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings
Brenda Rachel, Humanity With Heart
The topic of “Enchantment” is the subject of this article and I like to begin my articles by providing the online free dictionary definition, which is:
- the act of enchanting or state of being enchanted
- great charm or fascination
The message the Angels channeled to me about “Enchantment” is:
“We can Become Enchanted with the Spiritual Principle of “Enlightenment” by Allowing Our Spirit to Realize its Highest Pinnacle of Enchantment with the Belief that “To Be an Expression of Love” is Our Sole Purpose for Walking Our Spiritual Path, so Our Soul Can Reflect its Enchanting Inner Light to Guide Us Safely Through Our Enchanted Spiritual Forest and Others can be Drawn to Our Spiritual Light”
When I was a young girl up until the age of 10 or so, I believed in the idea that an enchanting, magical place existed somewhere in this universe that allowed me to go to in my “day dreams”. Through various difficult and challenging situations in my childhood, the idea that this “Enchanted Forest” existed dissipated, as my physical reality did not correlate with my imagination to be able to wander off to these enchanting interludes. My Mom tried to commit suicide 5 times during my ages of 10-15 and during the last attempt she was taken to a mental hospital where she received the help she needed and was finally diagnosed properly. She went on to graduate high school in her 40’s and crossed the stage at her graduation ceremonies with her son, my brother, who was graduating the same year. I had my first emotional breakdown when I was 13 and remember running out into the school track and field area lying under a bush, sobbing and begging God to please let me die. At 15, I had my second emotional breakdown and went hysterical on my Mom after school one day while watching a toothpaste commercial. She phoned the doctor and I was put to bed and told to rest. I don’t remember if anything else was done but I do know that these were two major emotional traumatic breakdowns I went through due to the emotional toll I was under. I was a teenager in emotional trouble as I felt I was the reason my Mom didn’t want to live, yet I did not know what I had done to cause this or how I could fix it. This was a heavy emotional burden for me to bear. I attended our Baptist church and taught Sunday School all my teen years until I graduated at the age of 17 and left home. I was the only one in my family who went to church during this time, although as a baby, until my early youth, we all attended church as a family.
During the age of 5 until present day, I have always had a very close relationship with God/Spirit and knew about and believed in the power of prayer. I did experience some relief when I said my prayers and prayed regularly so this was definitely the beginning of My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I had been the main cook for my family of 6 from age 10 and had household chores to do every weekend as long as I can remember, which I did get a monthly allowance for in my later teen years but not the early years. I had no childhood to speak of, as I had to become very responsible for the “mothering” role to my three siblings in my family during this time. My parents fought all the time and there was very little “free time” for me to escape to My Enchanted “Spiritual” Forest. Consequently, I made a conscious decision never to fight or argue in my relationships, so carried this decision through to present day. I have only raised my voice 3 times in my life. There is no right or wrong in this decision, it is just what happened along my path.
I started My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, which became my refuge during my later 20’s when my marriage dissolved and I was divorced at age 32. I had been in this relationship for 12 years, from age 20, and got married at age 28. I left the marriage 2 months before the 4th anniversary date. This had been a relationship involving an active alcoholic who was 25 years older than me, who drank from morning until evening when he was at home and when he was at work, he would drink at lunch and then stop at the pub or bar on the way home almost every evening and drink until he passed out, but if he did not stop along his route home, he drank the whole night at home until he passed out. I had no self-esteem, self-worth or self-love, no purpose in life, direction, or family support (as none of my siblings, mother or father lived near me). What I did have was my faith and trust in God and the reason I stayed so long in this 12 year relationship was because I truly thought that if I “Unconditionally Loved” my husband so much by accepting him with all his character defects, (as I was supposed to be the more spiritually evolved person and a devout Christian, and would knowingly have died for this man), was that “HE WOULD CHANGE”, find help and stop drinking. This did not happen until I left him and then he proceeded on his own path to recovery, on his enchanting spiritual journey. We were able to meet once after he found sobriety and had remarried and we forgave each other. It was a beautiful completion and I have never seen or heard about him since.
Along My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, I was introduced to Al-Anon, my lifeline to serenity and was actively involved for many years speaking at both Al-Anon and AA meetings. I was introduced to a new thought principled church, Science of Mind and/or Church of Religious Science, took countless numbers of self-help, self-growth, self-awareness courses and attended numerous spiritual and motivational seminars and conferences to keep me on my “Enchanted Path to Enlightenment”. I read hundreds of books and studied to become a minister in this spiritually principled church. I attended classes leading up to ministerial training over a period of about 5 years, loving every minute being enchanted by my spiritual teachings and watching the unfoldment of my spiritual growth. I felt like I was being “reborn”. I attended my 1st year of Practitioner training two times, but I dropped out both times and did not receive my Practitioner’s License. I then decided not to pursue my ministerial training as I was working full-time in the corporate world and had no time or extra money to devote to my extra-curricular studies.
My “Enchantment” with my “Spiritual Lessons” was insurmountable. I cannot begin to emphasize enough how there was NO CAP on my excitement of my “Soul’s Evolution” to reaching its pinnacle of euphoria from the realization and manifestation of my “Spiritual “Growth”. This part of my journey on My Walk Through My "Spiritual" Enchanted Forest lasted until the early 2000’s.
In 2004, I became debilitated for several months with bi-lateral plantar fasciitis, which for those of you who do not know what that is, it is the lining in the feet are inflamed and my inflammation went from the heel to the toes, in several areas, so not in one contained area, and mine was in both feet. I was off work for 4 months and was laid up not being able to walk for many weeks. I would lay on the couch and ask the Angels “What lesson do you want me to learn from this experience?”, “How can I serve you?” and “What message do you want me to bring to others?” I had become very involved with the Angels by having a very intimate relationship with them during this period, after my sister sent me a book by Doreen Virtue entitled “Healing With The Angels”, which I could not put down. I then went on to read many of Doreen Virtue’s books and my relationship today with My Angels is solidified as part of my Spiritual DNA and cannot be challenged. I have been chosen by the Angels and accepted the commitment to be a messenger for them to bring inspiration to those who come across my path and introduce them to the unconditional love the Angels have for us. I was guided over the next 2 years from 2004-2006 by the Angels, who started channeling music and lyrics to me, to have a CD of my 6 songs professionally recorded, which I did do, but did not go public with the CD, only gave away or sold a few to people I knew, and the CDs sat on my closet shelf for years. This was the next leg of my journey on My Walk Through My "Spiritual" Enchanted Forest to reach “Enchantment” and help my feet to heal.
Continuing on my “Enchanting” Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest, I became disabled with excruciating back pain and was having spinal decompression treatments for 12 weeks from September –November, 2014. I then started an extensive rehab program for 5 months from November 2014 to April 2015. During the September to November 2014 period, I was at the lowest of my lowest EVER period, so in a not very enchanting place in my life. I truly did not want to live anymore and pleaded with the Angels to “Take Me Home if There is Nothing Else You Want Me to Do for You on the Planet”. I wanted to DIE. I again asked them my same three questions I had asked them in 2004, “What lesson do you want me to learn from this experience?”, “How can I serve you?” and “What message do you want me to bring to others?” I was again guided by the Angels, through my Mom, who is deceased, coming to me on October 29, 2014 at one of my spinal decompression treatments who said very succinctly, “You have to get your music on iTunes, Brenny”. I started this unknown process of digitally marketing music the minute I got home from my appointment.
As of December 2, 2014 my inspirational/spiritual EP entitled “In This Moment” is on Amazon, iTunes and Spotify. In November 2014, the Angels began giving me quotes every day for months and in May 2015, I began the self-publishing process to have these quotes published into a book. As of September 24, 2015, my new book entitled “In This Moment Angels’ Sweet Reflections” has been published and launched to the public and is available through Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest has taken many twists and turns, ups and downs, has had smooth and rough patches, and has been a “solo” journey for the past 30 years. I now want to include my spiritual partner, whenever we choose to meet one another in this lifetime, to come and join me on My Walk Through My “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest so, together, we can become “Bright Lights” to help guide others on their Journey of Enlightenment to Walk Through Their “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I do know that for every one of us who has been through some trauma, tragedy, tumultuous turmoil, devastating physical or emotional experience, lost faith entirely in anything spiritual, given up on life in general, felt unsupported, wanted to die, been unable to forgive themselves for unhealthy situations they knew they caused or contributed to, turned down people’s love and caring, but most importantly gave up on loving themselves, like me, who gave up on loving myself, to tell you loud and clear, that the Angels Unequivocally Love us Unconditionally.
I am here as a messenger for the Angels to say that there is Help available from them, at any time, for anything, for anyone – no matter what you have done or not done. ASK the Angels and they WILL help you. I have almost died twice during my lifetime, once in 1994 when I unknowingly overdosed on mixing various kinds of cold medications and actually heard the Angels’ singing, and again by my own knowledge and choice in trying to commit suicide on May 23, 1996 when I was in the pangs of despair from my physical affliction with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and was diagnosed at the age of 42 that I would likely end up in a wheelchair for the rest of my life and which, for me, was not a way of life I wanted to participate in. But, for the Grace of God, Divine Intervention by the Angels and, it not being my time to depart this earth, I am still here today.
It is my desire to bring you hope, encouragement, love and support, knowing ultimately, it is your choice for you to make, how you Walk Through Your “Spiritual” Enchanted Forest. I know for myself, that this is a walk I will continue to make as it is the only path that feels right for me to be on and will, as the Angels state above lead me to “Become Enchanted with the Spiritual Principle of “Enlightenment” by Allowing My Spirit to Realize its Highest Pinnacle of Enchantment with the Belief that “To Be an Expression of Love” is My Sole Purpose for Walking My Spiritual Path so My Soul Can Reflect its Enchanting Inner Light to Guide Others Safely Through Their Enchanted Spiritual Forest and They can be Drawn to My Spiritual Light”.
In “Love” and “Light”
From My Heart to Yours
Angel Blessings
Brenda Rachel, Humanity With Heart