BEAUTY IS PRESENT EVERYWHERE - This Zenspirational video combines the beauty of nature photos with beautiful, inspirational words which have been channeled to me from the angels. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/XYMI6mpm-Kw
OUR WORLD WILL HEAL WITH PEACE - In this Zenspirational video, I describe, through photos and angelically channeled words, how our world will heal and become a peaceful planet through having inner peace ourselves. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/UpYnFA8Mupc
WE ARE ALL HERE AS PART OF THE WHOLE – Remembering we came here to be part of the whole of our planet, providing our lights to shine amongst each other, recognizing the unity between our sister and brother, this is a Zenspirational moment. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/NvLy7c9XCPA
TRANQUILITY OF SPIRIT – My Zenspirational Experience happens when my Soul is at Peace and I enjoy a Tranquility of Spirit, by knowing I am never alone and that Spirit’s Light continually shines to and through me, allowing me to awaken to my highest potential. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/xMtR-Ma-S2g
ENLIGHTENED SPIRIT, AWAKENED SOUL – Inspirational and Spiritual Words of Peace, Joy, Love, Compassion and Kindness bring me a Zen feeling, creating in me an Enlightened Spirit and Awakened Soul. Take a Zenspirational Moment today to listen to this music and read these enlightening words. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/-66eI1z_OLU
THE ANGELS ARE WITH US ALWAYS – Divine Intervention, through My Angels, saved my life in 1996. I am now blessed to be a Messenger of Hope for them, letting others know that The Angels Are Always With Us. We can ask for their intervention and help at any moment. They are just waiting to be invited into our lives. While watching this beautiful Zenspirational presentation, I hope you are inspired to connect with your Angels. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/OkHAv0lEZGk
A VULNERABLE HEART IS AN OPEN HEART – A Vulnerable Heart Is An Open Heart when our senses are at their highest frequency, we see everything with new eyes, our feelings of love for ourselves and others intensify, and we desire a deeper sense of peaceful connection for humanity. While watching this beautiful Zenspirational presentation, it is my wish that your heart becomes vulnerable to love and peace by opening up to the newness of every moment. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/zvpDJi1kUxc
ONENESS FOR ALL IS OUR DIVINE CALL – Being at one with each other is what will transform our planet into a world of peace, living harmoniously together. This begins with each of us understanding that Oneness For All Is Our Divine Call. We all came to earth as Divine Love and Light Beings to learn to Be human beings. While watching this beautiful Zenspirational presentation, it is my wish that your spirit and soul align with each other to embody the Divine Oneness that you came here to be. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/HBZQLrq63Fw
SPIRIT’S LIGHT SHINES FOR YOU AND ME – As we come to have a greater awareness of the Universe’s synchronistic messages which are guiding us toward Unconditional Love and Global Peace, we begin to understand that, at all times, Spirit’s Light Shines For You and Me, opening our minds and hearts to the goodness that is ever present in our world. https://youtu.be/TgJw5q39U8I
GOD’S AMAZING GRACE – Walking in Nature, Observing a Sunset, Being Present, Feeling at Peace – all these things are tangible proof to me that God’s Amazing Grace is everywhere I choose to see it. My soul is peaceful when my thoughts are clear and I allow the flow of God’s Grace to direct me on my path of right thinking and right action. I have faith, trust, and inner calm knowing I am blessed and can achieve whatever I believe. Come on this Zenspirational Journey with me to see the Grace of God everywhere. https://youtu.be/-2oLh2I7MzA
LOVE IS THE ART OF THE HEART – Love is the Art of the Heart, from which a wellspring of Caring, Consideration, Compassion, Kindness and Respect flows to ourselves and others. Love is the medium we can use to paint our Canvas of Life with, to obtain inner peace and from this place of peace, shine the radiant light we truly are, bringing a sense of unity and oneness to those we meet along our path. https://youtu.be/ZTrMDWIPMYc
I FEEL SPIRIT’S LOVE AND KNOW WE ARE ONE - I love to commune with Spirit, but especially when at my lowest ebb and flow of life. I ask Spirit for guidance and listen to his voice for his encouraging word, having faith in knowing I am never alone. In this Zenspirational video, I Feel Spirit’s Love and Know We Are One, I am reminding all of us that we are loved forever by Spirit and he is constantly guiding us on our journey. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/3R0dxjQe1Ng
BLESSED BY SPIRIT’S LIGHT AND LOVE – Under Spirit’s watchful eye, and being blessed with renewed life and a commitment to live after a conscious suicide attempt in 1996, where I didn’t die, the blessings given to me by Spirit of understanding, wisdom, patience, tolerance, compassion, kindness and empathy have restored my faith and trust in myself, as a being of light and love. I am sharing these angelic messages with you in this Zenspirational video, Blessed By Spirit’s Light And Love. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/4nih_sjkqV4
WHERE THERE’S LIGHT, THERE’S A WAY – During my darkest times, I felt completely lost, alone and had no will to live. As a young girl, I intrinsically knew that Spirit was always with me, but as an adult, as overwhelming challenges became my reality, I had to search really deep into my soul to reconnect with Spirit’s Light and Love. I share these inspirational words in this video, Where There’s Light, There’s A Way, so that others may be guided to Spirit’s Light and Love. https://youtu.be/8mkrLqWNVdU
DREAMS FLOURISH WITH THE SEEDS WE SOW – Dreams are divinely woven by The Divine's Thread, coming to us as inspirational thoughts (seeds) which we can choose to plant and “sow” into realities. Most of my life I have felt very unworthy, unappreciated and without direction, not having any real purpose. As my faith and trust in Spirit became the guiding force that led me through my daily life, I was made aware of my purpose and passion. Today, I live my dream as a Messenger of Hope for the Angels, sharing their inspirational and spiritual messages with others to “Never Give Up and Never Lose Hope!”
GOD’S GRAND MASTERPEACE – Our Universe is the creation of Spirit’s Divine Design for all of humanity on planet earth. In this lifetime, as we come to understand one another better and connect through the unity of Unconditional Love and through our selfless acts of caring, consideration, compassion, kindness and respect creating harmony, peace, happiness, joy, and trust with each other, we all become a part of God’s Grand MasterPeace. We can all be instrumental in orchestrating the change our world needs for healing today! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/hc5IV9UN0-c
MAY PEACE FILL OUR HEARTS WITH LOVE TODAY – Peace is our natural inheritance, gifted to us from our Creator. As we become kinder and have more compassion, tolerance, understanding, consideration and respect for each other, harmony will prevail on our planet. Compassion, Kindness and Respect Create Love. Love Initiates Peace. May we all allow Peace to Fill Our Hearts with Love Today, so we can do our part in bringing Global Peace and Unconditional Love to Our World. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/aoYFqeE8pZs
TREASURE EVERY MOMENT AS A GIFT - Treasure every moment as a gift are the words that remind us to stay in spiritual flow by remaining calm and centered in Spirit’s love and guidance. There is nothing we need to do except “Just Be” and allow peace to flow through our soul. As we understand that each moment is a gift from Spirit, we can choose to be loving, kind and compassionate in every moment with each other. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/KFG_mtvaI3Y
GOD'S BLESSINGS OF LOVE AND LIGHT EMBRACE ME - As I become more aware of the Spiritual Light I am and wish to shine throughout humanity, I realize intrinsically that this can only happen as I allow God's Blessings of Love and Light to Embrace Me. It is my desire that these divinely orchestrated words, gifted to me from the Angels, touch your heart so that you can embrace God's Divine Love and Light meant for you and reflect your spiritual light on humanity, too. Enjoy!
OUR WORLD WILL HEAL WITH PEACE - In this Zenspirational video, I describe, through photos and angelically channeled words, how our world will heal and become a peaceful planet through having inner peace ourselves. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/UpYnFA8Mupc
WE ARE ALL HERE AS PART OF THE WHOLE – Remembering we came here to be part of the whole of our planet, providing our lights to shine amongst each other, recognizing the unity between our sister and brother, this is a Zenspirational moment. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/NvLy7c9XCPA
TRANQUILITY OF SPIRIT – My Zenspirational Experience happens when my Soul is at Peace and I enjoy a Tranquility of Spirit, by knowing I am never alone and that Spirit’s Light continually shines to and through me, allowing me to awaken to my highest potential. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/xMtR-Ma-S2g
ENLIGHTENED SPIRIT, AWAKENED SOUL – Inspirational and Spiritual Words of Peace, Joy, Love, Compassion and Kindness bring me a Zen feeling, creating in me an Enlightened Spirit and Awakened Soul. Take a Zenspirational Moment today to listen to this music and read these enlightening words. My desire is that the person watching this video is inspired by this presentation. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/-66eI1z_OLU
THE ANGELS ARE WITH US ALWAYS – Divine Intervention, through My Angels, saved my life in 1996. I am now blessed to be a Messenger of Hope for them, letting others know that The Angels Are Always With Us. We can ask for their intervention and help at any moment. They are just waiting to be invited into our lives. While watching this beautiful Zenspirational presentation, I hope you are inspired to connect with your Angels. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/OkHAv0lEZGk
A VULNERABLE HEART IS AN OPEN HEART – A Vulnerable Heart Is An Open Heart when our senses are at their highest frequency, we see everything with new eyes, our feelings of love for ourselves and others intensify, and we desire a deeper sense of peaceful connection for humanity. While watching this beautiful Zenspirational presentation, it is my wish that your heart becomes vulnerable to love and peace by opening up to the newness of every moment. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/zvpDJi1kUxc
ONENESS FOR ALL IS OUR DIVINE CALL – Being at one with each other is what will transform our planet into a world of peace, living harmoniously together. This begins with each of us understanding that Oneness For All Is Our Divine Call. We all came to earth as Divine Love and Light Beings to learn to Be human beings. While watching this beautiful Zenspirational presentation, it is my wish that your spirit and soul align with each other to embody the Divine Oneness that you came here to be. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/HBZQLrq63Fw
SPIRIT’S LIGHT SHINES FOR YOU AND ME – As we come to have a greater awareness of the Universe’s synchronistic messages which are guiding us toward Unconditional Love and Global Peace, we begin to understand that, at all times, Spirit’s Light Shines For You and Me, opening our minds and hearts to the goodness that is ever present in our world. https://youtu.be/TgJw5q39U8I
GOD’S AMAZING GRACE – Walking in Nature, Observing a Sunset, Being Present, Feeling at Peace – all these things are tangible proof to me that God’s Amazing Grace is everywhere I choose to see it. My soul is peaceful when my thoughts are clear and I allow the flow of God’s Grace to direct me on my path of right thinking and right action. I have faith, trust, and inner calm knowing I am blessed and can achieve whatever I believe. Come on this Zenspirational Journey with me to see the Grace of God everywhere. https://youtu.be/-2oLh2I7MzA
LOVE IS THE ART OF THE HEART – Love is the Art of the Heart, from which a wellspring of Caring, Consideration, Compassion, Kindness and Respect flows to ourselves and others. Love is the medium we can use to paint our Canvas of Life with, to obtain inner peace and from this place of peace, shine the radiant light we truly are, bringing a sense of unity and oneness to those we meet along our path. https://youtu.be/ZTrMDWIPMYc
I FEEL SPIRIT’S LOVE AND KNOW WE ARE ONE - I love to commune with Spirit, but especially when at my lowest ebb and flow of life. I ask Spirit for guidance and listen to his voice for his encouraging word, having faith in knowing I am never alone. In this Zenspirational video, I Feel Spirit’s Love and Know We Are One, I am reminding all of us that we are loved forever by Spirit and he is constantly guiding us on our journey. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/3R0dxjQe1Ng
BLESSED BY SPIRIT’S LIGHT AND LOVE – Under Spirit’s watchful eye, and being blessed with renewed life and a commitment to live after a conscious suicide attempt in 1996, where I didn’t die, the blessings given to me by Spirit of understanding, wisdom, patience, tolerance, compassion, kindness and empathy have restored my faith and trust in myself, as a being of light and love. I am sharing these angelic messages with you in this Zenspirational video, Blessed By Spirit’s Light And Love. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/4nih_sjkqV4
WHERE THERE’S LIGHT, THERE’S A WAY – During my darkest times, I felt completely lost, alone and had no will to live. As a young girl, I intrinsically knew that Spirit was always with me, but as an adult, as overwhelming challenges became my reality, I had to search really deep into my soul to reconnect with Spirit’s Light and Love. I share these inspirational words in this video, Where There’s Light, There’s A Way, so that others may be guided to Spirit’s Light and Love. https://youtu.be/8mkrLqWNVdU
DREAMS FLOURISH WITH THE SEEDS WE SOW – Dreams are divinely woven by The Divine's Thread, coming to us as inspirational thoughts (seeds) which we can choose to plant and “sow” into realities. Most of my life I have felt very unworthy, unappreciated and without direction, not having any real purpose. As my faith and trust in Spirit became the guiding force that led me through my daily life, I was made aware of my purpose and passion. Today, I live my dream as a Messenger of Hope for the Angels, sharing their inspirational and spiritual messages with others to “Never Give Up and Never Lose Hope!”
GOD’S GRAND MASTERPEACE – Our Universe is the creation of Spirit’s Divine Design for all of humanity on planet earth. In this lifetime, as we come to understand one another better and connect through the unity of Unconditional Love and through our selfless acts of caring, consideration, compassion, kindness and respect creating harmony, peace, happiness, joy, and trust with each other, we all become a part of God’s Grand MasterPeace. We can all be instrumental in orchestrating the change our world needs for healing today! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/hc5IV9UN0-c
MAY PEACE FILL OUR HEARTS WITH LOVE TODAY – Peace is our natural inheritance, gifted to us from our Creator. As we become kinder and have more compassion, tolerance, understanding, consideration and respect for each other, harmony will prevail on our planet. Compassion, Kindness and Respect Create Love. Love Initiates Peace. May we all allow Peace to Fill Our Hearts with Love Today, so we can do our part in bringing Global Peace and Unconditional Love to Our World. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/aoYFqeE8pZs
TREASURE EVERY MOMENT AS A GIFT - Treasure every moment as a gift are the words that remind us to stay in spiritual flow by remaining calm and centered in Spirit’s love and guidance. There is nothing we need to do except “Just Be” and allow peace to flow through our soul. As we understand that each moment is a gift from Spirit, we can choose to be loving, kind and compassionate in every moment with each other. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/KFG_mtvaI3Y
GOD'S BLESSINGS OF LOVE AND LIGHT EMBRACE ME - As I become more aware of the Spiritual Light I am and wish to shine throughout humanity, I realize intrinsically that this can only happen as I allow God's Blessings of Love and Light to Embrace Me. It is my desire that these divinely orchestrated words, gifted to me from the Angels, touch your heart so that you can embrace God's Divine Love and Light meant for you and reflect your spiritual light on humanity, too. Enjoy!